Categories: K-dramas

Eric Reveals His Thoughts on the Filming Spy Myung Wol

After staying mostly silent through the most disruptive behind-the-scenes occurrence to befall any K-drama, the leading man of Spy Myung Wol finally expressed his thoughts. Eric tweeted a very lengthy message yesterday that contains both his personal feelings and a first-person-account of what he experienced on the set. (the fan site for Eric’s idol group) translated the entire tweet. For folks following the story, I suggest reading to get a fuller picture of what transpired, which may temper or alter some of your opinions.

A dramatic reconciliation…? We all came together and pushed ourselves to work hard after Miss Myeongwol left the country, for the three reasons that the drama had to go on, it was like a promise with our viewers, and there was the reality of our monetary contracts. But now, I think no one will feel very comfortable knowing that we will have to go back to shooting the drama like nothing happened. I’ve never talked with any newspaper about my views, but I saw a lot of articles writing about them. Actually, in large incidents like this, I believe that, rather than reveal my views on the matter, it is better to let the public judge the facts according to their own values, and also that there is no one purely good or purely evil. However, to talk of my thoughts on the most misunderstood facts in this incident: Was the script rushed? No. As we added a new writer we had to edit one or two scenes due to the story’s continuity with the Singapore scenes, so we got new edited versions of the script for those scenes. But we always had the script handed to us in advance every week, and we could even read it faster than that if we wanted to at our team’s online cafe. Was there any discord with the director because of his abusive language? We always ask our director to talk to us comfortably like we are his juniors, but he always uses the polite form when addressing us. Did Myeongwol go through difficult times because the shootings lasted all night? That is true. She had a hard time near the beginning, and once she sent a photomail text message saying she was going to be late because she was getting an injection for fatigue. The public statement written by the staff? That is true. I believe all members of the staff and the actors who were on the scene yesterday and the day before checked the facts and signed the document. I think they did not reveal the actual statement with the real names on it in the article because it was to be read by the public. It would have been better if we could have taken care of the problem and wrapped it up between us, but it’s come out into the open, and now I believe it is up to the public to judge. There is no need to point fingers, but any misunderstandings must be cleared, and that part was a misunderstanding on the part of the staff and writer. I hope my words serve as sufficient evidence, as I was on the scene every day. I also feel sorry about the conditions we had to shoot the drama in; all the other staff members and all the other actors will probably feel sorry for that also. In my opinion, we must first decide for whom we wish to improve the conditions for. Is it for “me,” who has already received the due wages for the work being done, or is it for the “staff,” who work harder for a longer time than us actors do for less pay? Or perhaps, is it for the future of our “juniors?” Many of you say that dramas should be filmed in advance, before it starts airing, but that is not easy because of the costs of production and drama time slots. There are many dramas which are filmed in advance and yet experience losses because they cannot get a time slot. I also want my future juniors to film their dramas in better conditions, but, in my opinion, more than my future “juniors” who I haven’t met yet, the staff members who I work closely with every day are more important. I know that this is not an easy problem to fix unless I become a high-level executive in broadcasting, found a production company and produce dramas with the knowledge that I will be incurring losses, or else someone good enough to do it himself appears. So as a powerless actor I don’t have many options I can take; the only thing I can do is show some appreciation for those working with me for less compensation by comforting them at the scene, giving them presents such as team uniforms, or treating them to good food, etc. It’s hard to say I’ve filmed a lot of dramas in my career, but I can say for sure that the situation I am in now is not the worst of them all. Even more, after listening to the statements of Mr. Lee Sunjae and Mr. Lee Dukhwa, who are greater actors than I am and went through even more difficult times, I feel I am too weak an existence to dare shout out for a revolution. I hope those who are higher up the ladder lend their ears to the shouts of those at the actual scenes. Forgiving someone for their wrongs is a very faithful thing to do, but if you do not set the wrong right with courage, or if you ignore the voices coming from those who still bleed from that wrong, that is not “forgiveness,” but mere “acceptance.” “

[Credit: translation by]


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  • Thanks, Koala, for your tireless updates! I'm glad Eric came out with the story, and it does add a new angle to things. Unfortunately, it looks like the team will have a harder time acting after the big brouhaha, which in my mind is really unfair to those who had nothing to do with it in the first place.

