Categories: K-dramas

Three Real Kisses and One May K-drama Poll

My dearest drama friend Thundie, who always has the coolest and most creative posts, whispered to me yesterday that she was running a poll on the May K-dramas, asking folks what is their favorite, etc. I told her I’d make a post just to pimp her poll, so click here to vote away to your heart’s content. It looks like Best Love is leading the pack in all categories, except for one. Our Kang Ji Hwan and Yoon Eun Hye is already the runaway favorite in the OTP category.

Frankly I’m amazed, because LTM is getting little love elsewhere, so I’m pleased that even folks who don’t much like the drama acknowledge how undeniable the chemistry is between those two. Since I’m asking y’all to vote, which is like giving you homework, I’m tossing in a reward, if you will. Below the jump is the SBS released BTS of the Ice-cream kiss filming and additonal stills of the three kisses.

BTS of Karoake and Ice-cream kiss:

Icec-cream Kiss:

He-kisses-her Cola Kiss:

All three kisses have been accompanied by such meta-dialogue that it makes any Hwan-Hye shipper completely insane (i.e. me). Recall Ah Jung asking Ki Joon “is it real or just acting?” Swap out the character and insert Eun Hye asking Ji Hwan “is it real or just acting?” about them filming these acting scenes for LTM. Yup, blows my mind.

She-kisses-him Cola Kiss:

They are my runaway vote for OTP of the year. No one else comes close, even if there are some great OTP already this year. True story – I upped the intensity on my treadmill tonight to vent my frustration at the ending of episode 8, but after while my mind flitted to the Cola Kiss and then I started giggling, and in a fit of swooning my foot slipped and I toppled off the running track. Yes, Ji Hwan and Eun Hye making out like bunnies made me fall off my treadmill. I am not ashamed or embarassed.


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  • Yes, Ji Hwan and Eun Hye making out like bunnies made me fall off my treadmill. I am not ashamed or embarassed.

    hahah! love your comment !!! ♥

  • HOT HOT HOT!!!! just like you every time i watch them on scene i get this tingling feeling in my stomach..they might not be getting a lot of love elsewhere but this site's love will make up for it..thanks for all the goodies =)

  • voted! wheee! i finally get to watch ep 7-8 of LTM! thanks so much, i was so sad when they decided to drop it at DB but i understand the reason why. just wanted you to know that your site is awesome and i bow down to you for the recaps(and tons & tons of HAWT pics!!) :)

  • Aww, Koala! The idea of you falling off your treadmill just makes me giggle. I think I might love you a little for that!

  • Gosh, ockoala! We really are LTM and YEH-KJH shippers! You've had more posts about LTM than any other drama in 2 days! Love it!

    I've been checking other sites and LTM IS loved!

    LTM ranks 1st in MYSOJU.COM for number of views of its episodes.

    The LTM Soompi thread is accelerating at an unimaginable speed with so many posts and views. Just last night the number of users peaked to 548! It currently has 2,515 replies and 406,892 views beating all the May dramas.

    In its rank moved from 171 to 95 in a span of a week!

    I read that in major Korean portals, LTM made it to the most searched...


    Many thanks for this blog!

  • public making out, hahahhaha, love them so so muchhhhhhhh..... thanks to Ockoala 'coz u stand still for LTM!! Yay..

  • ockoala, just to let you know you have gained a fan in me. i am not really into blogs but somehow you made me realise the fun in reading blogs and its benefits so thank you. that COKE KISS is epic. i don't see AJ and KJ in that kiss at all. every time i watch that kiss, all i see is KJH and YEH. gawddd i want them to kiss every chance they get even though my heart says no at the moment because d i c khead KJ just broke my heart for hurting AJ.

    YEH and KJH, how can they kiss like that and not feel love? damn such good actors they are! i am going to bet my allowance for the week, there is going to be a lovescene to culminate all the kissing scene. there MUST be or else........

  • tee hee, i already voted b4 i saw your post & when i vote for the OTP, Kang Ji Hwan and Yoon Eun Hye was not the top. Only second. :) glad to know that they are the tops now.

  • if they ever date in real life and get married, they will be the most powerful couple in kdrama history ^_^

  • Koala you so funny....looks like LTM syndrome affected you so badly...I'm with you...can I join u in the treadmill n fall down together??? ckckckckck....OTP: YEH-HWAn (spell in chinese ye4 wan3 - night) this two always on my mind every night (pervert)hahaha

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