Thank god that evil pinchy-faced wench from the last episode was shipped back to the US and far far away from our Ha Ni and Seung Jo. I didn’t intend to have my claws out for her in my last recap, since she’s such an insignificant annoyance, but she appeared to have activated the ultra-bitch-smackdown button on my keyboard. Blame my keyboard for those extraneous comments yesterday.
Thankfully, episode 5 of the Playful Kiss Youtube Special Edition brings us back to the warm cozy confines of Ha Ni and Seung Jo’s professional and personal lives, minus a third-wheel.
This episode gave us a good look at Dr. Baek Seung Jo (rocking the neon-green scrubs and white coat, natch), and Nurse Oh Ha Ni (all professional in her nurse uniform and comfy nurse shoes). I feel so proud of how far Ha Ni has come in her nursing career, even though some of her professional decisions in this episode reeked of typical act-before-thinking Oh Ha Ni teenage behavior. Thank god Dr. Baek is around to clean up her mess and give her a kiss.
Youtube Episode 5 Recap:
We open the episode with Ha Ni, dressed in her nurse uniform, praying in the waning daylight. The title card reads: Protect Patient Baek Seung Jo. We cut to Ha Ni walking somewhere, and she voiceovers that Seung Jo has become a doctor, and she has become a nurse, her dream has come true. However, she rarely sees Seung Jo even though they are working in the same small hospital, because Seung Jo is simply too busy.
Ha Ni walks into the hospital, and excitedly calls out to Seung Jo when she sees him. Seung Jo glances at her in passing, but continues walking with the other doctors. Ha Ni worries that Seung Jo hasn’t come home in five days now, working and sleeping at the hospital.
At the nurses’ station, a couple of nurses are discussing how Dr. Baek was in the OR (operating room) for 10 straight hours yesterday. He’s been requested to attend all the major surgeries, and all the senior doctors want him to be their mentee. One nurse looks at Ha Ni and says that her husband has been stolen by the hospital. Another nurse mentions that Dr. Baek has got dark circles under his eyes like a panda, yet he’s still so handsome.
Ha Ni humphs at hearing her fellow nurses mooning over her husband, but does worry when one says that he’s gotten so skinny lately. When a nurse suggests that Ha Ni doesn’t even care about the welfare of her overworked Dr. Baek, Ha Ni stands up and produces her giant lunchbox of love and affection. She announces to the nurses that it contains all types of nutritious foods for Dr. Baek. Ha Ni takes off looking for her hubby to feed him the food.
She can’t find him at the doctors’ lunchroom, and no one appears to know where he’s at. She heads outside, and finally sees Seung Jo at the foot of a set of stairs. Seung Jo is rubbing his neck, likely all the stress is catching up to him. Ha Ni calls out to Seung Jo, and is about to hurry down to meet him when her foot slips and she tumbles down the stairs. Seung Jo grabs her and breaks her fall, causing him to lose consciousness when he strikes the hard ground. Ha Ni is in hysterics when she realizes Seung Jo may be really hurt.
Seung Jo is wheeled back into the hospital, and Ha Ni trails after him, crying for him not to die (seriously, babycakes, die? – how many dramas are you watching?), and that she loves him so much. The other nurses and doctors titter at her dramatics. Seung Jo is resting in the room, and Ha Ni holds his hands and prays to god that he will be alright.
Two doctors come in to check on Seung Jo. Ha Ni worriedly asks whether Seung Jo’s life is in any danger, and the senior physician laughs that no one could die from a broken leg. Ha Ni wonders why Seung Jo hasn’t woken up yet, and is told that Seung Jo is likely sleeping soundly because he’s simply exhausted from days of overwork.
The doctor leaves, but not before telling Nurse Oh Ha Ni to take good care of overworked and exhausted, and now injured, Dr. Baek Seung Jo. Nurse Oh jumps to attention at this wonderful task she’s been handed, and excitedly promises to do her best to nurse Dr. Baek back to health. With all her gibbering and squealing, Seung Jo has been woken up. He grumbles at his wifey’s antics, and asks that she please just let him sleep, fersakes.
The nurses are gossiping again, this time about how Dr. Baek has been admitted as a patient after breaking his leg. He’s scheduled to be admitted for two weeks, and the nurses all want to be assigned to his room. Nurse Oh Ha Ni comes by and drops a pile of paperwork in a huff, proudly telling her other nurses that SHE is Dr. Baek’s personal nurse. The other nurses think she’s not being professional, but Ha Ni says that she’s gotten the approval of the senior treating physician already. She flounces off in victory.
Ha Ni the nurse pops by Seung Jo’s room constantly – to measure his temperature, give him a shot, changed his bandages. The poor man gets no reprieve from his ministering wife/nurse.