  • For me my opinion both parties has their own fault, everyone has the responsibility to do their work, KBS and the producers should make sure that the working environment for the actors and the crew are in good condition to perform their job as to the actors and crew, they need to their job as this was agreed by them, so from this fiasco I think they learned something so that it will not happened to any other actors and crew as well.

    Thanks koala unni for this news!!! AJA

  • Thanks for this update. Ever since the fiasco began, I really felt bad for Eric and the other actors and the crew because they are left hanging. I also don't hate Han Ye Seul because she was almost willing to leave a drama production so something big must have happened. Or that everyone experiences a lapse in judgment. But this statement definitely does show a new side to the scandal. I was touched at Eric's words about the crew. It might be scripted or what but still, to think of the crew first and voicing their concerns is such a noble thing to do. But it will be really awkward once filming resumes. I hope this would be the worst kerfluffle in the history of kdramas and the worst for Eric too.

    SMW, fighting! :D

  • I think I'm jumping ship from Team Ryu to Team Eric. I'm glad he cleared up a few misconceptions and via his own Twitter in his own words. His call for changes sounds so sincere too. The only thing Eric needs now is better luck with his dramas.

    Thanks for the update Ms. Koala!

  • After reading this, my respect for Eric skyrocketed. I wish this man the best for his career.

    I wish everything will be alright now. :/ I hope HYS will be more patient despite the stressful work not just for the drama to finish but for the people behind the camera who are receiving lesser pay but still works damn hard. I also hope she'll be in good health.

    In the future, let's hope for a better working-environment for all of them. :)

  • ooh. this layout is waaay awesome. it's more readable and easy on the eyes. i love it!

    and i love what eric said.

    i do think one of the reasons why han ye seul "spoke" up or said and did what she did was because of her american background and mindset. not that it's horrible to think you're entitled to a few rights and rest, because i'm sure i would be tempted to do the same, but korea seems like a whole different world, and the entertainment industry there, a whole other universe, at least compared to the states'.

    what eric says is true. attempting revolution the way she did wasn't the wisest, and on the whole, selfish. at least he's an actor that admits to the perks of being an actor. i love being in the background for video and film productions, and i know the work that goes on behind there, so it's nice that eric calls attention to that. he obviously knows it sucks occasionally to be in an actor's shoes too, but he's thinking way more broadly than han ye seul.

    the real problem behind the live shoot system is the korean audience and a lack in confidence when it comes to writing. korean audiences never seem to be satisfied with what they're presented, so off they go complaining for the story to change, and writers and producers, if only they would have more faith in themselves and the stories they want to present.

    hope everything goes well for them as they finish off the drama.

    • I've seen a lot of people justifying her actions because of her "American" background. I think her background is irrelevant to the discussion. Any person would have done the same thing she did if she felt that she couldn't tolerate it anymore. We are all selfish human beings and when we're stressed, we only think of ourselves. There has to be more to this story, if she's willing to sacrifice her career in South Korea. I honestly don't think we have the right to judge her, because we have no relationship with her. We're just annoyed that it disrupted the drama, and feel sorry for those who are involved; so just take a deep breath and get over it.

      • i actually really do think it was one of the reasons. there are certain things ingrained into the american people as they go through education and life here.

      • Hasn't HYS been working in Korea for something like a decade? Why would her American upbringing suddenly be affecting how she works now and not before? In general I think people mischaracterize the American working ethic. Yes, Americans do have labor laws that employers and the law take seriously so naturally it is part of the working culture, but at the same time, Americans are workaholics. Americans tend to be entrepreneurial and that takes a 24/7 commitment. Of course I'm just a spectator, but I don't buy that she somehow couldn't hack it on the set of SMW because she has was raised in the U.S. Her actions seemed like those of a person having a break down.

  • I find Eric's statement rather ambiguous. Other than to say that he doesn't have the power to bring about a revolution and that, with whatever power he has, he treats those around him well, what is he saying? He seems to be saying the conditions on the set were and were not poor (but no worse than other sets, which isn't saying much since we know that most of these sets have pathetic working conditions), HYS was and wasn't exhausted, etc. And what is this statement from the cast and crew? I almost wish he hadn't said anything because it further fans the flames.

