My smiling face this morning was seriously beaming rays of joy after watching two fantastic new episodes of competing Mon-Tues K-dramas Empress Ki and Prime Minister and I (recap coming!), plus I’m finally over the most hellacious cold and jet lag combo ever. It’s like the clouds have parted and I can hear the birds singing. This week’s two episodes of EK dialed up every plot development from lukewarm to scalding hot and suddenly the fur is flying and shit is finally happening. Yeon Chul goes down and then gets back up, Ta Hwan tries to take out his political rival and love rival in a two-birds-one-stone maneuver, and Wang Yoo out plays everyone AND gets his girl. A sweet marriage proposal to be his queen when they get back to Goryeo? Hairpin worn, proposal accepted. Hot kissing and then BAM a wedding night? Yeah, my King and Queen done up and married themselves, thank you very much. The hilarity of the reactions of doom and handwringing baffle me since Ta Hwan is himself sleeping with his harem while pining for Seung Nyang so let’s not be dealing in double standards. What I love about Seung Nyang’s relationship with both men is that they both affect her and she acknowledges it. She does have feelings for Ta Hwan as well, but it’s a mixture of pity and chemistry and camaraderie. If he didn’t cause her dad’s death she could totally fall in love with him one day if she still ended up a serving maid in the Yuan court. But the narrative shows us that she’s in love with Wang Yoo now, and it’s not an imaginary projection of her feelings but knowing him and spending time with him. I can handle Seung Nyang marrying Ta Hwan down the line, and if that happens I hope she at least tries to love him a little. But her heart has been given to Wang Yoo first and he’ll always be the man she wants to be with even if life pulls them apart down the road. I’m sooooo happy they got some quality romantic time together now before all hell breaks loose soon. This drama is called Empress Ki and it’s Seung Nyang’s choice I am keen to watch. She picked her man today and I couldn’t be happier.
Empress Ki Episode 20 Wang Yoo-Seung Nyang proposal cut:
Wang Yoo asks what Seung Nyang wants to do after she gets back to Goryeo. She plans to follow him even if he doesn’t want her to. Wang Yoo gives her the hair pin and asks if she’ll be his Queen once they go back. If she’s not ready to answer him now, he’ll wait for her to answer. If she says yes, she can wear the pin as her answer.
Empress Ki Episode 20 Wang Yoo-Seung Nyang wedding night cut:
Wang Yoo misses Seung Nyang so goes to see her that night after she accepts his proposal. He kneels down and says he really still has so much to learn about her and asks why she cross-dressed in the beginning? Seung Nyang brings up the incident when the young crown prince released the Goryeo women being sent to the Yuan as slaves. Wang Yoo cries remembering how he wanted to help them but ended up getting many of them killed, including the mother of the young girl who he thinks probably also died. Seung Nyang reveals she is that girl and she never once blamed the crown prince for what happened.
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Wooh! Your fast! well, I gusee JJM didn't lie when he said he'll keep SN till the end at the MBC drama awards!
I'm loving how this drama is going. I don't give a shit about SN marrying TH in the future. As long as I'm enjoying every bite of both leads chemistry I'm sold to whoever sell best.
shippers should avoid going to soompi thread! People are flagging each other there! LOL
yeah! soompi is right now a war zone. lmao
LOL yeah, those fangirls are so loud and crazy. Some Ta Hwan fanatics even said they hope the rating will drop to 0%. #facepalm
Its has been a war zone indeed at soompi. it is supposed to be a forum on the drama EK but one can sense that right from the start, it was set up to promote a particular bias. Pages later, with further fanning, we have this craze that reach a level that is simply ridiculous.
I saw that this morning at the soompi thread, that's why I stop going to that thread. So crazy...well, I am pretty happy that SN got to spend some time outside the palace with her lovely WY. Thanks for posting these scenes, WY (or rather JJM) can make any girl's heart melt.
The fake pearl clutching on the soompi thread is kinda hilarious, they'd be cheering if it had been Ta Hwan and Seung Nyang getting it on. I can't wait for the subs to come out, Empress Ki has been dragging for me lately but it sounds like this week makes up for it.
What, so soon? I'm not gonna like this episode. Poor TH, he's going to be so heartbroken. So SN gets to sleep with both men? She's going to be a concubine later and then empress.
