Famous Chinese Actresses Try on the Cinderella Ballgown for Size

There’s a viral photo shop series going around this past week featuring a handful of the currently most popular Chinese actresses spliced into the iconic Cinderella live-action movie poster featuring Lily James. It’s totally worth checking out even if the photo shop skills … Continue reading

C-netizens Howling Over Four Beautiful C-actresses Turned Tacky CCTV Chinese Dancers

When I was growing up and watching tons of Chinese-language historical dramas, most of the time the leading ladies were always ethereally beautiful, but beyond that they always had this grace onscreen like they glided or floated with this out-of-this-world vibe. … Continue reading

Jerry Yan and Tong Li Ya Embark on a Deliciously Tortured Love for C-drama Loving, Never Forgetting

There is a genre of Chinese dramas called nie lian (孽恋) which basically translates as tortured love or tormented love. It’s probably a genre that closest aligns with the makjang K-melodrama. Tortured love C-dramas are all about the dysfunctional love of … Continue reading

C-remake of Legend of the White Snake Slated for 2013 with Leads Tong Li Ya and Yuan Hong

When it rains it pours – for Yuan Hong 2013 is starting to look like his breakout year. He’s already slated to headline the upcoming CCTV period drama Li’s Mansion about a real life epic turn-of-the-century family patriarch, but on top … Continue reading