    • Yeah, he really didn't say anything. "Well, they did work her through the night to the bone for a couple of weeks, but that really isn't so bad." huh?? It sounds like he doesn't want to complain about conditions or rock the boat.

      • I'm with you, anais....didn't get what he was trying to say. From what I gather, he's saying no point fighting against the system, so forget about revolution. Also, treat the crew better by treating them to free meals cos they work equally hard with lower pay.

    • Same here. I guess I can see why HYS felt she had to be so dramatic. If every actor thought like Eric, then the conditions would never change. So it was perhaps a little more dramatic that usual, but hey, at least it got people's attention. The statement he's talking about is the "list" put together by the cast and crew of the supposed leeways that the PD gave to HYS.

      Given that the cast and crew belong to the company that is intent on suing HYS, um, I'm not too sure how it would work out.

    • By no means am I saying he wasn't being thoughtful. It's a very considerate message. Just not clear what precisely he wants to convey.

  • Wow. That's a very sincere and great statement.

    But why is HYS referred to by her character's name? And what is the staff public statement he's referring to? My google search turns up the Production Comapany's statement(s), but it seems as if he's talking about another statement by staff members, but also somewhat unofficial.

    I also understand how HYS could have just broken down and lost it and acted out, not thinking clearly. I once said before, that this whole thing didn't seem very sane on her part unless there was an obvious contract breach by the production company.

    The episode 11 scenes with her were shot before the whole fiasco exploded. Imagine being tired, overworked, even after having originally asked for better work hours. And when she complains about how the initial agreement/understanding is not observed, the lines said right to your face about how "you are not the only one...etc etc."

    I understand now why the Production Company, as Ms. Koala wrote earlier, said the PD was at a greater fault. Surely, stuff like that was meant to dig in at her as well.

      • Oh, okay thanks. I did read that stylist statement. It didn't occur to me that he might have been talking about that.

    • The "crew statement" Eric is talking about is NOT the what HYS's stylist said. It's a list of 17 specific items of HYS requesting a change to the PD about her filming and/or drama, and that change was made for her. The list is signed by the crew of Spy Myung Wol, though the names have been redacted to keep the crew safe. Eric's tweet confirms that the list is true, and signed by the crew. The crew is very upset with HYS and also wanted to clear up statements in the public that might not be accurate by releasing their own account. I'm not going to translate it. It'll just fan more flames. At this point, HYS has her reputation shredded and she accepts it, so it's on to make amends to the cast and crew for her and finish this drama.

      • I really don't think her reputation is shredded. She's going through a controversial situation right now, but if someone works you like a slave (and you did NOT sign up for it-- no matter how many others are willing to work as slaves), then you stand up for yourself. It's only a slave mentality that expects others to suck it up and work as slaves.

      • It doesn't matter what you or I think. In the Korean entertainment industry, her reputation is in fact shredded. Actors there are held to standards within the industry (we don't have to agree to those standards), and until something changes, what she did is not easily smoothed over in that small select industry. That is all I'm saying. You may not think poorly of her, but her reputation within the profession she has chosen is pretty much gone. Lee Ji Ah got eviserated just as bad for just having a secret marriage.

      • Even though I may be sympathetic to HYS and all the folks in this brutal industry, I would never hire her because I couldn't guarantee reasonable working conditions and she, commitment.

        Even if there are others within the industry who sympathize with, identify with, and/or applaud her, I wouldn't be surprised if those individuals also wouldn't want to be on a project with her. She's demonstrated that she can't handle the insane demands made of actors, and her actions - justifiable or not - did cost lots of people a lot of money. That's the current reality of the business. Hopefully, this incident also showed investors the potential costs of live shooting. Investors being spooked into thinking it less risky to pre-produce - that seems to be the most likely impetus for changes to the system.

      • I hate to say this but the Korean Entertainment industry sounds terribly judgemental and unfair. What a terrible place to work in, where people who things done differently are forced to do extreme things like what HYS did because no one else wants to rock the boat. I would go kaka.

  • This write up seems more like a matured approach rather than he said she said kind of sayings. One thing i like that he pays attention to is his current situation and something that he can help with the daily staff who are paid only if the drama continues. Love Eric for his matured approach, screw how ever the drama goes, he is my hero for his stance.

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