It’s been a thumb twiddling week waiting for episode 10 of Prime Minister and I to arrive. That will also signal the drama heading into the second half of its run and I hope the narrative will not suffer from any whiplash attempt to infuse it with more angst to draw in viewers. That is what happened with PM’s predecessor Marry Him If You Dare, and that drama also had the most cringe-worthy blatant second leading pandering ever by releasing mostly stills with that character and the leading lady. This latest show showing In Ho helping Da Jung out with her stuffed animal frogs in the rain worries me despite my happiness at seeing anything new with Yoon Si Yoon in it. I don’t need to see In Ho stuff from the drama featured because we all know its going nowhere. The first point is that Da Jung doesn’t like him that way, a point which is vitally important though that exact same rationale didn’t seem to fly with folks who kept on second leading shipping in MHIYD. Once again, if the leading lady has no feelings whatsoever of the romantic stirring for a character, it’s safe to say her choice ought to be respected.
The second issue in PM is that Da Jung is married to Yul. I love to see In Ho try some ridiculous “I’ll wait for you until your marriage contract is up” proclamation, because then I’ll be tempted for Da Jung to tell him that she’s going to make her marriage to Yul a reality including jumping her hot husband in bed because she’s fallen in love with him. Thank god KBS released a new OTP still shortly thereafter which makes me all giddy because wuri Prime Minister is finally changing out of his suit and cardigans and showing his attitude in a leather jacket with spikey hair. PM has genuine stakes aside from In Ho’s crush but episode 8 and 9 seemed to emphasize it more than I think it deserves to be addressed. Let’s hope episode 10 has the guy realizing he likes Da Jung enough to want to protect her and then everything else can be left to life to sort out. KBS released some new shiny production stills and one jumped out at me showing Yul washing dishes while Da Jung seems to be happily teasing him. Judging from their outfits this scene was supposed to be after their ramyun eating scene but clearly was cut. I’m wondering now what else cuteness this drama has been withholding from me. I will be a very angry Koala if PM doesn’t show me every scene of Yul and Da Jung giving their marriage a real shot whether that involves bedroom flirting or date night swooning.
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Yeah, why wasn`t the dish washing scene in the drama?
I love Yoon Si Yoon but I must admit that when I saw the still of In Ho with Da Jung, I wanted to, No, NO...get way from her. I'm a 200% on the Da Jung and Yul ship. I'm so glad to see stills of the OTP. I cringe at the thought of PMAI going anywhere near Marry Him if You Dare territory. Please, show keep up your wonderful tone and being wonderful. PMAI is the only reason I'm looking forward to Monday. I can't wait to see ep 10. And I also wanted to see the dish washing scene it looks cute and funny.
Hi raindrops1 :) I think the wash-dishing will be something she or he will remember in one of her/his moments :) I hardly wait tonight's episode.
PM looks awfully gooooood in that punk outfit.
And YSY is wearing TOTORO!
gosh no...yul is looking even older in the rock star outfit.
The still with Dal Jung and Yul washing dishes. He looks old enough to be her dad. I'm trying really hard to open up the Yul because he is a good man and all, but he just looks too old and still has such an old soul.
Breaking news from the real world: Older people, wrinkles included, date younger people. Ugly people date pretty people too. And shockingly enough, heavier people date skinny people as well.
If you can't get past the guy's age, then you won't be able to enjoy this series.
LOL, love your shocking news. Thumbs up from me.
AG to the GREE... but some people need to live more (and a functional brain) to share the similar POV like ours
If it was looks alone then i would be more okay. I'm also referring to his spirit. He acts too old.
Well duh, people can date who they want. But also people can ship people base on looks as well as personality.
Hehehe!! Agree!!! That's why I'm not watching it!! Hahahaha! Nice!!
my honey is younger than me and swoon very very very handsome
OMO!!! what a pathetic POV and I guess you need to stop wasting your time on hating the leading man in this drama.. how about go and watch Flower Boy Noodle Shop?
wow. no need for the hate because I pointed out a few things why I don't think Yul doesn't fit with Da Jung. I still like the show regardless.
