Well……this outta be interesting. SBS Mon-Tues is off to a melodrama start with Yawang (Queen of Ambition) starring Su Ae and Kwon Sang Woo, but the network is getting my interest up for the follow up drama which sounds all sorts of strange and far out. Despite the recent sageuk mediocrity I’ve still a fondness for the genre and the upcoming Jang Ok Jung, Live in Love, sounds intriguing on paper. It’s a re-telling of the historical tale of greedy power hungry Jang Heebin, consort to King Sukjong, this time telling the story from her point of view and transforming her into a Joseon-era fashion designer. While the concept sounds different enough, its the totally random casting that makes me curious whether this will be tanked on bad acting alone. Kim Tae Hee has been inked as the titular Jang Ok Jung for months now while rumors have swirled as to her leading man. TOP‘s name was out there for awhile and then word was Yoo Ah In was being wooed for the role. Today comes confirmation that Yoo Ah In has indeed signed on to play male lead King Sukjong, but joining him in the cast as second male lead will be Jae Hee playing the first love of Jang Ok Jung. WHAT THE HELL? Is Jae Hee trying to kill me with his acting choices? Color of Woman was terrible and the less said about May Queen the better. And what gives with him playing first loves of the heroine recently? I’ve only ever loved Yoo Ah In Sungkyunkwan Scandal so I have no problem with him tackling this role but I am completely clueless whether his pairing with Kim Tae Hee will work out. I loved Kim Tae Hee in My Princess but that didn’t convince me she can act. It convinced me she can be super adorable in light and fluffly rom-coms. Apparently Hong Soo Hyun, who out-acted everyone in The Princess’s Man, is considering the role of second female lead Queen In Hyun. Man, if she joins that’ll be awesome, though not so much for Kim Tae Hee. Oh well, completely going to check this out for the trainwreck potential alone. Especially after the production company mentioned this drama will be like Bu Bu Jing Xin. Please don’t ask me what that means, they threw it out there so I’m merely relaying it.
Jae Hee’s drama choices since he got out of the military have been wack all around. I hope this choice turns out to be good for him and for me as the viewer. Does seeing the below fan-made picture of Yoo An In and Kim Tae Hee convince you that they will be good together? I dunno, but I would love for this to work out.
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Now..I've got a reason to watch this show: JAE HEE :)
Yep, I am in because Jae Hee is in this. Drama god, please let this be a good one for Jae Hee. I am disappointed that Jae Hee's popularity these days is not enough for him to take the first male lead role.
What is up with my first K-drama crushes playing second lead to younger (and less experienced) actors these days? Jo Hyun Jae, Kim Ji Hoon...and now Jae Hee? Sigh.
it would have been so good if Jae Hee was the main lead....
I completely agree! What is up with me crushing on the second male leads?? Why is Jae Hee the constant second male lead?! Why can't he be first male lead? It's not like he's ugly or bad at acting. GAH.
And Hong Soo Hyun?! If she signs on I'm so in. I even love Kim Tae Hee. My only issue is Yoo In Ah, don't know too much about him, tried to watch Fashion King because of Yuri, but couldn't last 1 episode haha.
I think it has to do with the recent news of Jae Hee being secretly married with a kid...It will take some time, but I think he will be back up as the main lead again.
You know how perception is everything in dramaland.
Jin Goo is as old as Jo Hyun Jae and he's got a lot of movie cred. And don't worry - the drama producers said that they're testing out a 2 lead script so Jin Goo and Jo Hyun Jae are theoretically both going to be main leads even though Jin Goo is playing the titular character.
"the drama producers said that they’re testing out a 2 lead script so Jin Goo and Jo Hyun Jae are theoretically both going to be main leads"
I agree with this. I have been following news of Ad Genius and I notice that Jin Goo and Jo Hyun Jae's characters are promoted as being on equal footing. In fact, their rivalry is being promoted as the main draw of the drama rather than the romantic angle and OTP of Jin Goo and Park Ha Sun.
I think there is nothing wrong with lead actors taking on 2nd lead roles as long as the 2nd lead role is as important and as challenging as the main lead role.
In the case of Jo Hyun Jae, from the press releases it seems his role is as big and as important as that of the title character. so maybe he accepted it because he sees it as a challenge.
i am not watching FBND so i don't know if Kim Ji Hoon's case is the same as Jo Hyun Jae's.
In Jae Hee's case, I think it is more that he is not getting good offers or that his agency is not that good at getting good roles for him. seriously, his post army projects all sucked big time.
I guess I'm the only one who feels that Yoo Ah In is too young for Kim Tae Hee, at least on paper. Well, I did stop these speculations after King2Hearts..
I also agree that it is a weird trend going on, how Kim Ji Hoon and Jae Hee got second lead roles in the newer dramas..
Nope, I think so too. But K2H also taught to to not judge a book by its cover, so we will just have to wait and see ;)
Jang Hee Bin was 2 years older than Sukjong IRL. But yeah, he looks a lot younger than her. If anything, Hong Soo Hyun is the one who is miscast but I love her so I'll let it slide. Kim Tae Hee better pray that either she magically learns how to act or Hong Soo Hyun forgets how to.
I loved Yoo Ah In in SKKS, so if he's going to be strong & badass I'll be a happy camper. But him & Kim Tae Hee? Hmm. Can't see it at the moment.
Also. Kim Tae Hee's gonna be in trouble if Hong Soo Hyun signs on. She's such a limited actress, and playing opposite Hong Soo Hyun's just going to make it more obvious >.<
Seriously the whole cast can outact KTH!
Hong Soo Hyun, if she signs on well things are definitely going to be interesting. She was amazing in TPM so yeah KTH is going to be in trouble acting wise. Her acting is about as good and deep as a log of wood.
She is cute in romcoms but it just proves she can do light and fluffy (I think she should have stayed on that path)
Oh er, interesting casting. How does Kim Tae Hee feel when everyone is a better actor than her?
Plus what is with Jae Hee? Is he not getting good acting offers? Did her sign on with a bad agency? He wasn't around for ages post MS then he is suddenly acting but weird choices.
Personally I'm anticipating for it and hope it'll work out as well. Since the heroine is known for being evil, I wonder how they'll re-create her image here. Will there be a reversal? it'll be interesting to have a multi-layered heroine. And I have a thing for sageuk romance lol
Probably by ignoring basic facts. The plot sounds all kinds of stupid and YAI's casting tells me no one more suitable with KTH would touch this.
At least we know the king cannot be killed in this fashion sageuk.
@ mskololia - Sukjong is always portrayed as such a weenie that I almost hope this drama kills him off just for kicks.
What exactly is the scope for romance here? King sees concubine, falls in lust with her, concubine starts gathering followers and has rightful queen imprisoned/almost poisoned and then is forced to commit suicide. End scene.
That's why I think they're going to totally butcher the story.
eh i feel too much pessimism here. Them doing a drama with all those known facts/story is what I'd like to see. Whether they make JOJ one dimensional character or sthing more. I don't have high expectation but I do want to check it out, just to judge it myself.
yoo in ah!!!! im totally going to watch this. fashion king kinda kill me but my love remain with him.
im gonna watch this..:)only because of Yoo Ah In & Jae Hee :)