Wuxia C-drama Xuan Yuan Sword with Hu Ge and Liu Shi Shi Premieres Friday

Friday comes the first big Summer C-drama offering on my radar, Tangren Entertainment‘s drama adaptation of the fantasy wuxia RPG Xuan Yuan Sword: Scar of Sky. Starring Hu Ge, Tang Yan, Liu Shi Shi, Jiang Jing Fu, Lin Geng Xin, and Guli Nezha, I went from completely uninterested in this drama to actually curious about it as the previews and promotions started dropping. I like the cast, but I’m a huge non-fan of drama adaptations of RPG games. It always feels like eating cotton candy, sweet but no substance. Maybe I’m just in the mood for a wuxia drama, or the goodwill from Bu Bu Jing Xin is still around, but this doesn’t look as bad as I had thought initially. Hu Ge plays a dual role in this drama, while Jiang Jing Fu gets to play the optimistic kind hearted hero who seemingly bumbles his way to success.

I can’t really explain the story since I don’t understand it even after reading the synopsis, but it has to do with collecting five mystical all-powerful weapons forged by the Gods, which may or may not affect the future of rival dynastic empires. The lovelines show Hu Ge’s two characters with Tang Yan and Guli Nezha, while Jiang Jing Fu and Liu Shi Shi bicker there way to angsty love. Ahhh, poor Lin Geng Xin once again loses out. It’s okay, puppy, you have the craziest hair in the drama, that’s worth something. Good or bad, I hope this drama is at least fun to watch. Check out all the theme song MVs and gorgeous stills below. Dreadlocked Hu Ge as the bad guy inexplicably works for me. Who knew? Continue reading

The Xuan Yuan Jian Cast Visits Happy Camp and Tang Yan Outs ArGe from LoCH2008 Days

I think my motto now should be “ask and you shall receive”, or maybe “have faith”. I’m a huge ArGe shipper, and in the midst of promotions for the upcoming Tangren fantasy RPG wuxia drama Xuan Yuan Jian, the cast … Continue reading