Categories: K-dramas

Spy Myung Wol to Replace Han Ye Seul Who Has Left Korea for Los Angeles

Things on the set of Spy Myung Wol have just gone from horrific to never-before-seen-nuclear-bomb level bad. As of midnight August 15th, lead actress Han Ye Seul has left South Korea and gone back to LA. Really, Leslie? That bad? Lee-Kim Productions (the company producing SMW, whereas KBS is the station that bought this drama and is airing it) has announced that it will be replacing her and finishing the rest of the drama.

Unknown are the details: which actress will be stepping into this mess (and what character she will play – literally replace Myung Wol or another new character), and will the drama resume airing next week, or the week thereafter with the revamped storyline and new lead actress. Lee-Kim Productions also announced it will be suing Han Ye Seul a cool 10 billion won for interference of business, which is a criminal charge, and that additional breach of contract charges are forthcoming, which the production has stated that Han Ye Seul’s agency Sidus HQ will participate in as well.

A representative for Lee-Kim Productions spoke with the media and gave their side of the story:

During the meeting on the 15th, Han Ye Seul apparently agreed to come back to filming on August 16th, so her suddenly leaving South Korea for LA is as much as shock to the production as it is to everyone else. They think Han Ye Seul is trying to end her career in Korea, otherwise her actions are so extreme there is no going back for her.

Lee-Kim Productions actually takes the side of Han Ye Seul in her fight with the PD, explaining she got as much time off as everyone and she didn’t miss a lot of filming to do CFs contrary to reports. As for the discord between PD Hwang and Han Ye Seul, the production said the fault lies 80% with the PD and 20% with Han Ye Seul.

While it’s true the relationship went South between the PD and lead actress, but the production emphasized that this is not the way Han Ye Seul should have dealt with it, negatively impacting the rest of the cast and crew. The PD runs the entire show, and when even if there is a dispute, Han Ye Seul is in the wrong for allowing her frustration to be resolved in this manner.

The only known statement from Han Ye Seul is what she tweeted right before she left for LA: “It’s all my fault, be happy.” Eric gave an interview where he emphasized how hard everyone has been working on set, and that he hopes Han Ye Seul comes back so they can finish the drama. He revealed that he told her it would be bad for the drama to change PDs at this point, so clearly he knew about her discord with PD Hwang and tried to defuse the situation.

I’m still in shock over how this entire fiasco unfurled in the last 2 days. Eric might be one of the most cursed leading men in Korea – first Wolf, then his leading lady in Que Sera Sera getting switched at the last minute, having to drop out of Poseidon due to its repeated delay, and now SMW. Does on-set drama and/or calamity following this poor boy? I feel so bad for everyone involved. Yes, even Han Ye Seul, because she clearly is willing to ruin her career over this. I’ll keep bringing more SMW news because I’m really concerned for everyone involved.

[Credit: FN news and Daum media]


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    I I'm speechless. I wonder if HYS will ever be able to get work again after this. Not to mention poor Eric and all the rest of the staff and cast. I can only imagine that HYS has a darn good reason for doing this.

  • omg this is totally drama in a drama. but this bad. way, way bad. Thanks so much Koala for keeping us in the loop. i feel really, really bad for Eric too :(

    • First off, WOW. And, nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! And now onto fantasizing: Hey if this really was a "drama within a drama" as you say jandoe, perhaps the underlying factor no one knows about will involve Eric in some way and will result in a flight to Los Angeles to resolve their lovers' quarrel or whatever it is... heh heh *goes off on an illogical tangent in her mind* Sorry, I just always ship OTPs in dramas and how cool would it be to get some awesomeness out of this fiasco?

  • I just don 't understand why she is not saying anything. This is just worsening her situation. I'm not too familiar with Korean show business, but according to what I've heard, it's known for not giving too many second chances and being tough on its talent. It's likely she had good reasons for doing what she did, but she needs to speak out, and blaming everything on herself, even if it's in sarcastic, is not making things better.

    • I agree... her silence will only make everyone misunderstood her. :/ What if she faced something really terrible for her to leave like this? That's going to be really unfair for her if everyone will cast the blame on the real victim (that is, if she's really the victim in this controversy).

  • wow.. this might be even bigger than the whole lee da hae fiasco.. coz HYS is the lead here... i do wonder how they're gonna resolve this..

    • I'm not much aware of the LDH story (and I feel lazy to Google it either) but seeing on forums and other blogs how much they hate LDH now, I'm afraid HYS will face the same consequence... that is if she will ever return to being an actress. Right now, I highly doubt she will.

      • But LDH did end up coming back with some dramas. Though this seems much worse, considering it's a lead role.

      • Yea true... but I've read comments from threads and other blogs about LDH and some people clearly doesn't like her because of her past issues with EoE. *Some fans are just unforgiving. :/

        *I said some, not all, I hope I won't offend anyone.

    • Let's leave Da Hae out of this. EoE had so much behind-the-scenes infighting that it needs to be its own novel. Very little involved LDH, who in the end found her character (the leading actress role) cut down to 5 minutes a freaking episode where all she did was walk the dog and say one line of dialogue. So she asked to be written out of the drama. The production agreed and let her out of the contract, and she stayed to film all the scenes necessary to transition her character out of the show. End of story. The netizens hate for Da Hae is misplaced. She had every right to complain when she was cast as the leading lady and ended up having less screen time than the extras. How it was handled was perfectly fine to me. Both sides agreed and she was written out.

