Categories: Awards

Lee Seung Gi and Ha Ji Won Both Up for 2013 MBC Drama Award Daesang

Just the mere thought that I get to see Lee Seung Gi and Ha Ji Won at the same place, attending the year end MBC Drama Awards, makes me giddy with excitement. It’s been a year and a half since they worked together in The King 2 Hearts, also a MBC drama, and to date in 2013 I still haven’t found an OTP that I’ve loved as much as I loved them as the King Lee Jae Ha and his Queen Kim Hang Ah. The nominations are out for MBC’s 2013 Daesang (the highest award of the night) and chances are only the winner will attend while the other nominees might show up if they win other awards. Each network’s drama awards is like an employee recognition event so it’s purely goodwill, ratings, connections, and pats on the back all around. Don’t read too much into winning anything being the equivalent of an acting validation. MBC has had an okay year in 2013 – it’s all-sageuk line-up on Mon-Tues did good to solid ratings, it mostly floundered in the Wed-Thurs timeslot, but it made up for it by doing even more makjang than usual weekend fare and luring the audience in. The nominations for the Daesang are all heavyweights to current It-actors or actresses and I actually don’t see a frontrunner in the bunch. The line up includes: Lee Seung Gi for Gu Family Book, Ha Ji Won for the currently airing Empress Ki, Moon Geun Young for Goddess of Fire Jeongi (LOL forever), The Queen’s Classroom with Go Hyun Jung, and Park Won Sook for A Hundred Years Inheritance. Last year’s Daesang winner was Horse Doctor with Jo Seung Woo. I guess Han Ji Hye‘s valiant turn as twins in the bipolar I Summon You, Gold didn’t make the cut. I don’t care who wins as long as Ha Ji Won and Lee Seung Gi pose for a picture together for me, even if my King has turned into a half-gumiho while his Queen has run off to become an Empress. I’m also chuckling with the sneaking suspicion that MBC will somehow give Moon Geun Young and Kim Bum a couples award for GoF, despite them NOT being a couple in the drama, since this is one network that will pounce on any free fanservice when it can. The winners will all be announced before the ceremony which is usually held in the last few days of December.

I’m betting one of the ladies bags the MBC Daesang this year. Prolly a toss-up between Ha Ji Won and Go Hyun Jung.


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  • Omg I would die if they gave MGY and KB a best couple award. That would be so cute.

    Personally, I would vote for Go Hyun Jung for the Daesang out of those nominees. She gave a very impressive and nuanced performance in TQC. I hope the show gets recognition, too. It was one of the best this year imo.

  • OMG! OMG! OMFG! They need to walk the red carpet together, and I'll just pretend this is 2012 instead of 2013! MBC better make up for last year's fail and give them both an award. I really wanna see them together again...

    But it's such a pleasant surprise to see Seung-gi getting nominated for the Daesang award. Firstly, he's the youngest of the lot (I'm blinding myself with the MGY nomination) but in my eyes, he's more of an it-actor than a heavyweight. Or maybe he's both? Because he's definitely extremely popular (in Korea and internationally) and creates that buzz, but I won't call him an actor with the calibre of say a HJW - not yet at least... But then again he did impress the heck out of me last year as Jae Ha and then as Kang Chi. LOL, I guess the point is he deserves the nomination.

    Also... why is last year's Daesang winner nominated this year? I get that HD extended into 2013, but JSW already won it and so did the Horse doctor team. I'm seriously hoping Seung-gi and Ji-won gets the Daesang award together. I remember MBC splitting it a few years ago, so I'm hoping for something like that this year too. In the very least, I'm sure they'll get the top-excellence, so as long as they walk that red carpet together, I'll be in heaven!

  • Uh if anything Seung Gi should be nominated for his performance in K2H not GFB and even then that nomination should be taken with a grain of salt. Love you seung gi, but there's alot of actors out there that probably deserve the award more than you do! Don't worry baby, you're still very young with many many years ahead of you. I'll be rooting for the day you top your K2H performance (not sure if you'll ever have a chance to portray such character though.) Jae Ha and Hang Ah were one in a million.

    Despite loving ha ji won, i say go hyun jung deserves daesangs more than anything. She's a wonderful actress. However, i don't think her best performance was QOC despite it being a solid show. But we should know better than anything that MBC drama awards have always been a popularity contest.

