Being away from one’s family for extended periods of time undoubtedly increases the desire for a getogether. Joe Cheng was in the military for the past year and recently got discharged in early July. His service wasn’t completely cut off from the real world, it’s more like a out of town job with weekends off and shore leaves since he was part of the coast guard service. But he must’ve missed his family, if not his real life one then his most famous television one, because recently Joe hosted pretty much the entire cast of It Started with a Kiss (and the same cast did the sequel They Kiss Again as well) at his restaurant Destino. The main getogether happened right after he got discharged and included his co-star Ariel Lin, famed Director Winnie (who reportedly is working on a drama that is going to star Joe), and his adorable onscreen and offscreen parents Chang Yung Cheng and Cyndi Chaw. It wasn’t just the Jiang family attending, perpetually impish looking actor Tang Tsung Sheng who played Ariel’s dad in ISWAK was also present.
It was nice to see Ariel with Joe since they haven’t hung out in what seems like ages with the conflicting and busy schedules each has. Ariel jetted off after this dinner for her unending slew of endorsement shoots plus promotional events for her upcoming period C-drama King of Lan Ling. Missing from the warm and fuzzy main cast reunion were the second leads Jiro Wang and Tiffany Hsu (and Bianca Bai but she was more of a guest star swooping in at the end to give one final big obstacle for the OTP to getogether). I give Jiro the pass since he’s supremely busy right now having hit television ratings gold again this year with sequels to the silly drama K.O. One (the sequels being K.O. One Return earlier this year and the currently airing K.O. One Re-act). Tiffany has been enjoying a nice career year getting her first major leading lady role in the drama Love Me or Leave Me with Chris Wang, and she might’ve missed the first ISWAK reunion but this week she hit up Joe’s restaurant with her girlfriends on Chinese Valentine’s Day and he spend the entire lunch hanging out with her group.
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Awww little Yu Shu is missing.
These pictures make me soooooo happy. I love ISWAK & TKA.
My favorite tw drama ever :) still lots of love for it.
Xiao Chong joe looks absolutely fantastic. Best he's ever looked IMO. Ariel too. I loved their characters so much and arjoe is my favorite OTP. Far ahead of the pack.
Haha... I find Tang Tsung Sheng really hilarious on tv. A typical tw comedian type perfect for the ridiculous variety shows. :)
It's so lovely to see them all together again. Joe has known Tiffany for a long time, pre iswak... Although same with Ariel. It's nice to see them all supporting each other in all their endeavors. Jia you!!!
My favorite Taiwanese drama of all time. Love how close they are....hope they'll come together for Part 3 in the near future.
Wait...there is another KO One sequel airing? Is Pets starting again? I basically watched the sequel for Jiro and Pets even though I was used to them as siblings since Pets was so fabulous in KO3
OMG...I was skimming to finish the first sequel and saw the spoiler video for the next one and every side character and their Mom has returned to the series...glorious
Awww.. are those two both single? Hooking up in real life ain't bad right? Love 'em!
Its so absolutely wonderful to see them again! Feels like the family has reunites. Heehee.
Koala-jiejie! What are your thoughts on King Lan Ling?
I'm not Koala buuuut!! I just really want to say I'm liking Lan Ling Wang so far!! Maybe it's because of Ariel and FSF but I'm digging the 4 episodes I've watched so far hahaha.
I'm quite enjoying it too. Although my one problem I have with it is that the romance feels too fast. Maybe its cause there are 3 episodes everyday, I don't know.
Gosh my hubby looks amazing!!
His boyfriend of eight years thinks he looks amazing too.
really now? proofs please. i know he has a girlfriend. it broke my heart when pictures of them vacationing abroad (not once, mind you) circulated around.
Joe has a restaurant? I suddenly want to hop on a plane just to go eat there.
@brokenheartedgirl. You are so sill. So it breaking your heart over Joe having a so called girlfriend. He has a man. hey have been together for 8 years now. Live with it little girl. And in the meantime you need to give proof of this girlfriend, and find yourself a little boyfriend. Stop chasing after men you will never have.
so it's personal attack now? FYI, i have a very sweet boyfriend who tolerates my craziness, he even went with me to watch Lee Min Ho's concert. and no, my heart didn't break because Joe is taken but because my dream OTP Joe-Ariel is no longer possible. as for the pictures,since you manage to find his so called boyfriend in the internet, why not waste some more time finding his girlfriend. by the way, the girl is not a looker... okay, she's ugly and she's part owner of the restaurant.