Nah.. I'm still watching playful kiss... hehehe!
As Orion so wisely pointed out, if the age difference is that much of a barrier for you, this drama is not for you. There are many of us who think they're handling the issue sensitively and intelligently, as well as with quite deft humour, but if it troubles you so much, then you can take comfort in the knowledge that there are PLENTY of other Dramas out there, and many of them will no doubt suit your tastes much better. As-salaam alaikum, noho ora mai
I'm sorry that none of you guys can intellectually read my simple posts without dissing me. I still enjoy the show although I still am not on the ship of Yul and Da Jung. The age difference is not the deal breaker for me, the spirit is.
Still I like the show because of the characters and the main female lead Da Jung. I can enjoy the ride although I do not want Yul and Da Jung together.
Shin, given the entire premise is about two people whose understanding, respect and love for each other will better their lives, saying you can't see that love does make one wonder why it is you are watching, when said love is the main point.
Also, a person's spirit can be old and allow them to date younger people. Love is not as simple as matching age, looks or characters according to an outsider's standards.
You are entitled to your opinion, but having an opinion does not exempt that opinion from criticism. Only your right to have it. So just because some find your opinion shallow and are honest enough to say it does not mean they did not put the appropriate amount of thought into it.
If you judge a romance based on how old one looks and acts and not on how well the two people in love compliment each other and fulfill each other's needs, then yes, I do believe you will not enjoy it.
I agree that an opinion does not exempt that opinion from criticism as long as it is done with respect rather than being mean spirited and downright ornery. Saying stuff like go watch something else, pathetic point of view, and etc...those things cross the line.
I'm not saying it is not possible for a person with an old soul and at the same time more advance in age can't date younger people. For me personally, I don't see them as a decent fit because of it. I think their personalities are too different and they are in such different stages of their life that I feel like it clashes. I'm sure people are buying their romance the writer are selling, but I don't yet at the moment. Also I think Da Jung can find what she needs out of Yul and his family. She is such a wonderful asset to the family, but that's a tremendous load of work she is putting on her shoulder. I'm sure she enjoys what she gets from the family and Yul, but I feel like she is missing certain wonderful experiences because of them as well. At the moment I would want the storyline is that she helps the family like Mary Poppins, and then move on to greener pastures. There are rumors that maybe Yul wife is still alive...I would like the story to move in that direction.
What are you to say that I can't enjoy the show? I do enjoy the show. I can enjoy the show without liking the OTP.
And if your original post was like this and explained your reasoning instead of it simply mentioning how old he *looks*, twice, and how you can't handle that (which is offending, since it sounds like judging people on incredibly superficial criteria), you would have gotten more respect from posters and a reasonable counter-argument and agreement to disagree. Which I do, but whatever floats one's boat. Those are very personal things.
Most commentary sites when they comment on dramas, may it be teasers, stills, casting announcements, and recaps...people tend to spark interest base on looks of the OTP. Superficial it may be, but people tend to do that. People judge on looks all the time for dramas.
But overall I agree with what u are saying and that my opinion should had being expressed with more explanations and details. However, even with my simple original post, those attacks by certain posters weren't warrant.
MHIYD scarred me for life so I tend to cringe when we get so many In Ho/DJ stills released, but the good thing is I don't really think all that many people are actually shipping them. So while it's pandering, there isn't too much danger of actually changing the drama to suit a certain fanbase. Though it does make it question their promotional strategy...
Yoon Si Yoon is pretty, Yoona is pretty, show pretty people in photos, attract eyes that want pretty people. I think that is the usual strategy in kdrama.
From what I read in other sites, Lee Bum Soo is pretty too even though he is in the 40s. Too bad this is a Winter drama so he has to dress warmly, or else, his muscular physique with solid ABS might overshadow Yoon Si Yoon. LOL.
