Categories: K-dramas

Upcoming Wed-Thurs Drama New Stills: Joo Ji Hoon in Medical Top Team and Ji Sung for Secret

Joo Ji Hoon cannot catch a break when it comes to drama hair-dos. I can’t even wrap my mind around his hair for the role of the antagonist doctor in Medical Top Team. It’s slicked back, which usually denotes an ambitious suit-and-tie corporate raider type character. The slicked back I can handle, what’s destroying my eyes is how flat it is on top. Where’s the volume? It’s like an iron ran over his head and half his scalp has been flattened. His character in MTT is actually the one I’m most interested since everyone else is written exactly the same – nice and genius in their own profession. He’s described as ambitious and angling to become the hospital director so that adds the added conflict above the usual medical condition of the episode plot devices. MTT sounds like one of those medical shows that has something for everyone, and with Jo Jae Hyun being so awesome in the weekend drama Scandal I keep flashing back to how much I loved him in the addicting New Heart, my personal fave medical K-drama of all time. A couple of other fantastic oldies are Surgeon Bong Dal Hee and OB/GYN. MTT follows Two Weeks so it still has another 5 weeks before it airs, but it’s taking advantage of the early shoot start and being good to the fans by releasing stills early. Whereas MTT’s competitor in the same Wed-Thurs time slot Secret has two weeks until it airs since The Blade and Petal is finishing this week just released another still of its leads. There are cute BTS pictures of Hwang Jung Eum and second male lead Bae Soo Bin as a couple, likely during happier times before he runs over Ji Sung‘s girlfriend in a car and lets Hwang Jung Eum take the fall for him. It’s like he’s a coward AND a douchebag. I adore Bae Soo Bin but it’s going to be a steep uphill climb to make that character redeemable. Finally there are new stills of male lead Ji Sung’s character in the streets looking stressed and sporting a bandage around his hand. Looks like it’s fall out when he confronted Hwang Jung Eum in the police station, and probably he ended up punching a wall instead of her to release his devastated rage that she killed his beloved girlfriend. Even though Ji Sung just got back from an engagement picture trip to Spain with fiancee Lee Bo Young, it’s a testament to his seasoned acting experience because there isn’t a shred of his giddy little boy happiness from the airport pictures and instead all I see is a very hurt guy. I love it!


K-dramas love using hair to convey a character type, and slicked back usually equals oily and smarmy or cold and repressed, though I hope his character isn’t as stereotypical as either K-drama staple. He does look better in the suits with this hairstyle than wearing a white coat. Come to think of it, he’s like the male version of Hwang Jung Eum, though it looks like she’s broken her curse with her look for the upcoming revenge melodrama Secret. She’s gone had three bad hair days in a row from Can You Hear My Voice to Full House Take 2 to Incarnation of Money. Joo Ji Hoon is still on his second bad hair style, the first being his piano playing awkward genius look in Five Fingers. Let’s hope he doesn’t go three for three because I find it hard to believe such a handsome man could be rendered so aesthetically off just with some decidedly unfortunate hair style choices.


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  • My gosh I'd forgotten HJE is actually attractive after all the awful, awful hairdos in the last few dramas. She looks normal and sweet here.

  • I was wondering how bad the hair is for Captain K to comment as such, internet was quite laggy so JJH's photos took an extra few seconds to load, then i scroll up... bwahahahahahaha...

    poor Shin Goon.. at least they style him all sober befits his role ( no salmon, pastel-y colour or anything feminine pls)

  • Koala, thanks so much for your very entertaining updates, especially those relating to Secret. I am somewhat apprehensive about Bae Soo Bin's character in the drama - if he acts as a douchebag too convincingly, he may end up as someone the Korean viewers love to hate. On the other hand, if he doesn't convince as the villain of the piece, then his acting ability may be called into question.

    Looking forward to more updates from you and to your thoughts on the hairstyles of BSB, HJE etc :)

  • Oh so miss Prince Shin Goon -JJH. Yah, the haircut is way off. He's better with long hair or idol hairdo. But for a doctor role, there are professional-looking clean-cuts available. I thought he just went out from military service on here.

  • Prince Shin! I still find him georgeous, probably has something to do with fact that the hair looks very "Joseph Gordon-Levitt" who is my ultimate bias.

  • A little bit correction. It's not 3 times a row for HJE. Between FH2 and IoM she did MBC's Mon-Tue medical drama Golden Time with Lee Sun Gyun. Her hair style was fine there.

    • I think u need to include 'Can You Hear My Heart' with that bowl cut hair. Yeah HJE has a love hate with her hair stylist. Giant - golden time was ok. So i think this time around would be back the good cut?

  • JJH was my first fangirl crush during Goong, so of course I'll be watching MTT. As for as his hair, it isn't as bad as it was in Five Fingers --and after a few episodes (once the adults showed up) his hair was styled MUCH BETTER. Maybe the same will happen here.....I hope.

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