Categories: TW & C dramas

Ady An Reunites with Hu Ge for Mini-movie The Wedding Banquet

Omo, it’s Xiao Yao ge ge back together with feisty little Yue Ru! It’s been eight long years since Hu Ge and Ady An co-starred in Chinese Paladin (though Crystal Liu was the female lead, I liked Ady’s second female lead much better) and fans of that pairing were thrilled last week when it was announced that they were pairing up for a mini-movie called The Wedding Banquet. Mini-movies are so popular right now in China. It’s really just a one-shot drama released online in multiple short 10 minute or so episodes.

Look at how young they were back then! But still looking so good together.

The story is about Ady’s character going home to her rich family to attend a wedding banquet. She’s too embarrassed to reveal that she and her ex-boyfriend played by Hu Ge is no longer together. So she begs him to attend with her and act like they are still together. This brings the former exes back together as cuteness follows.

I like the original CP much better than CP3, and that’s probably because the characters weren’t nearly as annoying. One of the cutest was definitely Ady’s Yue Ru.

Hu Ge and Ady interviewed:


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  • Would you not LOVE to be a fly on the wall, listening to all the changes 8 years of maturing in the business has wrought?

    They were so young and adorably cute back then, now so sexily matured and confident. I'll probably re-visit Chinese Paladin and hit up The Wedding Banquet (just because I'm a nerd like that!).

  • I never watched CP just cuz Crystal's acting... well. Anyway, I never got to watching it. After seeing how cute Ady and HuGe look though, I might just give it a try. Never really thought of these two together, but I'm likin it! :)

  • Btw, Im sure you already know this, and I'm hoping I'm not one of hundreds of ppl who have already mentioned this, but it's so awesome that your blog got cited for the Bu Bu Jin Xin wikipedia page! Totally makes sense though, considering how much you've written about BBJX... I'm really glad you did, or else I would've never discovered it ..

  • I also liked Ady An and Hu Ge better in CP. Yes - CL's acting really just drove me a little nutty back then. I can't believe it's been 8 years already. They do look really cute here. I love Ady - she's one of my favorite TW actresses even though I don't really like all her works.

    Hu Ge looks good with so many people :) hehe.


    it's all your fault Koala!
    hahahah. I love Hu Ge with Ariel Lin in CONDORHEROES2008. Thus far my favorite version because of this cute pairing.
    and then i watched CP1, and loving Crystal and Hu Ge.
    and i watched CP3, and love Shi Shi and Huge, even though it's kinda weird incest kinda thing. but i still love them together. more than Yang Mi and huge.
    and then i read Da Mo Yao. and i grew to love ShiGe pairing even more.
    guess what? hahah you're dragging me into Ady and Huge pairing now? :P

    im really loving your blog. discovered it recently, but i've been stalking it! :D

  • I love Hu Ge and I think he has so much chemistry with almost all his female leads, but I never really got the Ady craze. Maybe it's just me because as much as I adore the original CP, I still prefer Liu Yifei over Ady (even though both were quite annoying).

    I can't wait to see Hu Ge again though. ;)

  • I love them both! So I'm really excited to see her along with Hu Ge ^^

    & While everyone was praying for ShiGe for Da Mo Yao, I was actually gunning for these two as the OTP. They're so compatible, no? Plus, Ady gives off a more Xi Yu feel. BUT I digress. SO HAPPY TO SEE THEM ON SCREEN TOGETHER AGAIN! ^^
    *continues to sizzle*

  • I like Hu Ge and all his work. I like Ady but not all her work - I think she did too many forgettable "poor pathetic me" roles but those that I like, she is totally memorable. Together, both hu Ge and Ady are magic. I want them together in real life - I think they are compatible. She's the lively playful sort and Hu Ge likes these type. He's the funny, humble and down to earth type - now, who wouldn't like that ? Unless, she's like many female celebs looking out for sugar-daddies..

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