I have to remind myself that April 1 only means what it means in certain countries, but modern Japan has taken to celebrating the pranking of that day as well. Which means this might be a hoax, but likely just a coincidence as Fuji TV placed the Rich Man, Poor Woman SP on its airing calendar for the evening of April 1, 2013. Can I get a whoop whoop down herre in da playground! Oh hell yeah this is going to be awesome. While China can’t get enough of drama sequels and Korea rarely does it (with Taiwan falling somewhere in between), Japan offers up a two-fer option of producing a sequel to a hit dorama or doing an SP (special) to tie up loose ends. In the case of the mega-hit Nodame Cantabile, I recollect that dorama got both a sequel and an SP (as did Hana Yori Dango, among others). It works in doramas because the length of their shows are so short (around 9-11 episodes), but for certain stories a sequel still fails to delight because its just rehashing the original plot but in a slightly different setting. For RMPW, the plot was never its strength, but rather we all watched for the delightful interactions between Hyuga and Makoto. If anything, the plot with the Asahina takeover of Next Innovation and Hyuga starting over detracted from the central cuteness of the OTP opposites attract chemistry by throwing in slightly makjang elements into the mix. With the upcoming SP, I don’t mind an Asahina redemption arc as long as the story by and large sticks with showing us Hyuga and Makoto clashing over the silliest of things in order to learn a little bit more about each other. Much as I would have loved another 11 hours with Oguri Shun and Ishihara Satomi, a sequel to RMPW would probably not be a good idea so I’m content with just the SP. Check out the first pictures below of the leads on set filming the SP.
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Kyaaaaa!! Can't wait. Hyuga and Makoto, they are so cute!
Thanks for the update! Can't wait until it comes out. ^^
I really do want to know what happened to them after she comes back or in-between that time. I just hope they wrap it up neatly and tie with a bow.
let the countdown begin!
I hope it's more Hyuga/Makoto and less everybody else..
I agree!!
: ) can't wait!
This is GREAT news!!!! I can't wait for April. Whoop, Whoop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So exciting!!!!! Shun & Satomi are still adorable as Hyuga & Makato. I can't wait! :-D
still need to watch the show :)
Not only am I no longer getting APP attack warnings coming to the playground(so I can read the playground at home--don't mind that stuff at school 'cause I have IT to fix it=), but I am back on an icy morning to get this warm news?!?! Hyuga and Makato for the win!
I love them. I loved this show. Please someone sub this as soon as it comes out.
I'm happy to see our couple back: They are just the cutest OTP ever. And leave Asahina alone, people! He cheated and he paid for his mistake. Now I want him to save the day (Next Innovation probably) like a pro. Go big or go home!
He paid for his mistakes and he should have as much chance at a good life as anyone else, but I would NOT be friends with a person like that after what happened. How could you ever trust him again?
I like to live dangerously... In Dramaland. ;)
More seriously, I'm more scared by people pretending to be perfect and generous when they are not. At least with him you know where you are going and what buttons to push. Also, someone who's been saved is generally grateful to his savior for life. That or he is the worst scum ever.
Right around the corner. Yes!