    • Isnt K2H for 2012 MBC lineup not 2013?
      I love him too But I agree there are a lot of actors more deserving to get the nominations compared to his acting gig in GFB. I know he can become awesome as he did in K2H but GFB was a drama with acting the was just entertaining, not really award material.
      I wonder why Jo Jae Hyun was not nominated for Daesang, he was ultimately awesome in Scandal. really really awesome. floored me every episode along with Kim Jaewon!

      Dont know who the nominees are for the categories but I am hoping Lee JunKi or Kim Jae Won wins Best actor category.

  • Omg! My hearts< almost leaped out of my chest when I saw their pic when your homepage load. Thank you so much for still posting news about them <3

  • Ha Ji Won totally rocks in Empress Ki!!! Her red attire was beautiful and she looked beautiful. I'm also loving the OTP so much. Hope you write something about Empress Ki Ms. Koala. Lee Seung Gi is so talented! Acting wise, singing and entertainer!!And I love he is like the handsome boy next door with a beautiful wide smile. Even though I haven't watched ‘The King 2 Hearts' I'll check it out just because you seem fond of them and I love your drama sense.
    About my dear Moonie been nominated for the Daesang I also find it laughable. She's an amazing actress but GoF was the exception, but still love her. Maybe MBC nominated her because they want ❤GeunBum❤ to forcefully come and how you mentioned “free publicity" (I wouldn't mind if they go) you know.

  • If this award is for the King 2 Hearts, Lee Seung Gi might win as he clinched the role as King Lee Jae Ha to the tee, but not for Gu Family Book, I don't think. Yes, King 2 Hearts is probably my favourite kdrama of all time as I was hooked from the first episode to the last one. It's like the denouement of that story was on its last 15 minutes while before it is just all climax, which is great! The actors were all superb which is rather rare for a drama. So I wonder why Lee Seung gi never had an award for that. He was downright spectacular in that drama. I mean hands down. So natural. This is one of those dramas that I'll never tire of watching over and over again. I wish he was recognised by the award-giving bodies for that. While Ha Ji Won always delivers. I mean she's pretty consistent performance-wise, whatever role, hence, the casting people can never go wrong with her. But this pairing, oh gee, I so love. I hope LSG is a noona-killer just like Kim Bum and snag his queen in Ha Ji won for real. He even said in interviews when asked about his ideal woman that he thought that he used to like just the pretty but now he likes mature women. What did he mean by that? I guess mature as in how one thinks, or mature as in older than he is, but I think what he meant was mature as in Ha Ji Won (I wish!)!

    • His ideal has changed from yoona to ha ji won.
      I think its safe to say ha ji won is probably the most commonly picked ideal type.
      I ship them like crazy too, even if i know it's probably impossible.
      I still get shivers re-watching certain scenes from K2H or just listening to OSTS from that show. Goosebumps, i tell you.

      • nahhh!its not HAJIWON anymore he said his ideal change from time to time.well too bad for him,he's so fickle,no offense here ok,peace :)

      • @ilikemangos - Don't think he gave a new name for his 'ideal type'. He just said she should be able to get along with his family and friends, is lively etc. So he never changed from HJW... I personally think this whole 'ideal type' questions get repetitive and useless.

        Love him with HJW, but I don't quite ship them in real life. That age difference along with the mutual respect would probably prevent them from having anything more... But one can never tell LOL

  • i know that these are mostly just popularity contests but I personally thin Go Hyun Jung's the only one that deserves an award... I haven't seen Park Won Sook's or Ha ji Won's dramas but from the rest she's the only one that's a real contender acting wise (sorry MGY unni, you know you've done better)....I also just want see her win because Queens Classroom is such a sorely underrated show....I even think GHJ'performance there bypassed the one she gave in Queen Seonduk...I mean you could literally blink and miss revealing expressions

    • I completely agree. I'm not surprised if The Queen's Classroom is completely ignored at the awards b/c of its low ratings though. mbc's an ass like that.

      • Empress Ki was really really better than Queen Classroom! Ha Ji Won the only one who deserved DAESANG!

    • Absolutely agreed that Go Hyun Jung should win for The Queen's Classroom hands down. None of the nominees could surpass her performance in that drama.

    • The only one who deserved DAESANG was Ha Ji Won and she won! Empress Ki was such an amazing drama!

  • I think may want Go Hyun-jung to win it, as much as I love Ha Ji-won and Lee Seung-gi (both apart and together! XD)

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