Ha Ni promises to stick to Seung 24/7, and act as his hands and legs during his stay at the hospital. Seung Jo grouches at Ha Ni’s constant attention, but lets her continue her cosplay in real life as his nursemaid.
Ha Ni insists on feeding Seung Jo his meal, even though the poor man has full use of his functioning arms and hands. He finally gives up and lets her feed him to her heart’s content. He really does indulge her – even though he grumbles and is brusque with her, when push comes to shove he always lets her get her way in the littlest of things that make her happy.
Nurse Oh Ha Ni runs into another doctor coming into Seung Jo’s room. The doctor is carrying a pile of patient files, which belong to Seung Jo and need him to complete. Ha Ni tries to say that Seung Jo can’t work on them, but the other doctor points out that he only has a broken leg and can clearly review patient files. Ha Ni takes them from the doctor and ushers him out of there.
Rather than give them to Seung Jo, she actually tries to complete them. She works all night, and struggles to understand all the medical terms. (She is thisclose to committing malpractice, so I hope Seung Jo fixes this debacle soon enough.) In the morning, the other doctor comes to see Seung Jo huffing and puffing. He accuses Seung Jo of being negligent now that he is himself a patient.
The other doctor plops all the Ha Ni-completed patient files in front of Seung Jo, telling him that NOTHING is correctly written on these files, except for Seung Jo’s name. Oh god, this just makes me want to curl up and die laughing at Ha Ni. Both doctors realize the truth immediately, and Seung Jo has no choice but to smile at the lengths his wife will go to for him.
The doctor tells Seung Jo that when he was wheeled into the hospital, Ha Ni was crying that if Seung Jo died she wouldn’t be able to live without him. She would die, too. Seung Jo smiles at his wifey’s silly antics, but takes the patient files so that he can clean up her handiwork. Ha Ni innocently comes to visit her patient/husband, and is astonished to see him working on the patient files.
Seung Jo admonishes Ha Ni for doing something so potentially damaging – the patients’ lives are at risk with her completing the charts for him. Ha Ni defends herself by saying that she asked her nurse leader for help, and she was only doing it to keep Seung Jo from working too hard when he needed rest. She’s sorry that she keeps causing trouble for him, even if all she wanted to do was take care of him.
Ha Ni’s tears start to fall, and she confesses that no matter how hard she tries, she can’t become a perfect wife to Seung Jo. Our Seung Jo can’t withstand the onslaught of his beloved Ha Ni’s tears, and quickly grabs her hands. He confesses that he’s not a perfect husband either, what with being unable to properly protect Ha Ni when she fell off the stairs, and breaking his own leg in the process.
Ha Ni shakes her head at hearing this, but melts when Seung Jo quietly thanks her for all she has done.
He leans in to kiss her, and the camera stays with this soft, gentle, but intimate kiss until it ends and the couple embraces tenderly.
Thoughts of Mine:
As much as I think Ha Ni is adorable (and ridiculous at times), and Seung Jo is pretty awesomesauce (and infuriating at times), it’s together as a couple that they push all my right buttons. The ending of this episode was lovely, an honest attempt at communication and resolution of a marital (plus professional) conflict.
I love this kiss because it was so intimate, a moment between a husband and a wife, in the privacy of their hospital room. Regardless of how many times Ha Ni screws up, Seung Jo’s reaction is simply to push her to acknowledge her mistake and learn from it, but never to punish her or put her down. He appreciates everything she does for him, and only wants to remind her not to let her love for him cause her to make bad judgment calls.
I hope PKissers the world over, whether married or unmarried, watch these episodes and really take away something substantive about how hard marriage can be, and how two people need to work at understanding and appreciating each other.
[Credit: all screencaps from Baidu Playful Kiss bar]
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View Comments
Thank you for your recap. I watched this really early this morning...(time change is killing me, but that means I get to see the episode as soon as it's loaded)..I giggled so much at Ha Ni's dramatics. She's adorbs.
The kiss was sweet and prolonged...yay, but it seems that JSM is rather awkward while KHJ is really getting into the groove of kissing and moving his hands up her arms. JSM shy all of the sudden? Please don't let that affect the Birthday episode...please, please.
I got the shivers. I have a thing for hospital kisses since my General Hospital viewing days. They should have shot them in bed self.
I think they always rehearse a little bit just before they shoot the scene (as we've seen in the BTS), so, it may have been the director's idea to have that sweet albeit awkward hug in the end.
