Categories: Drama Previews

Written and Video Previews for King Flower Episode 20

In all my years of drama watching I’m having a hard time remembering feeling this level of anxiety as a drama heads towards the finale. Normally I’m worried one or both of my OTP will die, which is understandably traumatic, but King Flower is rewriting the script for how to mind-fuck its viewers and potentially give everyone a collective aneurysm. First things first, despite the previews showing a wedding ceremony between Da Hua and Terry, which may or may not finish in one piece but does allude to this drama ending, this week everyone started freaking out even more when the Chinese Wikipedia and Baike pages both were edited to show KF airing 22-episodes and ending on June 9th. WHAT THE *&^@&$. Okay, this is not funny and I am not amused. My koala drama sense and warning alerts are going off big time. How the heck does this drama narrative have the legs to go two more episodes if Da Hua is going to be asked to make a final pick between insecure moron of the millennium Lin Guan Jun and loverboy of the century Ouyang Tai? Someone explain to me what is going on? I am so confused and scared now.

No wonder SETTV was so quiet all week about KF, which was odd since the network usually ramps up last ditch promotion right before a drama ends and usually in conjunction with promoting the next follow up drama. It has been radio silence over at SETTV and now I can only speculate what the brain trust has up their sleeves. They know everyone loves Terry (E.V.E.R.Y.O.N.E. and I spelled it out in case anyone thought there is even one human being out there who has a positive impression of Guan Jun), so perhaps the last two episodes is just Terry and Da Hua being happily married and doing all the things they discussed before? One can hope, right? Or maybe my “it’s all a dream” theory is what’s in store and the last two episodes takes everyone and gives them a do-over. Or maybe the official wiki pages are all wrong and this drama is ending this Sunday. A part of me is rather impressed that SETTV has somehow written a drama that has upset so many people, and still everyone keeps watching hoping for the lightbulb moment when Da Hua realizes she has the best thing since EVER in front of her in Terry and then jumps him and the credits roll with “The End”. Because how can any woman resist a guy who looks at her like that above?

Written preview for episode 20:

Da Hua accepted Terry’s proposal and the two of them take wedding pictures again but this time with a completely different experience. Seeing the way Da Hua stares at him with deep emotion and the sweetest smile, Terry finally feels that happiness has once again arrived for him. This time, will these two be able to cherish and keep the person before them, never to be separated again?

Da Hua and Terry are really getting married and when Guan Jun receives the wedding invitation he’s filled with so many mixed happy and sad emotions. Even though everything has happened as he wanted, he can’t help but feel a twinge of hurt. Can he sustain until the very end and watch with his own eyes Da Hua walking down the aisle with someone else?

On the day of the wedding, Xiao Fei regrets helping Guan Jun and vows to reveal the truth! As Guan Jun is trying to stop Xiao Fei, Ah Xi overhears! Now things are getting more complicated – will the pair of lovers who finally found happiness, Da Hua and Terry, be able to really walk to the end of the red carpet to say their vows to each other and tie the knot?

Previews for episode 20:

“Terry and I are getting married.”

Da Hua: Guan Jun oppa, Terry and I are getting married.

Guan Jun: Do you remember when we were small we used to come here and play after school? Can’t believe in the blink of an eye you’re about to get married. Guan Jun oppa wishes you happiness.

Da Hua: Guan Jun oppa, thank you. I really want experience the feeling of being loved. I…..will definitely be very happy.

“Let Da Hua decide for herself.”

Xiao Fei: They are about to get married! And then our show will be over. How can you tell me not to get upset?

Guan Jun: That’s fine, let’s just see it as being generous and letting others be happy. Doing a charitable thing.

Xiao Fei: I can’t stand watching you sacrifice yourself to let others be happy!

Guan Jun: Xiao Fei!

Ah Xi: I want to tell her the truth. I want Da Hua to decide for herself.

Guan Jun: Ah Xi, Da Hua’s happiness is right before her. Please.


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  • E.V.E.R.Y.O.N.E. wants Terry to be happy. If SETTV screw this up...the shit will hit the fan. What is this about 22 episodes?? My Terry boat has already sailed, because just even showing pictures of the wedding I know she'll run off with Guan Jun. And he looks like an old pathetic man in this series.

    • He's so grody to me. GJ, not James Wen, but its hard to even see him onscreen or in pictures lately. I'll watch until SETTV drops the bomb, but before then I want to soak in more DH-Terry cuteness.

      • He has early signs of hair loss. Come on Da do not want that when you're 50 hahaha. I can't separate actor/ this drama.

    • lol yes I was thinking the same thing. Maybe Guan Jun got a new hairstyle not cus of a time jump but because James Wen noticed that it looked like he was balding.

