Categories: Drama Previews

Spoilers for 49 Days on the Relationship between Scheduler and Song Yi Kyung

I think the mysteries in 49 Days are not all that interesting, such as why Min Ho and In Jung want to swindle Ji Hyun’s family, what Scheduler and Yi Kyung’s relationship is, why Kang is so affected by Ji Hyun. I find the inter-relationships and interactions much more compelling – less talk about the why, and more feeling about the what to do.

I actually read detailed character descriptions last month at the 49 Days Daum Café, which explicitly explains Song Yi Soo’s relationship to Song Yi Kyung. Possible spoilers after the jump (but be forewarned that this is the initial set-up from before the drama premiered, and may be subject to change as the writer choses since the drama is live filming).

Song Yi Soo and Song Yi Kyung were two orphans that were left in front of the orphanage at around the same time. They were given similar names, and grew up together in the orphanage, becoming each other’s only family, and later became romantically involved. They are both studying hotel management in college, and Yi Kyung’s dream is to marry Yi Soo, run a pension together, and start a family.

Yi Soo becomes uninterested in that career path, instead he loves music and the music scene. Yi Kyung has a bitter fight with Yi Soo over all the women who surround him because he is a musician, and they break up. During the breakup, Yi Soo gets into a motorcycle accident and dies. In the blink of an eye, Yi Kyung has lost both her only family and her lover, and she literally has no one left in her life. She loses all will to live and turns into a walking shell of a human.

Well there you have it. Even without this character description, after watching episode 8, there ain’t no way in hell Yi Soo (who is definitely Scheduler) and Yi Kyung are just siblings. Siblings don’t stare at each other with that tension and angst the way Scheduler looked at Yi Kyung in the coffee shop. The fact that Yi Soo is not just her lover, but also her entire family, actually makes it more believable that Yi Kyung would be wallowing in her misery for so long, unable to move on, especially if Yi Soo died before they had a chance to reconcile.

Chances are good that the last words Yi Kyung said to Yi Soo before he died were bitter and angry accusations of betrayal and disappointment, words that she wishes she could take back if only she had a chance. It’s not just about someone Yi Kyung loved that died – Yi Soo represents her past, her dream future, and a regret she can never fix. No wonder she’s a walking dead. Ji Hyun’s adoration and care for Yi Kyung is one of the sweetest parts of 49 Days, and if both girls get a chance to live again (resurrection both literal and figurative), I hope they become friends.


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  • Finally someone posted this, I had read this but was not sure why no one talked about it. I thought then it was fake. But it seems not. Oh also Koala do you remember Yi Kyung seeing that house when she thought in her ex-lover / brother? Some people and me, think that maybe the house she wanted to buy to live together with him was designed by Han Kang. We think this because the scheduler said, everyhting is connected. So we think Han Kang is also connected with Yi Kyung :D also, some people think that maybe Ji Hyun and Yi Kyung are sisters. Because Ji Hyun mother said ''our remaining child'' making it sound like had other child who we don't know about. Maybe Yi kyung is the long lost sister of Ji Hyun. :) Well about Min Ho and In jung I really don't care heheheh seem boring. But I do like Ji Hyun and Yi Kyung being friends or helping each other.

    • Which episode is there the sub that the mother of Ji Hyun saying, "My remaining child?"

      I don't recall any of the episodes with the mother saying such thing, maybe the subbing was not good for the videos I watched? I watched them at dramacrazy. I think the subbing I watch said, "My only child."

      I think it will be too much of a coincidence if Ji Hyun and Yi Kyung is related as sister. This show already have too much of a fantasy element. Also it would make Ji Huyn hate Yi Kyung, she unintentionally caused her death and numerous of injuries to others.

      • About that, some people fluent on korean were saying the mother said it, and that the subs saying my ''only child'' wouldn't be so right since the way she said that was like meaning remaining child.

        They said it was strange to her use the word she used if that was not the intention......

        Or maybe the scheduler is her long lost brother! This would be wow...........

      • I remember thinking it odd too when I'd heard it. She says it during one of the hospital scenes.

        And I too wondered if Yi Kyung and Ji Hyun were related because of that.

  • .."and if both girls get a chance to live again (resurrection both literal and figurative), I hope they become friends."
    With Scheduler as their common bond right?!! that would be awesome. I can already picture JH running after YK going "unnie" - hehe
    But then again would HK be weirded out seeing YK (who would be very unlike JK).. so many possibilities!!!
    thank you for the post
    have an awesome weekend :)

  • Ohhhh! Thanks so much for the spoilers! Confirms my guess that the accident left the Scheduler/Yi Soo dying with regrets and Yi Kyung living with regrets.

