Former C-actress Miki Shum Commits Suicide After Cancer Diagnosis and Husband Cheating with Long Time Mistress

This is such a sad news story and I feel compelled to write about it to give agency and acknowledgment. Former C-actress Miki Shum (Shen Li Jun) was a model turned rising young actress when she landed the young female lead role in All’s Well, Ends Well 2009 with Louis Koo before retiring to become a full time wife and mom after she got married 8 years ago to a chaebol heir in Shanghai. Her agency confirmed today the rumors circulating for the last week that 35-year old Miki committed suicide on Sept 10th by jumping off a building. She was diagnosed with cancer last year and was receiving treatment, but she elected to end her life leaving behind two kids ages 5 and 3 and a very long suicide not that excoriated her husband for cheating on her with a night club mistress he kept for many years, never being home or spending any time with their kids, and later turning into verbal and physical fights that left Miki completed bereft and feeling hopeless that her life was worth leading. She apologized to her kids for leaving them and hoped they would be strong and grow up well. The suicide note is so long it took me 20 minutes and read and so detailed as to explain how horrible her home life was, and now her fans are wishing her happiness without pain and using this as a reminder that young stars marrying a rich man does not equal financial or emotional security. Continue reading