Categories: FilmsJ-doramas

The Cast of Ouran High School Host Club Announce Upcoming Movie Version

Do you want an even larger scale version of Ouran High School Host Club, a story that has already evolved from manga to anime and now to live-action drama. I want! And my wants appear to be immediately fulfilled, because the cast of Ouran attended a fan meeting in Tokyo last week and announced that they will be starring in a movie version. Huzzah! Though I’m not sure if my heart can take seeing Kyoya on the big screen.

While I’ve liked lead actress Kawaguchi Haruna since she had a supporting role in Yankee Kun to Megame Chan, it’s only now that I’ve made the startling realization that she is only 16 years old. She doesn’t just play a high school student in Ouran, she IS a high school student. Wow, what a talented young whippersnapper. I totally have even more of a girl crush on her now. Especially seeing how she held her own in Yankee kun against Narimiya Hiroki, whose acting resume shows that he can transition from believable high school student to dark lord in a millisecond.

The Ouran movie will start filming this Fall with a scheduled movie premiere in Spring of 2012. I think this confirms that the drama will most likely not have a closed ending in order to set up for the movie. I’m not surprised so many folks are second leading shipping Kyoya with me, though from all accounts his character isn’t all that in the manga or anime. Is it Daito Shunsuke’s performance that is selling the role? I think Yamamoto Yusuke is brilliant as Tamaki, but I personally also find that Haruhi has more chemistry with Kyoya. I think if I want my ship to come home, I’ll need to start reading Ouran fanfiction.


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  • I like Kyouya in manga, anime and live-action but I confess I never really shipped him with Haruhi. I do think there are enough hints in the manga that this isn't groundless to ship them. I think more people probably ship Hikaru with Haruhi than do with Kyouya, if we are talking non-canon but that is all based on stuff they didn't address (yet?) in the live action.

    In less coherent fashion: OMG MOVIE!!!

    • I only read book 1 of the manga (meh for me) and have no desire to watch the anime (never been an anime person, I'm always source material hence love of mangas), so purely on the dorama version, Kyoya is totally the second lead. Which is why I'm so curious as to why it's so here, but not in the manga or anime? Is his role changed? Story changed? Or just Shunsuke's performance that gives me shivery vibes?

      I have a feeling that if I'm an anime girl and watched that version, I'd totally be a Tamaki fangirl. His character likely translates better in an anime context.

      • I stopped reading Ouran the manga because the ending was getting draggy, IMO. I've also seen at least part of the anime (memory is fuzzy). In both, it's actually one of the twins who starts vying with Tamaki for Haruhi's affections. In any case, Kyoya will always put Tamaki before Haruhi. The anime is perhaps slightly more pro-Kyoya/Haruhi - at least, I remember that in the ending episode, Kyoya's and Tamaki's fathers trade barbs as each wants Haruhi for his daughter-in-law. I thought that was especially cute as Kyoya's father is super-snooty and Haruhi, while whiplash-smart, comes from a rather lowly background so it was surprising (though immensely gratifying) that Kyoya's father liked her so much.

      • His role isn't changed that much. It's the actor that is selling him so well. The real second lead guy and the one that caused shipping wars was Hikaru. It seems he will get his time to shine next episode. The anime tended to focus on all main characters and they all had an episode with a backstory. Kyoya was only noticeable with Tamaki. after the drama unshould probably watch the anime even if u aren't a anime watcher because I liked it better than the first volumes of the manga. The manga kinda started to drag on and it only recently ended so I haven't read it all but I might later.

      • *butts in, because she is a shameless Ouran fangirl*

        Actually, there are hints, here and there, that Kyouya's feelings for Haruhi run deeper than they would if she were simply his money-making machine/nakama/best friend's girlfriend. It is quite obvious that he admires her intellect and that he considers her opinion more than he would, say, Hikaru or Kaoru's in certain matters.

        However, in a later chapter, he is actually asked by Hani if he'd ever liked Haruhi romantically, and he replied that he'd acknowledged her and he'd never choose her because she'd bring no merit to the Ohtori family. However, all of that blather is belied when he says that he found something much more important and that he'd never ruin it. One gets the impression that he's talking about Tamaki and Tamaki's happiness.

        The reason Kyouya isn't the second male lead -- that's Hikaru all the way! -- is because he doesn't need Haruhi to make him more human, but that he needs Tamaki. While all of the Host Club members are important to him, Tamaki is the one who galvanized Kyouya to take action, to set ambitious goals, and to see beyond himself. (Watch this episode; it's the Kyouya/Tamaki bromance origin story, and it's lovely.) It's shown over and over and over again -- there are two people that Kyouya will go all out for: himself and Tamaki. He'll tear the French countryside apart for Tamaki, he'll orchestrate school-wide spectacles for Tamaki, he'll risk offending very important people for Tamaki, and he'll re-route city-wide traffic for Tamaki. (Can you tell I love those two? I love love love that bromance.)

        So you see, it's not Haruhi who's really important here. She's instrumental in getting Tamaki and the twins' various issues sorted, but Kyouya? Kyouya's good.

      • Yay movie!

        Kyoya IS being sold well, but the role also feels a little different to me than in the manga. I felt like Kyoya was much more in the background, but he's very much in the forefront of the drama. If anything, Hikaru, the second lead, feels like he's been pushed to the side.

