Categories: Fashion

First Photos Released From Yoo Ah In’s Jack & Jill Shoot in Los Angeles

Clearly that picture above is not from Yoo Ah In modeling any collection called Jack & Jill that existed in the Joseon era. I don’t blog about Yoo Ah In much, since there are plenty of blogs spreading the Moony love, and he’s not done any projects since finishing Sungkyunkwan Scandal

By digging up a picture of his star-making turn in SS, I just wanted to remind people who don’t know Yoo Ah In from Yoo Hana, that the guy in question is one certain Moon Jae Shin aka Moony aka Super Hottie in Black. Yoo Ah In was in Los Angeles in January of this year to film a clothing photospread, amongst other things. The first stills are out and are available after the jump.

What can I say? He manages to make even bland and actually quite fugly fashion items look great.

Yoo Ah In is an actor that I swear looks way better in sageuk garb than he does in modern wear. Perhaps I’ve still got Moony on the brain, but I think my assessment has a kernal of truth. In sageuk garb he looks broody and sexy, in modern garb he looks boyish and charming. What the heck, I’m happy either way, as long as he picks his next project wisely and quickly.


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  • Yup! I think so too. He looks way hotter in SS as Moon Jae Shin (with all that messy hair, and not when his hair is neatly put on a bun when attending Sungkyunkwan classes).

  • he looks like a "boy" in these pics it's not too bad---but i kinda prefer the sexy, scruffy & manly moon jae shin.

  • YOO AH IN!!!!
    our moony!!!!!!!!!!!!
    we miss you!!!

    love him as an actor and got to agree that he's masculine and sexy in saguek garb while his boyish and seem playful in modern garb.

    he's such a charming guy!

  • Awww...Moony-shi in LA, why didn't I know about this? lol not that I was even near LA last month but I might have made a stalking trip just for YAI :D just lovely Koala, thank you!

    • BUT I WAS in LA!! And quite probably drove by the intersection featured in photo #1. GRumble grumble grumble.

  • Ms Ockoala!!! how truly SPOT-ON you are abt Yoo Ah In looking so perfect in sageuk garb - smoulderingly hot look - compared to him looking sooo young in modern garb... i MISS our dear Moony!!! ('',)

  • hope to see him soon in any project. but i'm with you, he look way.... better in sageuk garb (and hotter ;))

  • I totally fell in love with him on SS. I was actually rooting for him than the male lead because he's waaaay hotter and he can act better and he's a much better person (on the drama) for me.

    I super agree with you as well that he looks better on his Moony garb than modern clothing. ^^

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