    And yeah I hope Ji Hyun and Yi Kyung become friends!

  • wow this seems intense! It looks that LYW loves really tragic stories

    while you dislike all the bla bla in this drama I love every second of it ... to me seems too speedy and it doesn't seem draggy at all(if you want to see slow motion drama even a million of things happens on screen watch Midas -and gosh how much I love NMW OR LMJ-NMW char looks ineffective to me and LMJ's char I really hate it - I know I'm an alien )
    Indeed I don't get to stay on the tips of my toes at the end of each episode but I LOVE watching it - it is a fun story with ghosts - I wonder if they'll do a spookie ep - I think not coz it is too fluffy

    On the other hand I worry about last episodes: usually in a kdrama resolving the main problem is made at the end and all the accumulated tension is lost even though it looks like we have enough to tell in about 50 eps... they drag it with petty subjects and important hijinks are left aside ( I was so disappointed to find out from spoilers of course the siblings things between the 2 of them I wanted smth kinky so badly)

  • Oh INTERESTING! Especially given The Scheduler died in a motorcycle accident and Ji-hyun got hurt because she was swerving to avoid someone on a motorcycle. Everything really is connected.

    I keep wondering if Yi-kyung will be the third person to cry for Ji-hyun. Though that would mean she would have to be aware of Ji-hyun. I keep imagining Yi-kyung certain that Ji-hyun won't remember her, only to have Ji-hyun call her "unnie" as soon as she sees her. It probably won't play out that way, but it would be nice if Ji-hyun becomes Yi-kyung's family. (But, seriously, if Ji-hyun does wake up, it's a dirty trick if she has to go right back to who she was before the accident.)

    Also, how much you want to bet that the deal that The Scheduler made in exchange for five years of service was to be able to make things right with Yi-kyung?

  • i just wonder though, while ji-hyun is being so sweet to yikyung and all now, does she have any inkling that her accident was caused by yi-kyung at all? if she does i wonder how will the angst play out... hmmmm

    • I am pretty sure JH knows that YK indirectly caused the accident because didn't the scheduler say that that is the reason why they are letting JH use YK's body? I'd have to go back and check the dialogue, but yeah.

      Anyways, I knew this was floating around somewhere. I really hope they stick with this storyline because it will definitely be interesting how it all pans out.

      • I don't think she knows. The scheduler told JH to think carefully. But she was clueless and therefore the scheduler berated her by saying, "weren't you paying any attention at all?"

        She was too depressed catching her best friend and her fiancee being all love-dovely after she bought a beautiful bridemaid dress for her ex-best friend.

  • Thank you so much for this info Koala! One week sure is too long for the next episode...I need treats like this while waiting. Here's hoping you wouldn't give up recapping this drama. I first watched this because of the Scheduler, and now, I'm so loving Kang too. I wonder where Ji-Hyun will get those other two tears. Kang is a given, so where will she get those other two, I wonder. She may even get one from Min-Ho, the bastard that he is now, his character might have a 180 degree-turn towards the end, when his conscience finally eats him whole and realize that he loves Ji-Hyun all along (since he seems to fall for her now, well, in Yi-Kyung's body). The third? Is it from the Scheduler? He he. Well, I think he has a bestfriend in Ji-Hyun now. They're soulmates, literally (heh). No? Well, yes he's not counted but he's almost done being a Scheduler. So what exactly would he be after this 5-year stint as a reaper? A lost soul? Yes, I guess it's far-out too. I also would like to see the Scheduler being more human, when he finally recognizes Yi-Kyung. That would be a scene to watch! I love JIW in the Return of Iljimae so I know he could really act. I want to see angsty JIW. So really, I hope you wouldn't give up recapping this :). It will be a lot more fun with you around...

  • Ah, that explains the sparks between Scheduler and YK in episode 8. Thanks for providing the insights as to why YK is the way she is. I would be pretty depressed too if I thought I was all alone in the big wide world.

    Btw, I thought I heard YH's mom refer to an ''oppa'', maybe that's Scheduler? Interesting thought, huh?

    • @Madkdr - that will be sad.
      For some reason, I think in the end, she may choose to save YK instead of collect the 3 tears for herself?? (maybe)... but she is continuing to grow and it is nice to watch.

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Tags: 49 Days

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