Categories: TW & C dramas

Taiwan Media Gathers More Confirmation that Rainie Yang and Sunny Wang Are Dating

What a difference a big mouth makes. Just days after rumors went fursploding about Rainie Yang and Sunny Wang heading to NYC together on the same flight, the flurry of eyewitness sightings and blabbermouths have pretty much confirmed they ARE in fact dating and went to the US together for Thanksgiving. They were spotted at Kansai airport awaiting their transit flight to NYC, holding hands and snuggling in the waiting lounge. Apparently Sunny doesn’t just look ridiculously tall onscreen, he’s even taller in person, and was spotted easily by other passengers. And Rainie was cuddled right next to him the entire time. Adding more fuel to this claim is a good friend of Sunny’s confirming to the media that they are in fact dating and it’s a very new relationship. It can’t be just me who is LOLing at the irony of their English names, right? And if they ever got married and had a daughter, can they please name her Rainbow. Please?

After news dropped that Rainie and Sunny were seen on the same flight to NYC and at the airport, Rainie wrote that the eyewitnesses were mistaken on what they saw at the airport, and nothing is going on. But then she promptly deleted that post, adding more confusion to what was happening. Supposedly Sunny had a conversation with a good friend where he said that he and Rainie were friends, but did not refute outright that there was more going on. Fans of both stars are highly skeptical this relationship will work out, which is silly if you ask me. I can care less if they broke up tomorrow or got married and had babies. As long as they are enjoying the relationship, let the couple be young and in love, will ya crazy fans!

The Taiwan media helpfully compiled a chart of Sunny and Rainie’s respective exes and rumored dating partners. Thank you Taiwan media for always fanning the insane flames of gossip. Elva, Sunny’s ex and Rainie’s good friend, wrote on her Weibo yesterday that other people’s dating gossip has nothing to do with her and she doesn’t care either way. Watch the most insanely hilarious Apple Daily news gossip reconstruction of Sunny and Rainie’s sudden love affair.

Apple Daily on Sunny and Rainie:

Apple Daily asks Sunny and Rainie to puhlease last at least one Season, so they can have more juicy gossip to report on. I love how shameless Apple Daily is. At least they don’t pretend to have any legitimate news aspirations. Just an FYI, the older lady kissing Sunny on the cheek in the picture towards the end of the video is Sunny’s mom who lives in New Jersey. He posted that picture this weekend after going home for Thanksgiving. His parents have been married for over thirty years and he’s called them his inspiration for a great marriage. As for Rainie, she posted on Weibo this weekend that she thinks she’s a strong woman, but then she also wants a strong man, and she wondered how two strong-willed people can sustain a relationship. I dunno, Rainie, but you have to keep working on it. Good luck to the new couple!


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  • Omg I have mixed feelings about this. I ship Mike and Rainie so much. Anyway, as long as Rainie is happy, that's all that matters.

  • What happen to Joseph!!

    I'm kinda worry when reading this because I'm a Rainie fan. I don't want her to get hurt again. Sunny is well known for being a playboy. I would never thought he would even like someone like Rainie. Not that she's not beautiful, just the hot type that Sunny would date.
    If it's true, i hope he's not using her to get more famous. A guy with his status and money, it's probably not the case and i'm probably worrying too much.

    On the other hand, I'm just glad Rainie is dating again.

  • Just curious. Who is the guy down below Rainie on the chart, whom she allegedly dated? Don't recognize his face at all: is he an actor?

    • That is Yuan Jun Hao 元駿豪, one of Rainie's exes. He played Mike He's friend in Devil Beside You and dated Rainie during the filming. I know, this will make Rainie-Mike fans hurl, but it was true and Rainie admitted it. He's not in the entertainment industry anymore, and never made a name for himself. She is still friends with him. Actually, Rainie is still friends with ALL her exes, except for Roy Qiu. She still bitches about him, and Roy's fans hate her for not letting that relationship go.

      • I don't get why Roy's fans hate on Rainie when its the media that keeps bringing him up especially now that he is back in tw-dramas with the successful office girls and she had success with Drunken to Love You and now her new album. As outside people, we don't know what their relationship was like back then and everyone has that person who has a long lasting effect on someone long after the relationship ended and I guess Roy is that person to Rainie. From the few interviews I have seen of her when the Roy topic is brought up she looks physically uncomfortable so I highly doubt she of all people wants to talk about him.

      • Now it's the media who keeps asking them about each other, but back in '08 when Roy was still in the army, Rainie went through a period where she talked about him a lot in the media without any prompting. I sorta get Roy's fan's hate on Rainie - she basically went to town discussing their relationship, how hard it was, the details of the bad breakup, etc. Whereas Roy has never spoken up to defend himself or to offer his point of view. His fans think Roy is being a gentleman and not airing their personal laundry in public, and Rainie shouldn't have done that. I dunno, I love them both, so I'm not taking sides. It was a bad breakup, they were young, everyone should lay off. Rainie's gotten it out of her system anyways and I'm fine with her needing to vent about him a bit. Roy is still Roy, no harm done.

    • I didn't know she still bitches Roy Qiu. =O What happened to them to the point she can't let go of the relationship? Bad breakup but Roy didn't cheat on her, did he?

      • There were alot of rumors back then, we don't really know what is what really. But from what i heard the fans said back then that Roy used Rainie just to get famous, once he did, he dumped her. Again, it is probably just spoof.

        I think they star together in that drama "summer scent", so people just speculate things.

      • No no no, no cheating. Roy was Rainie's shortest term boyfriend, but the one that caused her the most hurt, so she says. Basically it boils down to this - she was way more into him than he was into her. It's like Xiang Qin in ISWAK dating Zhi Shu. That was it, nothing sensationalized. But for Rainie, I totally understand why she's had a hard time letting it go back then, but she's over him now.

  • whatevs...Sunny is not really handsome, more like a poor man's Joseph Chang. I don't get the hype around him, but physical appeal is a matter of subjectivity, so...

  • RAINBOW. YES. This needs to happen. Well, they don't have to get married just 'cause I say so, but if they do fall madly in love and get married, they need to name their daughter Rainbow. (I just don't see that name working for a boy.)

    And I find the whole "flow chart of relationship goodness" so hilarious. I's a flow chart. Well, okay, a chart. About someone's relationships! Like one of those things they publish to help you keep track of everyone in a drama.

    • The flow chart of incestuous entertainment dating, you mean. Oh, and the pink colored boxes symbolize entertainers who belong to the same agency, which is Rainie, Sunny, and Elva. Sunny is going through that agency's ladies comment.

  • OMG! Shocker! I may be the only Rainie-Joseph Chang shipper in this universe, but I'm kinda sad...Hopefully this works out. But I won't be surprised if these are just rumors...

    • I'm a total Rainie-Joseph shipper. To each his own I guess. Some lucky girl now has a chance with him though!

  • Their name combo is just so much win!!!

    I feel like Taiwanese media seems the most frenzied than say, Korean or Japanese media, about the alleged relationships (and or ways to prove/deny them) of their celebrities. On the other hand, Taiwanese celebrities have a lot more dating going on within the industry (with all flowcharts and stuff). Or all this could be my biased opinion due to the sites I visit.

  • Doesn't it mean something if he took her home for Thanksgiving to meet Mama? Then again, maybe they just flew to NYC to see the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade.