Categories: K-dramas

Take a Biggie Poll as Big Winds to its Fateful Conclusion

Whether you love, hate, or are indifferent to Big, the drama still stands out as one of the few rom-coms to actually head into the finale week without any clear indicators as to how it’ll end. Will it be bittersweet, with Da Ran losing both the men in her life? Will it be far-fetched, with Kyung Joon unable to return to his own body and living the rest of his life as Yoon Jae? Will it be poignant, with Da Ran and Kyung Joon being together despite all the odds and opposition? I genuinely don’t know for sure, and that makes me angsty and is the perfect opportunity to conduct a poll. This drama has been rather divisive during its entire run, with some viewers wanting Rip Van Winkle himself Yoon Jae to wake up and make a play for Da Ran, and others jonesing for the body-switch to last forever so that Gong Yoo‘s body can get the girl. It’s good to have an opinion of your own, so let’s see if you fall in the majority, the minority, or the I-don’t-give-a-crappa-diddly.

I’ve searched through all of the Big promotional materials and stills and there is not a single picture of the OT3 together – Yoon Jae, Kyung Joon, Da Ran. Even at the press conference, I noticed that Lee Min Jung never posed separately with Shin Won Ho. Whereas there are stills of Suzy posing with Gong Yoo and Lee Min Jung. I’m glad the Hong Sisters went out of their way to keep the Kyung Joon is the lead situation under wraps, though the character chart released prior to the drama airing did make that clear. But most people never paid much attention to that. So the closest picture of the three lead characters standing close to each other is the group shot at the end of the press conference. I must say my Shin makes a convincing argument he can easily get the girl. Enough blathering, on to the polls!

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  • Well my write in choice for 1st poll would be Daran with no one. I would prefer a bittersweet ending with Kyung Joon re-uniting with family and Daran letting him go. I want Kyung Joon and Yoon Jae to become close so I hope the latter doesn't die.

    • I totally agree, but I don't think that is exclusive of Da Ran being with Kyung Joon in the end and the two brothers being close and Kyung Joon reuniting with his family. Why do you want Da Ran to let him go? IMO, my gut tells me Yoon Jae was never that in love with Da Ran. Their relationship was at most two months of quickie courtship with some projected hopes and interest. He's a decent feller, I hope he doesn't die and ends up being part of the family.

      • I agree that Yoon Jae and Daran aren't meant to be. But I feel if she ends up with Kyung Jae it's a copeout. If she ends up with Kyung Joon I will also feel like it's a copeout as I don't think the remaining episodes would be enough to sought out the messy issues regarding the souls switch. I am still unconvinced that she only loves the soul and not the body. I feel that if Kyung Joon goes back to his body he will adopt new characteristics and will loose some of his Yoon Jae-ness. If they have a time jump I will still feel like it's a cope-out as they wouldn't show how painful it would be for them to get there. LOL am hard to please but since they started on this road I want them to finish it with no easy outs.
        In conclusion, a bittersweet ending makes the most sense and will be more powerful imho.

      • Thanks for explaining. That totally makes sense. I feel that Da Ran loves Kyung Joon's soul irrespective of Yoon Jae's body, which is why I'm so supportive of her getting with him in the end, because I feel their love is so hard won it would be sad to see it not come to fruition.

    • Everyone would wish for a happy ending for BIG.
      For the miracle to come true,Kyung Joon has to be with his parents and brother in the end. Will Da Ran have a chance anymore to be with the one she loves? I dont think so.
      Now that Kyung Joon pretends to be Yoon Jae,Da Ran will slowly let go of him but not the memories of them together. The only thing Im wondering right now is can Kyung Joon really stand seeing Da Ran In pain?
      Im not expecting much from the next episode,Im anxious to see what THS have in store for us.

    • Da Ran should use her love and set Seo Yoon Jae & Kang Kyung Joon free.

      Like the song titled "Love Will Set You Free" by Whitesnake.

      Love Will Set You Free Lyrics by Whitesnake

      Something in your smile was so inviting
      Something in your eyes told me to stay
      Something in your touch electrified me
      Completing me in every single way

      Now I realize as I look in your eyes
      This must be love
      Baby try to understand my heart is your hand

      Love will set you free
      Love will set you free
      You can trust in me
      My love will set you free
      Set you free

      Every time I think about you baby
      Every time I see your smiling face
      Every time I feel your loving arms
      Around anekatips me guilty pleasures
      Take up all my time & space

      Now I realize as I look in your eyes
      This must be love
      Baby try to understand my heart is in your hand

      Love will set you free
      Love will set you free
      You can trust in me
      My love will set you free
      Set you free
      Set you free, set you free!

      guitar solo

      Now I realize as I look in your eyes
      This must be love

      Baby try to understand my heart is in your hand

      Love will set you free
      Love will set you free
      You can trust in me
      My love will set you free
      Set you free, set you free

      Retrieved from ""

  • It's like one of those dramas you think you know what will happen at the end but you still can't help but fret about. There are very few that had me knawing at my nails till the very end. The Princess's Man, & Rooftop Prince to name a couple. Oh that bitter agony.

    In my sincere opinion I don't think this is the greatest drama the Hong sisters created, but KyungJae/Kyungjoon is the best male chracter that they ever brought to life. I don't know why I'm just not attached to this drama like I was with the other Hong Sisters' dramas. It lacked their certain flare. I really can't pinpoint it exactly, but there's just a Big difference compared to the others. (<-Hah. Couldn't resist being punny)

    I don't care if Da ran ends up with Kyung Joon or Kyungjae, just as long as Kyungjoon's soul does not evaporate into thin air *knocks on wood* I actually think bringing Yeonjae back to life will complicate things even more. Like been there done that kind of complications. I don't want to see this otp go through anymore BS. Also it just won't seem genuine to me. Like; "Oh, hello you woke up from your coma. Um yea, i'm sorry but I love your fraternal twin now." How would they be able to tie everything in? Really makes me wonder. & I just want to see Gong Yoo smile. Do not hurt me anymore ahjussi.

  • Da Ran with Kyung Joon and here are my reasons:

    1. Yoon Jae is a nice guy I'm sure, but he isn't right for Da Ran. She was never able to be herself around him. They never really knew each other, and never opened their souls to each other. There was no passion, just akwardness. Their relationship was just on the surface, there was no depth. While Da Ran and Kyung Joon have all of this.

    2. I don't want Kyung Joon to stay in Yoon Jae's body. I don't want him to lose years of his life, and be stuck in a sick body. Everyone but Da Ran, and Mari will treat him like he's Yoon Jae for the rest of his life. Also I cringe a bit that he's wearing his brother's body. What if him and Da Ran want to take their relationship to the next level in the future and have kids? Ewww...just ewww.

    3. The whole drama has been leading up to Da Ran and Kyung Joon, with Da Ran's parent's alike history, the mentioning of Kyung Joon coming back, Da Ran's mysterious Mr. KKJ...etc. The drama would lose meaning if Da Ran just ended up with Kyung Jae. It wouldn't be the dramatic going up against the odds for love, it would just be boring.

    4. I want Shin Won Ho back! You can't just make me fall in love with his acting and never bring him back!

    • ^ This this this!!!

      I see so many comments saying that they as a viewer would be uncomfortable with Da Ran ending up with Kyung Joon in his own body, and it makes me feel like I've been watching another show. I knew it'd be a younger guy (or younger guy's soul in this case) falling for an older woman from the very beginning. Gong Yoo has done a MAGNIFICENT job playing Kyung Joon, but to me, this drama would loose all its meaning if Kyung Joon doesn't end up in his own body. It wouldn't even be fair to make a character live the rest of his life in his brother's body. And how can his parents truly accept KJ without him being in his own body??

      And I REALLY REALLY REALLY do not want to see some time lapse where Kyung Joon magically turns up looking identical to Yoon Jae because they are "twins". That would be the biggest cop-out ever, and I'd take the Da Ran and Kyung Jae pairing over that.

    • Your mention of the parents' history stopped me cold. I have a fear suddenly.

      I have been hoping that KKJ and DR follow in her parents' example, and damn the age difference, full speed ahead together.

      But what if they decide to get with KKJ's (sort of - meaning his father and surrogate mother) parents' story?
      Two people love each other? ✓
      A sacrifice is required? ✓
      Two people cannot be together because of circumstances? ✓
      They separate for other's sake? NOT CHECK!!!!