        I can't remember exactly, but I think at this point of the manga there had already been signs of Hikaru falling for Haruhi, and we had gotten the sense that he was the second lead. Even if Zain is correct and next week is all about Hikaru, I'm still going to feel like he's not that important in the drama. Tamaki, Haruhi and Kyoya are the main characters of this show, which I love, and it doesn't bother me that it's deviating from the original.

        And uh...if anyone were to stumble across some good Haruhi/Kyoya fanfic, I think there's a number of us who'd appreciate a rec or two ^^;;;

      • Ah~ you should definitely check out the anime :( (OHSHC was the first ever manga I've read, while the anime is the only anime I watched over 50 times. And I ain't bluffing x)) The drama follows the anime really close. The few few episodes were identical to it. My anime obsessed friends were quite amazed at the drama adaptation. Daito Shunsuke's portrayal makes Kyoya come to life. In the manga/anime he was just always in the shadows. He had about 2-3 times to shine, but those times created the Kyoya/Haruhi shippers. It was there to fantasize about, but it wasn't enough UMPH.

        Though I'm a Hikaru/Haruhi shipper in the anime/manga the drama has gotten me on board the Kyoya boat (No naughty pun intended).

        Even though I watched this episode 3 times, I love reading your opinions on it x).

      • While I love Kyouya in all his reincarnations in various media, I have to credit Shunsuke's prior experience and popularity as an actor in Japan to the unprecedented length of screen time devoted to his character in the live action. Simply put, him, Yusuke, and Haruna are the "senior" actors in this series, I believe.

        Rational thought now aside, I LOVE HIM! And while I have been resigned to retire my Kyouya-Haruhi shippy heart in the anime because of the breadth and depth of the Kyouya-Tamaki bromance, the live action's reviving it again. >__<

  • HAHAHA! I think it's Daito Shunsuke's chemistry with Kawaguchi Haruna and his own charm... I've seen the anime and the first few chapters of the manga (didn't finish it, not sure why, lol) but shipping Haruhi to Kyoya didn't really occurred to me. I even appreciated the twins over Kyoya in the anime cause they're funny plus it's so evident that they like Haruhi. ^^

    Glad to know there will be a movie!! :)

  • Hmm when I read the manga, Kyoya didn't stick out to me that much either.. Anyway, I can't wait for the movie!! :D

  • I remembered that the later chapter of the manga did have Kyoya going on a "date" with Haruhi. Moreover, Honey did mention that everyone in the host club carried a torch for Haruhi except for both Honey and Mori. The mangaka did intend to ship Haruhi with almost all of the Host Club members (its like a harem for Haruhi!!!)

    Having said that, the manga's last chapter was out recently and it ended with Haruhi and Tamaki being together.

  • All I have to say is that when I found out about this last week I jumped out of my chair and starting jumping up and down and Squealing. In. Glee. So loudly that my parents thought I had gone off the deep end lolols. Kyouya on the big screen - be still my racing heart XDDD

    I think from all the fan accounts I've been reading, the drama will end up roughly ending about where the anime ended with the summer party..but I guess we'll just have to enjoy the crazy antics and see ^^

  • In the manga is much more about Kyouya and Tamaki then Haruhi and Kyouya.

    Actually If you want a second male guy it would be one of the twins who fight with Tamaki for Haruhi's love. Hikaru falls in love wth Haruhi and I think next episodes you will see this, he and Kaoru will have a conflict - since Kaoru too likes Haruhi. *Spoiler* Actually Hikaru will confess to Haruhi, and Kaoru will gave up because he loves his brother too much - so he picks Hikaru not Haruhi - but he also confess to Haruhi.

    I dind't finish the mangá yet... so I can't tell if something more happens between Kyouya and Haruhi - is more like he knows tamaki and Haruhi likes each other so he doesn't even bother to confess.

    Btw I have to say I love Kyouya's past story and Tamaki's past. It's explain so much why both are the way they are....

  • Btw, I can't watch the dorama... because Tamaki is my fav character. He in my imagination is soooo different from the actor that I just can't watch... They shouldn't dye his hair and put lents on him... it doesn't look natural so I get frustrated. Tamaki's is half japanese in the mangá and that is why he is blonde and have blues eyes - his mother is french.

    So many doramas and movies don't really dye the actors/actresses hair - like Paradise Kiss, the main guy should have blue hair but they didn't dyed his hair to blue, and the girl has pink hair and again and they also didn't dye her hair.

    *Sob sob*

  • its definitely just here on the live action. there were probably hints of a kyouya/haruhi pairing in the anime... but anime kyouya was definitely more stoic.

    still a tamaki/haruhi shipper! OTP!!

  • Hmm, in the anime and the manga, Kyouya's feelings for Haruhi aren't as apparent as they are becoming in the drama, but I personally thought they had an interesting relationship that I wish the mangaka had explored more, so I'm happy to see the drama deciding to take that route.

    Anyway, yay for a movie! We're only on episode 6 and there's still so much story to cover, so I've been wondering how they were going to wrap everything satisfactorily. I trust it to not disappoint.

  • Squeee!! Squee!!! Um, that's all I've got really. ::makes puppy fists in the air and squees some more!!::

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