      • Oh I see... thanks for that Koala. In that case, poor LDH for being judged wrongly. :/ If in that situation, she is being hated by everyone where she doesn't even have to be blamed, what more HYS? Gaaah. This is really a huge mess.

      • That sounds very reasonable (LDH's actions, I mean). In that case, though, and I ask this very sincerely as someone who is completely ignorant of all that transpired, why is there so much hate surrounding LDH even to this day, when the issue was apparently resolved quite amicably? I never followed the blow-up, but even Dramabeans has commented on it from time to time, which I admit has colored my perception that LDH behaved poorly. If I have wrongfully judged LDH - and I say this as someone who 1) didn't care the least whit what happened with EoE, and 2) had quite a lot of goodwill towards LDH as a result of My Girl - I would certainly like to know.

        In the end, all of this - HYS, LDH, and I'm sure others - just reminds me very poignantly of a talk given by a celebrity which I once attended; at the talk, said actress commented that entertainment is an industry which eats its young. Apparently, this behavior isn't limited to just Hollywood but rather applies to entertainment industries the world over. Sad.

      • @ V

        The hate towards LDH stems from her even asking to be let out of the drama. People called her "whiny, entitled, arrogant, etc." Those folks think she should have sucked it up and just finished the drama for the sake of professionalism. Plus, Da Hae is a very polarizing actress. Those who love her LOVE her, and those who hate her HATE her. In that respect, she's like Yoon Eun Hye. Crazy amounts of love, equal amounts of haterade.

      • Thank you koala! I could never understand the hate or the love for LDH. I liked her in My Girl, and then in Miss Ripley but that was it.

  • thks so much for the updates for this show. I was hoping that the show will go as normal. So sad for Eric now that the actress have to be replaced.

    • To think that this happened right after THE biggest cliffhanger of the entire drama, with the huge reveal of feelings! I'm really upset about this and wish there were some sort of explanation. It doesn't make sense that HYS would drop everything and just leave purely out of diva behavior with a horrible reputation in her wake; there is undoubtedly more to it, and I wish we could know.

      I REALLY REALLY hope that they won't just use In-ah for the rest of the drama. That would be horrible!

  • Her tweet left me in awe! It's all my fault, be happy? Maybe all this mess it's no entirely her fault, but she is acting weird and ver unprofesional. I think her career in Korea is down in a very very deep hole. Her statement is a tweet? really? And she left for L.A.? Her actions made her look like the only responsible for this mess. And left your fellows partners in this drama hanging? I dont think anyone will cast her for another drama in Korea ever again :( bad bad bad.

  • I'm not currently watching this drama because the story and the actors didn't really appeal to me, but have been reading up on all the news surrounding it and all the drama sounds really messy. I feel bad for Han Ye Seul because she seems to be ruining her own reputation and for what? It looks like the drama would be ending soon anyways and if it's the scheduling that she is complaining about she should understand that live shoots for dramas have crazy filming schedules in order to put out the episode for that week. And as for PD changes she should be more professional and just try and find some common ground with the production crew--there will always be some creative differences. I feel bad for the other actors and crew that have to wait around for one lead actor since everyone has to waste time waiting around. Hopefully this drama can finish it's run and salvage what ever is left of its production.

    • BTW I hate the whole live shoot system they have for Asian dramas. Nobody should have to work 20+ hours a day, it isn't good for health or for producing great quality acting. I understand that dramas have schedules to fit (i.e. filling a two month schedule) and that the drama line-up might be packed, but there seems to be little concern for the well-being of the actors and crew. We all remember the crazy car accidents that inflicted the Boys Over Flowers set and so many actors feel tired, stressed, and strained due to the intense work.

  • I think things just go really serious. This might affect Eric's future chances in obtaining lead roles in dramas.

  • This is so weird. People who are willing to go through the whole Korean filming process clearly aren't bad people or spoilt brats or celebrity divas. I'm sure there must be a really very good reason she has been forced to do this. Wow, to leave a drama lurching in the middle :O?!?! I hope they (Han Ye Seul or the SMW people) do tell us the truth about exactly how bad things were - hmm I sort of imagine it would come out when they go to court regarding the suing?

    P.S This is my first comment on your site ^^. Your ARE currently my favourite site. Haha I check this like it's the news (and you update like it's a news site too --> yay!).


    • lol! i just want to reply to this since this will also be my first post despite actively following ms. koala since discovering the playground through lie to me recaps after dramabeans dropped it. i also follow it like the news and update several times a day!

      anyways i think its sad she's left for whatever reason. i've been watching and although its not my fav at the moment i've enjoyed it. i don't think i'll want to watch with the new actress, just seems odd. are they gonna kill off myung wol and suddenly kang woo will be in love with whatever new actress that comes on board? such a clusterf*ck.

  • i hope they bring some new actress who has mind blowing chemistry with eric that everyone forgets that Han Ye Seul ever existed in the Drama. I hope they bring someone so good and so strong that she sets the screen on fire with eric and the world can forget about Han Ye Seul.

    I am willing to give this drama a chance considering the mess this has been in so far and i hope someone can really save it and careers of the rest of the folks

    Han Ye Seul, if you have a problem with the PD , its one thing not attending a shoot, but its a totally different spectrum if you are running away to US, considering on contract you are still required to shoot for the remaining portion of the drama.

    • "i hope they bring some new actress who has mind blowing chemistry with eric" so people can forget all this nonsense ever happened.

      THIS thank you.

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