Categories: TW & C dramas

Ring Ring Bells Releases Final Trailer Prior to its Weekend Premiere

This weekend sees the premiere of another Sunday night TW-drama, which will be entering already heated competition. Ring Ring Bell with Peter Ho and Janine Chang airs on CTS, and will be going up against heavy-hitting Office Girls on TTV with tons of momentum and the already critically acclaimed In Time With You on FTV.

CTS has good reason to be genuinely worried about ratings for RRB. Since the drama hasn’t finished filming yet, and with Janine and Peter shortly needing to head to the Mainland for their next separate projects, they have very little time to do promotions. Whereas the OG and ITWY casts are everywhere these days drumming up interest in their dramas.

I have a feeling I will end up liking all three dramas. I already love two of them, and RRB looks really cute with some wickedly awesome chemistry between Janine and Peter based on the trailer and stills alone. If I like RRB, this is will the first in a long time where I am watching more TW-dramas than K-dramas. Well, there is a first for everything. Watch the final trailer below.

Third Trailer for Ring Ring Bell:

I’m not kidding when I say Janine and Peter just look “right” together. I would have never thought so until now. He’s so rugged and manly, she’s so sophisticated and ladylike. But of course, their onscreen personas will be quite different, especially with Janine tackling a supposedly unattractive character. But I’m a sucker for the second time at love trope, which is what this drama is all about.


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  • I'll be glad to seen Janine back on the screen - looks like I'll be watching a lot of Taiwanese dramas, too, because I'm already completely in love with ITWY, and I started on Office Girls last night and am already cracking up. BUT OCN's Vampire Prosecutor starts tomorrow, too, so pretty soon I'll be eating that up. I don't even care if it's awful, it's about a vampire prosecutor. 'Nough said.

    • I know, right!? Vampire Prosecutor! This show has to be amazing, it just has to be. (Though at this point, I just want my vampires/angels/demons/other insanely hot denizens of the supernatural out of, you know, high school. My standards, let me introduce them to you: they are so low, they're subterranean.)

      Also, I could make a lame joke about lawyers and bloodsuckers...but even I wouldn't stoop so low.

  • I'm so excited for this drama. I'll also be watching more tw-dramas than k-dramas. Right now when I finish up Protect The Boss I won't be watching any k-dramas. Maybe with the new slew of dramas coming up I'll find something to enjoy.

  • Miss K: What are you doing to me?

    I had to fight with you!! Why in earth you recommend me so finger licking, good looking, almost drooling dramas? I'm still sucking up PTB and Sunny Happines that my life is a train wrecked without the hazmat unit, and now I'm in pain!! Why? Why you ask? Why am I in pain?? Easy!! Coz I'm not gonna see Papa Chairman no more!! *wiping* He is the greatest father ever!! LOL Though LOVE, exactly what I need!! Guts!!! *breaking voice* I need a HUG!!! Y-Y ROFLMHO!!

    Just joking, your suggestions always left me wanting more!! BTW where you watch Ouran High School Host Club live action coz, I'm stuck at episode 8 and can't download, can't watch it!! *totally annoyed*!!

    Thanks for always giving us the latest scoops and the news flash about the dramas and everything in between!! Love you!! Hugs for the cubs!!!

  • Ahhh Peter Ho = yum!!!!! He looks smoking hot in the preview. They look really good together. Can't wait!!!! =)

  • aaaah... Finally Peter's Back!! and It seems like they are making him go Shirtless too (check the preview in the post) now that is great... :)

    Been too long.. can't wait to watch!!! :D

  • I think I'm going to end up watching all 3 dramas, too... can't resist :D Peter and Janine look soo cute together!
    Thanks for keeping us updated on OG, ITWY and RRB!

    • That is a marathon!!! Enjoy!! Don't forget the beers and the pop corn! LOL And the rivers of coffee help for the insomnia!! LOL

  • I forgot...

    Me singing to the drama after a long day without it!!

    "I'm glad you're home
    Now did you really miss me
    I guess you did by the look in your eyes
    Well lay back and relax while I put away the dishes
    Then you and me can rock-a-bye

    You can ring my be-e-ell, ring my bell

    The night is young and full of possibilities
    Well come on and let yourself be free
    My love for you, so long than I've been savin'
    Tonight was made for me and you

    You can ring my be-e-ell, ring my bell"

    Artist: Anita Ward
    Song: Ring My Bell


    "Lookin' for some hot stuff baby this evenin'
    I need some hot stuff baby tonight
    I want some hot stuff baby this evenin'
    gotta have some hot stuff
    gotta have some lovin' tonight
    I need hot stuff
    I want some hot stuff
    I need hot stuff "
    Artist: Donna Summer
    Song: Hot Stuff

    OMG!! Disco Fever!!! Mhahahahahahahahaha!! Don't ask!!!! ;p

  • I'm excited for this drama! I like Janine but disliked Sunny Happiness and the Janine x Mike pairing, so I'm really looking forward to this new drama, especially when, like you said, Janine and Peter just look "right" together. I'm already shipping them really hard after seeing the trailer!

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