Categories: Drama Previews

Video Preview for Dream High Episode 7

Yay, the video preview for Dream High episode 7 is out! Boo, because it’s way too short, and has way too much Baek Hee for my taste. But it ends with glimpses of Sam Dong and Hye Mi doing a duet, and angtsy Jin Gook dancing a dance of pain and taking off his shirt. Can DH get any better? I think so!

Video preview for episode 7 of DH:


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  • Awww. Thank you so much, Ms. Koala! I can hardly wait for this. I even find myself listening to the OST during hiking :o)

  • I am not liking the baekhee character but I like seeing Eunjung and Taec on screen together so I am looking forward to ep. 7.

  • Clearly, he's taking off his short while dancing merely because it would be impractical to install a shower on-stage. (Angsty Shower Interpretive Dance? I could get behind that).

    Baek Hee needs to get off my screen - I don't care if she's evil, I care that she's whiny and irritating.

  • @dangermousie: Agreed. But I may be bias cuz I have a preference for my baddies to be bad, delicious and tortured - no meekness or cowardice allowed.

  • Why would Jin gook make that kind of facial expression and then take off his shirt?? lol It doesn't make sense... I'm super excited to see Hye mi and Sam Dong do a duet!!!! WHOO!! Can't wait!

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Tags: Dream High

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