So happy!! Everything was so sweet and perfect. I really don't feel sad at all for TH. SN has been like a dead body all the time that she was with him but nobody cared about it, if TH cries everybody says, poor him. TH doesnt really care about SN at all, she always been unhappy with him and now that she can be happy with the man she loves he tries everything to kill him. Is this considered love? This is only obsession and selfishness.
hi everyone, i've been reading EK forum in soompi and have read more than 300pages of the forum yet only after the bed scene that some trolls came and bashed the real residents there. most active members there have been exchanging ideas nicely. the TH-SN active shippers there are truly disappointed yet they are still friends with their rival SN-WY shippers.
with due respect to TH-SN shippers, it's true that they expressed their disappointments and frustrations but in most civil manners. There were just really some trolls (TH-SN shippers that were not much active in the thread) that created the commotion a while back, but the typhoon had already calm down when they "left" i think lol :)
anyway, i'm not a soomper but i like the reading the thread there too so i know what's going on.
as for the SN-WY scene, it's soooo funny and cute how WY held his heart while releasing a deep sigh after giving the hairpin and proposing to SN kekeke!
and the most awaited scene had finally come!
i don't care much about the plot about who's to who for now, but the actors as well as the characters are well executed on this episode :)
well let's enjoy this moment because sooner it'll be (maybe) back to TH-SN scene again.
Are people just extra crazy lately? From the crazy Chilbongie shippers to the crazy TH shippers.... Seems like's it's been nonstop fights in dramas. I'm glad I stopped watching EK for now.
I'm still trying to figure out how this is an immoral act according to some.
Don't forget the SeJu shippers!
Could someone please point me to the scene where we learn, that the Emperor sleeps with his harem as koala says? All I know is, that he was forced to secure the bloodline (which is quite common for royals), refused to sleep with his wife and said to SN, that he only wants to be touched by her.
Looking forward to the subs of ep 19 and 20.
You cant...koala always like to make things up about th to support her wy and sn ship
Lol. Who needs to spell out the fact that emperors sleep with concubines? Just because TH is a pathetic excuse for a man doesn't imply that he is sexually pure or chaste. And SN can sleep with whoever she pleases.
Crazy TH-SN shipper. Dont come bash Koala on her own blog with your crazy imagination.
@rina historically maybe. But we are watching a drama. History rules rarely play in the context of dramas, especially romantic sageuks like Empress Ki. So many modern devices and notions have being applied into this drama, that you can't really use facts like "emperors sleep with concubines." We know Th, and his character would never do such thing unless forced.
@Wonbinlover. Crazy imagination? Oh please Koala made up so many things about TH in her past posts like saying that he lied to Sn that WY is dead and now that he is responsible for the death of Sn dad. Her dad was already dying. Please rewatch episode 6.
@koala like stated before. history devices and rules does not apply to this drama, this show is almost 100% made up, using more modern context and modern notions of romance than history. If you want to play that game, you need to stop analyzing by jumping around both modern and historical context. You pick and choose in order to shine Th in a bad light most of the time. Anyone can do that, for example. Th is emperor, he can do what he wants, if he wants to bed her, he can willing force it. Sn should had being put to death for assaulting him so many times during the show. She could be put to death by her condescending tone and disrespect towards him when she was his maid. The list is endless.
-Th job to procreate period...emperors barely run the nations...where are you pulling up these kind of generalizations and one sizes fit all box. First you criticize Th for not doing much as emperor and now you are saying that it is normal.
There are always many ways to stop your enemy like Yeon Chul without have to produce an heir. That may be your strategy, it doesn't mean that is the best strategy.
Now you are supporting Th to do nothing but continue being a puppet king and just bed concubines and produce heirs. Hypocritical at best.
You can have your opinions but the thing that would make fans of Th upset is how you make up things to slander a character repeatedly. It undermines your credibility. I like your site when it is more objective but when you dig in one side and then pretend to be open to the other side by saying oh...only if they did this and that then i might accept them but would continue to bash them over small things and made up things. You once edited a post that you mislead people about Th, you get half kudos, because you never once put a disclaimer for making the just quietly changed it.
LOL, just because we don't see all the characters take a dump doesn't mean they don't do so on a regular basis as human beings with functioning bowels.