I guess nobody in Korea wears nurse costume in parties. hehehe
I posted down that Ha Ni clings/holds on to Seung Jo's shirt everytime they hug. Maybe that's why it looks awkward? I think it's cute that she does that. She clings on to him everytime (almost) they hug, she is not hugging him with close fists.
yes I think that clinging on to BSJ rather than hugging is very cute :)
"but it seems that JSM is rather awkward while KHJ is really getting into the groove of kissing"
Yes, this exactly. Upon reflection, it's not so much that I wanted it to be more passionate...but more familiar? I want it to seem like they've kissed a million times at this point. Both kisses in ep 4 & 5, Ha Ni seems as if it's the first kiss. And, in a way, I can understand that she might always behave this way. But it doesn't really jive with her sucking his face off at the wedding and in the last scene of ep 16 (even if we didn't get to see it!) .
I think it's more the director than the actors, though. Someone is telling her to be all demure. Meh!
I just figured that Hani was being Hani and didn't want to hurt the "fragile" patient.
I dunno...she smacked his ass pretty good!
(Also, free internet on plane! So yes, I am flying from Anchorage to Seattle...and browsing AKP, obsessed much?)
LOL yay away from the eternal winter! :P
As a hyunnie I MUST protest! to the butt smack and save Hyunjoong's honor~
yeah right LOL
*but it seems that JSM is rather awkward while KHJ is really getting into the groove of kissing and moving his hands up her arms.*
I noticed it too!! LOL.. I thought I just imagined it or something.. :P
This was really sweet. Thanks for the recap Ockoala. This episode has really left me with not much to say ;)
loved this but it makes me sad that there are only two webisodes to go! thanks for all you's the only thing that makes me wake up at 3am in the morning here in my side of Asia. it's touching to see how far far far these two have gone. would love to continue seeing snippets of their "lives"...
Thankuuuuu ockoala , thanks so much :)
oooops sorry pressed the button post before I finish my comment .
Loved your conclusion about marriage , yes it needs the couple workout together to have a happy marriage .
Those two are really adorable and yes I loved the last scene with the kiss , it was cute .
I'm so happy about SJ and the way he is showing his love for his hani ah , letting her do whatever she wants with him , smiling about her cute silliness , asking forgivness for making her cry and then thank her , that's really what I can call love
ahhhhhh why don't they give us some Hundered other mini episodes :(
tomorrow's epi seems hillarious ;)
ok I think I have a prob with my laptop , my posts are cut and not fully posted
anyway , tomorrow's episode seems hillarious .
It's sad that they are going to end the episodes without SJ/HN's baby , I so wanted to see how both will be act as parents to a lil cute BSJ jr or lil hani
loved this but it makes me sad that there are only two webisodes to go! thanks for all your's the only thing that makes me wake up at 3am in the morning here in my side of Asia. it's touching to see how far far far these two have gone. would love to continue seeing snippets of their "lives"...
lol...I wonder if Group 8 knows the great lengths that diehard PK fans go through to watch just a 10 minute episode. If not someone should tell them.
I wake up at 4 am in the morning and watch without subs a couple of times. Then I check out the forums and blogs while at work. I get home, rush through dinner and family time so that I can park my bottom down to watch the episode again with subs or catch up on latest comments on blogs and forums.
This has been an ongoing experience since PK started. I'm already in serious decline. I am very disinterested in any other dramas (and I love JGS).
@katwoman, i hear you. its a disease. one that i'm happily willing to catch. and pass on as necessary. :D
Hi, katwoman and yeisha
hahaha.... same here. Everyday was motivated by PK... change timetable. Change habit. Checking Oakoala, MissChievous Land 24/7 hahahah... still no mood for other dramas. for JGS, sorry, he have to wait for final YTkiss next week then I will watch M3. yeah... I'm willingly and enjoyable the disease...
yup! me too
hahahaha.. i know how you feel.... I second third, fouth... hundredth that thought...
i mean i have always been a stickler for "what ever drama that has good story/characters/plot/OST, then i will surely watch & enjoy.."
i mean i know MGIAG is a very good drama, based from the recaps/articles that I somehow read, and I do LOVE LOVE LOVE LSG since famous sisters. and I have always been a fan of korean historical drama like Jewel in the Palace, Yisan, Ijimae, tale of the fox Child & etc. i am also a great believer of action dramas like Iris & etc. and i also LOVE, and am obsessed with romantic comedies like full house, sassy girl, pasta & etc, but even with my fave young actress MGY in M3 cant seem to get me off my PK addiction. with only 2 more webisodes to go, i am going crazy with what am i to do after this...?
Ockoala..? help..? i mean you will still post anything and everything PK related even if the show ended right...?
ahhh this is the first time that my brain singularly zeroed in a DRAMA, I am a prisoner of my addiction...
there i said it... I am an addict...