Lee Beom Soo is handsome. And yes, he's sculpted like a Greek statue, but it is not the type of looks which are considered attractive by the audience they are trying to market this too. Well, he is liked by many, but he's not tall and flowery, so by Dramaland standards, he's not marketable for his looks, but his skills and fame.
Yoon Si Yoon is so cute in the pictures. But it is Yul in the drama that makes me like more.
Another scene that they delete was I think after DJ accident that she went to sleep with MS for second night. It was shown on the preview but not in the next episod itself. Rage!!!!
Oh cutie YSY in that totoro blanket. So pumped up to see tomorrow episode. Rockstar Prime Minister.
@N'war I thought that I had missed something because I remember that scene in the preview but not in the actual episode. It looked like such a cute scene.
If I remember correctly they cut 5 minutes from the broadcast time of dramas awhile back, so things are cut. I remember MHIYD did the same thing. Showed things in the preview that were cut in the episode. Kind of sucks though...since it's usually cute scenes they cut.
Shin - where and how did anyone diss you? No one who replied to you said anything at all about you, not one word. Politely disagreeing with an opinion is not the same as dissing the person who holds it. In my case, it's a rigid rule of mine: "I don't do ad hominem" Neither did anyone else who replied to your comments here.
read posts by bianca park
"some people need to live more (and a functional brain) to share similar POV"..."pathetic point of view..."
I said I still like the drama regardless, and you responded by basically saying that this drama is not for me and i should go watch something else even though i never said the age difference was the deal breaker for me from this show. I still really like this show although I don't support the OTP.
Is it really possible to like a rom-com without supporting the OTP? That boggles my mind.
This is a sincere question, I am genuinely curious: Since this is a romcom whose entire raison d'être is the OTP, what is it that keeps you watching despite your dislike of its central (and afaict only) story?
Why are ppl being so nasty to shin lol. I don't care for the main pairing or Lee Bum Soo either but still, I'm watching cos I like the humour as well as Yoona, Yoon Si Yoon & the kids. People watch drama for different reasons meh.
I'm invested in Da Jung journey. I love these kind of stories where the main character contribute a strong positive change in a family (Mary Poppins, Sound of Music) , work environment(Mr. Smith Goes to Washington), or community (Drama City Hall, movie It's A wonderful Life). I love how Da Jung is affecting Yul and his family. How she affects Yul, will in the long run affect how he runs the government as prime minister. I love her strong character. Like poster J111, I also enjoy the humor and the kids.
Kyaaa! Yul in leather jacket?! Do serious, stern and upright politicians actually wear leather jackets? Can it be from an imagination sequence?
Oh, I didn't think about that possibility. Although it does not look like a very happy situation, so I think it's probably a surprise visit to his son's concert or something of the sort. If they want to get Da Jeong and/or Woo Ri out of there quietly, they have to blend in as much as possible. His bodyguard behind him is in civilian clothing too.
Da Jeong is wearing the same coat she did at the end of episode 9, so it might be close to that in the timeline. And I don't think Da Jeong would be in a fantasizing mood then. I kind of hope this is a real scene. It looks fun, even if ridiculous. :P
My feeling the scene is from the same night of the potential scandal. Rather than staying at the hotel for the night, they were looking for something to do for the 100-day wedding celebration and the only thing available for that late in the evening would be a young people's hangout. It appears a young guy was hitting on her in one of the pictures and Yul decided to tell him off in another picture. I wish Park Hee Chul of Scandal News gets to cover this outing. I think it is meant to counteract the evil designs of the political enemies. I am proud to reply to the legendary Orion.
I am a legend? I thought only those who hate me find me important. Ahaha. I am flattered. ^_^
But someone translated an article part for us at Soompi, so I now know what is happening in this scene. It's not quite what you are picturing, but it's kind of cute and I bet it will be funny too. I won't spoil you, but you'll like it. ;)
I think we are in for a new ride. There are a few fan shots of yoona filming with SiYoon a few days back and one of the photo seems to suggest "more" on DJ and IH side will be coming up. Let's hope the writers do a good job in the 2nd half.