  • So DH really wants to marry Terry but people think that if she knows Gj was lying she'll be back to him and not marry Terry? Wtf, if so, I'll be so pissed.

    terry isn't just a substitute for DH, I hope.

    Or will awesome Terry let DH go because she is confused?

    • Yeah, everyone's reaction in this drama makes no sense, except Terry. I love how no one thinks its weird or blinks an eye that Terry has fallen for Da Hua and they are getting married, over the fact that she looks like his dead fiancee and they met because he made her look like his dead fiancee and she pretended to be his dead fiancee for months.

      Nooooo, those who think its weird she's marrying him are only worried whether she's really let GJ go or is just picking the next best thing. LOL, it's like this drama has made us love and root for Terry so hard that the pink elephant in the room has magically evaporated and everyone is nitpicking a minor detail.

  • Haha this drama is really driving me crazy, I am swearing off any more TW dramas unless Chris Wu is the confirmed lead. Before seeing your summary I thought it was Liang Yan in the picture above and that it was Terry who was waking up from a terrible dream or that Liang Yan was saying telling Terry to be happy in a dream.

    Unless Da Hua actually says the magical words "I love you" to Terry, I can't help but feel that she's using him as a rebound and this drama is going to end with her and GJ together. Her family agrees that Terry is a great guy but Da Hua hasn't opened her eyes or heart to him. I would love to see her take the initiative with him for a change...those sweet moments during the "date" from episode 11 were the best. I'm still confused by the fact that they highlighted each time Da Hua and Terry held hands or moments of awareness between the two but nothing like that happened with Guan mindf*ck by the directors.

    Those wedding pictures look so sweet and they look so HAPPY smiling at each other though. I hope they take some time to show Terry's HEA. I really don't give a ff about GJ except that he not ruin it...probably will though. :(

    • In doing recaps it's impossible to ignore that Terry-DH have scene after romantic or sweet scene and she's thus far had all of TWO with GJ. SETTV needs to be placed on meds for even still suggesting she likes GJ more or wants to be with him over Terry. Hello? Anyone up in there booth manning the ship?

  • If there's anything I've learned from Asian dramas, it's that the heart wants what the heart wants... no ifs, ands, or buts.

    • She can love whomever she wants but if she picks GJ she's dead to me. How I can support a chick who is so clueless and spineless that she picks a loser over a total man of the year winner.

      • Problem is KF's character execution is completely counter to a GJ-Da Hua ending - blame it on production, direction, or maybe even Nikki Hsieh's acting. KF has turned into a shizo hot mess. All can feel, predict, or outright know it's an oncoming train wreck but attraction to the sheer ludicrosity is like moths to a flame.

        I think disappointment is in store if the initial pic spoiler of Da Hua in a Grey Bear suit doesn't end on the cutting room floor.

  • This show is stressing me out! *crossing my fingers* please let her pick Terry, please...pretty please.

  • Uhhhh maybe just maybe the morons over at SETTV have finally developed a clue about things and will let us enjoy the last 2 episodes with Da Hua and Terry:). Perhaps spineless Da Hua will finally realize that she absolutely CAN NOT live without Terry and she will devote the extra 2 episodes to making Terry happy and showing him how much she loves him. WAAAAAAHHHH me and my wishful thinking are getting out of hand now LOL. But someone mentioned before my comment that this drama is stressing them out......well join the club I think I developed anxiety whilst watching KF.

  • Or as this drama is so strange, perhaps nowhere LY is alive, and now Terry has to decide who he wants to be???? LOL ....

    What I say is that in terms of love should not lengthen more (just make it to see the love between Terry and DH), but now, we have not seen the end of things in the drama, Terry return to Sheng Group Da? Terry will remain the GM of Sheng Da?

  • Actually I'm not wholly surprise by there being more than 20 episodes. First of all, the big teddy/airport scene has not being shown yet. I also want a scene where Da Hua tells Liang father that she will be his new daughter.

    I was actually more surprised when so many people announced KF ends in 20 episodes.

    I'm actually glad there are more episodes because Ai Xi is correct, Hua Dua needs the entire truth before she can make the decision.

    After all that mess, the ending of the series better be Terry and Da Hua looking out into the sunset on a preferably less dangerous mountain setting.

  • It finally makes sense!

    I've been Google Translating like mad all the stuff posted on the KF Facebook page and damn, Google Translate sucks. Now I know what everyone is talking about!

    I think it makes a lot of sense. From all the stills that have been released (i.e. airport bear) and whatever has been shown in the previews it seems like there's a lot of show left for only an hour-long episode. This actually fills me with some hope that perhaps a DH-Terry ending might still happen? I feel like if she were to end up with GJ, Episode 20 is a good place to end it since she's been all mopey over him for the last few episodes.

    Man oh man, this drama is going to give me an ulcer.

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