C-actresses Go All Out in Exquisite Gowns for the 2019 Golden Rooster Awards

C-actress Liu Shi Shi took a short maternity break and is back firing on all cylinders. She won the best dress of the night at the recent Bazaar China charity gala and this weekend at the 2019 Golden Rooster Awards also took everyone’s breath away in a white mermaid gown that looked like she had foam around her shoulders and beautiful waves trailing behind. So many attendees looked fabulous I almost had to look hard for a blah or failed look. Yang Mi went simple but effective in a red strapless with a high slit and Qin Lan in a gradient strapless was insanely wow. The Chinese stars continued to be bold and not play it safe and I so appreciate the results.


C-actresses Go All Out in Exquisite Gowns for the 2019 Golden Rooster Awards — 10 Comments

    • I’m sorry but what are you talking about? They’re skinny but they are not anorexic. They’re about the size of most Asian girls in Asia.

      Sure, the more western standards wants girls to be more curvy but I think they look fine.

      I find it funny that they had to blur out Quin Lan’s cleavage. As if girls are not supposed to have boobs. Lol

      • I don’t know where you’re referring to when you say Asia because if you walk around China, S. Korea, Singapore, to name a few countries, the “average” woman is not the size of these actresses and models. The camera adds weight so in real life the stars are even thinner and they’re expected to uphold these standards by constantly dieting and exercising (mostly the former). On top of that, there are medical procedures used to whiten skin and slim them down, including injections to decrease muscle tissue. I personally prefer more curves on women but that’s just not the trend there. By suggesting that “this is what Asian women look like”, we’re indirectly encouraging women to believe that this is supposed to be the norm.

      • I know it’s easy to blame our culture or even our parents but we are in charge of our body.

        Western standards are also includes extremely thin figure nowdays. It was really hard to find an ‘XS’ size dress 25 years ago, but now it’s way too normal.

      • Well said Lizzyd!

        I personaly like when an Asian look like and asian not a westerner. The idea of beauty is more westernized recently.

        Kids often follow patterns of their parents. That’s where we should start to change this absurd fake self image.

    • Good point. Many posts on Weibo have been pressurising some C-actresses for being too fat and having belly fat. Their health should be priority not their weight, they are actresses not catwalk models.

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