Ta Hwan has a harem, like all Emperors do. He is a man in his prime. If he DOESN'T sleep with his ladies that would be the anomaly. Him not sleeping with Tanasiri is a whole different issue - he does not want a kid with her who will carry the Yeon Chul bloodline and give that family control of the dynasty through progeny. You ask for a scene showing Ta Hwan sleeping with his ladies? I ask for a scene disproving he doesn't. It needn't work like that. I simply posited the most rational and logical of conclusions based on the situation that as an Emperor with a vast array of ladies at his disposal he can sleep with them at his leisure, save for Tanasiri because he can't stand her and can't risk producing a demon spawn with her.
This has nothing to do with ships, btw. Ta Hwan can sleep with his ladies of the backcourt and I wouldn't hold it against him that he doesn't love Seung Nyang or "betraying" her. LOL, what poppycock. As Emperor he can love Seung Nyang AND still sleep with his ladies. Hello? So if he makes Seung Nyang his Empress one day you're saying he's going to never sleep with his back court. That is the most ridiculous concept ever, and if Ta Hwan did that then he deserves to be a loser of an Emperor. His job is to procreate. Period. Emperors barely run the nation anyways, it's all ministers doing the heavy lifting. An Emperor's job is to continue the line. If Ta Hwan just slept with Seung Nyang and hoped she wear bear him a son who lived to adulthood then he's a moron. In that day and age kids die of disease all the time. His job is to have as many kids with as many women in his back court as possible. Anything else makes him unworthy to rule, period.
I actually found Ta Hwan's moronic insistence on NOT producing an heir and needing to be forced into it one ding against him. A wise ruler would understand without being forced that the best way to thwart Yeon Chul was to produce a crown prince with another woman NOT Tanasiri.
An Emperor or King sleeping with his harem is unrelated to romance and hardly involves any betrayal of whatever pure love is floating around. In fact, when Wang Yoo gets back to Goryeo and becomes King, he better get down to business and start making heirs too.
Amazing! Took the word from outside my mouth! XD
Absolutely true! Based on history and logic...if there is like button i already like this million times! XP
I agree. An Emperor's job is to procreate. on that Cdrama, Bu Bu Jing Xin, the Emperor did not give a title to Rouxi right away so he can be with her anytime because by giving her a concubine title, then he would flip a number when he needed to sleep with her.
I must object. We are watching a drama after all and assuming stuff in the background is fatal for the character perception. If we could do so, we could just assume the same for WY. He is a King too, brought up within the same rules as in having a harem for his benefits and therefore used to the idea of consuming multiple women, he is a healthy man and why should he only pine after one woman? He could release his sexual needs with pretty much every palace maid and still yearn for SN.
We never see the Emperor waking up with another woman and we all know how complicated the palace rules are about such stuff. Everbody in the palace got an urgent interest in the Emperor begetting a child in the past, we all know it is harmful to his wife's position, if he fathered a second child with another woman, we all know how interested his father in law was in this matter and now suddenly according to you we are to accept, that he lives an active sexual life without all these parties interfering and scheming?
Sorry, I don't buy this idea.
The same goes for pretty much every Kdrama out there. The way women are portrayed in the average drama is ridiculous. Unkissed and virginal even well into their thirties? If we would administer common sense like you argued, the viewers should assume they had sex several times with different gueys and are just faking the deer-in-the-light-at-first-kiss-eyes. Lol.
I agree with newbie. I separate dramas from any historical content because dramas tend to be about the characters and story rather than historical accuracy.
I think it is too early in the show for this. I expect it to happen but not this early. Who on earth gives their first kiss and their v card on the same day? Esp someone reserve like sn?
YESSSSSSSSSSSS!! I am so happy :)!
LOVE IT!Empress Ki is truly the best kdrama that I've ever watched! Every scene keeps me on the edge of my seat! Totally squealing over the kiss! I don't see anything wrong with them spending the night together! Wang Yoo giving the hairpin was his proposal for marriage to Seung Nyang and She accepted it. They are now married so there's nothing wrong with them consummating their relationship! During those time there we're no wedding ceremonies,that privilege was only given to the Emperor and the Empress. I hate Ta Hwan's obsessed and delusional fans! How dare they insult Seung Nyang! Ta Hwan has a freaking harem with thousands of concubines in it! He sleeps with any woman whenever he wants to! He even got Lady Park (not his wife) pregnant!If you should point a finger on anyone for being immoral,it should be on Ta Hwan! BTW the ratings for the last episode has been released! Empress Ki still Number 1 on it's timeslot and it increased! It means that there's a clamor for Seung Nyang and Wang Yoo! SUCK IT HATERS!