      I think I answered my own question. They presented two couples to us as examples of how things go in life and in love. One happy and one miserable.
      This leads me to believe they want their OTP to choose happiness over sacrifice.
      I hope I hope I hope I hope.

  • i am disturbed about how guys does not seem to like wearing socks nowadays and how they like wearing pants that they have already outgrown. huhu.

    but i am sad to see "Big" end. i want more of this love theme(min jung and gong yoo)! I've always wanted them to do a drama ever since they started modelling that clothing line together!!!!

    • hehe..that 'wearing pants that they have already outgrown' remark really made me laugh..kikikiii..funny thing is, i kinda like it that least on gong yoo :)

  • I kind of want an ending that would transform the whole drama and "lift" it, like in 49 Days...*spoiler*... a lot of people hated the ending but I loved it and the drama haunts me still precisely because of that very sad ending, which I felt was so apt. So I want an ending like years and years down the line, Da Ran takes a bus, and as she alights from the bus, it starts to drizzle, just a bit, and she puts up a hand to shield her head, and we see oh, she's got a ring on her finger, she's married then, and she stumbles along and suddenly an umbrella materialises above her, and she turns around, breaks into a smile, and the camera pans slowly, slowly up, up to the man holding the umbrella, and - we hold our breaths - it's not Yoon Jae and it's not Kyung Joon, but a complete stranger - to us, anyway, but not to her, and as he holds her close, and they both break into a run further and further away from us as the rain starts to fall in sheets, and we hear her words carried by the wind back to us, "I knew you would come, hubby."

    • Okay, I have a keen appreciate for a well crafted bittersweet ending. The one you postulated is beautiful. T___T But I'm SO invested in Kyung Joon and Da Ran, and we watched them fall in love for 14 episodes, I don't think I can handle this ending. It worked in 49 Days because the love stories were bifurcated with Ji Hyun-Kang and Yi Kyung-Yi Soo so the ending worked because I wasn't so invested in either pairing.

    • I don't know why, but your quick story felt very Il Mare to me. LOVED THAT MOVIE!
      I like the re-meet up years later, but I would need to understand why they separated and didn't keep in contact. Meaning, if they loved each other that much, but felt that present circumstances prevented them from being together, they would at least email each other until KKJ got Big, wouldn't they?

  • Based upon an interview I had read of the Hong Sisters regarding what this drama is about, it may be that no one ends up together. I cannot give a direct quote, but the comment has stayed with me through the entire drama reminding me that this isn't going to end the way I would personally want it to.

    • Hmmm.... could it be that she doesn't end up with who the audience would expect? That they knew everyone would be pulling for the character GY plays, since he is the lead actor, not the 20 year old kid nobody has heard of.

      Ha! If that is what they said, they were so right!

  • Waaaaa Ockoala unni ~ you've done more damage to me than the actual Big drama due to your wonderful insights. I'm more interested on reading your recaps and comments, and I was actually thinking about what's going to happen last night. If Yoon Jae is really dead then how are we going to find out what he really felt about Da Ran & Se Young..and..what was he suppose to say to Da Ran before the accident...and why he's hiding too many secrets to Da Ran...and the Miracle should go both ways right? right? I know Kyung Joon already saved his big brother years ago and it's now Yoon Jae's turn to save his little brother by giving his new family...although he probably wasn't expecting that his little brother and Da Ran will fall in love to each other. So I'm guessing/voting that Kyung Joon & Yoon Jae will switch back to their own body. But unfortunately for Yoon Jae since it's been over a year since the switch and his health probably too late for the treatment. He'll die at the end after clearing all the misunderstanding and giving Da Ran's "hands" to Kyung Joon..etc etc...but of course they have to part ways again since Kyung Jae is only few years went by and we will see someone's grabbing Da Ran hands because she grabbed the wrong umbrella "again" only to see Gong Yoo as adult version of Kyung Joon...LOL...I saw KK's comment before me and she just read my mind... ^_^ Is it Monday yet?

    • It would be nice if they'll have Lee Seung Gi as the older version of Kyung Joon since Lee Min Jung wants him as a guest/cameo in this drama ^_^

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