Categories: Fashion

Newlyweds Lee Chun Hee and Jeon Hye Jin Pose for Cosmopolitan Korea

Lee Chun Hee married his Smile, You co-star Jeon Hye Jin last week in a blissfully happy wedding attended by family, friends, and plenty of K-stars. In conjunction with their wedding, both posed for a series of couples shots for Cosmopolitan Korea magazine that are breathtaking in showing how much they adore each other.

I can actually feel the love emanating from the stills. The picture above takes my breath away, by virtue of how effortlessly he holds her feet in his hands and the look of adoration in his eyes. I love seeing pictures of couples in love, which always brings a smile to my face and a warmth straight to my heart.

[Credit: Cosmopolitan Korea]


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  • Yes , very pleasant to watch ! But which couple is not lovey-dovey in the very beginning ? They are very beautiful . Why not hoping the best for them ?

  • Chun lee.I love that dorky guy since family outing..happy that he’s happy.hope they will last long.

    • yes! i crush on this 'stupid' guy in Family Outing :D... since he and park hye jin -noona quit from FO season 1, it's not the same atmosphere anymore... :) chun hee, miss u.......

  • Awww.

    If I'm 100% honest with myself and you, I'd have to admit that while I'm happy for them, I feel a little bit jealous, too. Ah well, what can you do if you haven't found your other half yet?

  • The first one is also my favorite... Both look cute and the fact that they are really in love gives another dimension to the atmosphere

  • I'm actually watching Smile, You for the first time right now. Like the show, these pics are like hot chocolate for the heart! :)