I just wanted to say, I've completely forgot what my internet surfing habits were pre-August...although it must have been my contacting anyone--everyone--I knew in korea for Youngbae/Taeyang's deluxe album ^_^ (which I got woot!) But yeah, my scheduler even has "September 1'st KIM HYUN JOONG" written on it, which I believe was when the drama started to air.
So yeah, I should also like to mention, I was seriously contemplating getting a smart phone just for the internet so i could surf and comment on blogs (like this) better :P
caught the disease too!! this is way too addicting.. ;)
I do feel the same way! I want to keep my main focus solely on PK. I'm kinda selfish to share that time and get distracted with another drama especially now that the YT eps are almost over. As you can see, I'm a bona fide PK addict but loving it!!
Ditto ditto. And since this is so early in my drama watching craze, I'm worried that I won't be able to enjoy others the same! And in a way, I feel like I'm cheating. Haha. What the hell?
I'm feeling little pangs of sadness in my heart that this is almost over. But then I think of how WGM continues to thrive and I think PK may well be the same. :)
omo! am glad i'm not the only one having this chronic disease... i was afraid i'll be alone to end up in an asylum. kekeke!
Our diagnosis
gosh... ours therefore is a terminal case.... cancer on its last stage. whahahahhah!!!
What to do? What to do? Post PK withdrawal symptoms could be severe!! May have to check in a PK rehab center and join in a PK support group!
@TeaCup... i guess the rehab center won't be able to accommodate the humongous bunch of PK addicts. LOL
me too!!
Teacup, I will check in to rehab too if the doctor is a certain Baek Seung Jo.
Probably have to wait in line for hours to get in! hehehe
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Been waiting for the recaps..
Oh, Oh Ha Ni! You are such a cute goofball! But where are the wheelchair scenes of Baek Seung Jo? Got cut?
And I'm also glad they got rid of little miss-pinchy-faced -"Seung-jo-oppa"-homewrecker. =)
Oh yeah, I also loved nurse Hani giving hubby his shot on his butt! It would've been better if they took a close-up of said butt, however all will be forgiven if they do (finally) show the supposed steamy scene. No cuts this time please! And no camera panning either. No umbrellas. No walls. Or doors. Or windows. No dark car seats. No shots from the back.
Only two more webisodes to go.
No cuts this time please! And no camera panning either. No umbrellas. No walls. Or doors. Or windows. No dark car seats. No shots from the back.
The list of previous obstructions is quite long, isn't it?
Eeehehe, the butt smacking was the *best part* for me, only because it came totally out of left field and cracked me up so bad.
@ LulyBunny...
KHJ fantasy 2.564--butt graze LOL
yes was wondering about that wheelchair scene filmed by a fan , it was cut for sure just like some others and that's sad .
Ockoala, you're seriously the best. Your recap/updates are so fast, and always spot-on. I love reading your thoughts, as well, because there's always something in them that I haven't considered.
I love how these webisodes aren't showing Ha-ni and Seung-jo living in a make-believe married bliss. People don't magically change when they get married, or live happily ever after simply because they have a shiny ring on their finger. I also love how, despite Seung-jo and Ha-ni being very different people, they communicate well and are able to see things from the other person's point of view, enabling their relationship to continue to grow and flourish and benefit both of them. And most of all, I love their give-and-take. As you said, "He really does indulge her – even [when] he grumbles and is brusque with her, when push comes to shove he always lets her get her way in the littlest of things that make her happy." If only all relationships were so well-functioning. I <3 Seung-jo and Ha-ni. :)
I think it works so well because he knows whatever garble he says will just bounce off but she can hear what it he feeling--difference in hearing and truly listening...also, he can read her like a book so he knows all her intentions. They've got true communication now, so unlike before. :)
*it’s together as a couple that they push all my right buttons*
Thank you Ockoala for stating this so perfectly. I'm sleep-deprived but pretty much floating in the air because of these two. They really do compliment each other in the best possible way. <3
And yes, I agree with you that the kiss was their most intimate yet. I felt like an intruder watching it. Thank the Lord for stark hospital rooms - no candles and walls (or other inanimate objects) to block our view. I've said this before and I'll say this again, I am positively melting at that look + smile that he gave her right before the kiss. So very gentle it makes my toes curl. *sigh*
BSJ, if you keep this up, I might be forced to quit my job, move to Seoul, and work at Parang Uni Hospital with you. ;)
The humidifier provided the right amount of mist for a halo/foggy affect. :P
Or that just might be my imagination...
Hear Hear!!! Another great recap! I can't believe there's only 2 more episodes!
Sweet... <3
Oh, I'm wondering if this is already the intimate scene KHJ is talking about during his recent interview. XD Cause if this is already it, ugh, we want moooore! XD