Episode 6 of Dr. Stranger was all over the place in dialing up the conspiracy greater than expected and conflicting feelings shooting every which way. It’s easier to just watch rather than try and guess ahead, especially when it comes to whether Jae Hee is still alive and how come everyone seems to be in on whatever is brewing around Park Hoon. At least my guess yesterday that Chang Yi’s mom was going to need heart surgery soon came true though it was refreshing to see Jae Joon wield the scalpel for change. His character remains so underdeveloped both as a doctor and a love rival to Hoon. Already Soo Hyun seems to have turned her interest over to Hoon and it doesn’t bode well for Jae Joon when all we have to go by is a hot kiss with his honey. It’s so easy to fall for Hoon, he’s not written as perfect but his one-track devotion to Jae Hee and candid sense of humor makes him a breath of fresh air in the world of DS where everyone is plotting left and right. That also makes Soo Hyun way more appealing a female lead at this juncture because she’s just a normal girl with family issues trying to do her job.
Right now it’s hard to like Seung Hee at all, and perfectly fine to not like her one bit since she’s coming across as cold and calculating and working with scary Comrade Cha. I miss Jae Hee and wish the drama didn’t have to swap out her existence for brittle dour Seung Hee. It hurts watching Hoon mope and suffer but at least he seems to bounce back quickly and also doesn’t accept whatever is handed to him at face value. Start suspecting everyone around you, Hoon! Don’t trust anyone! The story line with PM Jang’s heart surgery is speeding up and there also appears remnants of whatever mystery was behind Park Hoon’s dad’s lawsuit twenty years ago with the hospital and the people involved. I’m thankful for the little bits of random humor that pepper each episode courtesy of Dr. Moon to interject some lightness into scenes of scary powerful people plotting to control Hoon like a marionette. Of course I’m hoping Hoon finds Jae Hee, which would be easiest if she is indeed Seung Hee, but that also means he’s going to be so hurt by what’s going on with her working with Comrade Cha and setting him up. Why can’t my woobie doctor get some easy loving around here?
Episode 6 recap:
Hoon and Soo Hyun have tracked down the hospital where Dr. Han Seung Hee works and happen to run into her outside the building. Hoon immediately stares in shock and staggers towards her calling “Jae Hee-ah.”
Rewind to Comrade Cha holding a gun to Seung Hee’s head and her daring him to kill her since she’s going to die anyways if they fail their mission. Comrade Cha is also afraid of not completing the mission and contemplates pulling the trigger but doesn’t do it. Seung Hee asks for a chance to meet Park Hoon in person but Comrade Cha asks what will that accomplish? Seung Hee knows that she’s just Han Seung Hee and Comrade Cha yells “Yes, you’re the Han Seung Hee I created!” Seung Hee also knows Hoon will see her as Song Jae Hee so until she’s selected as part of PM Jang’s surgery team then she’ll become Song Jae Hee in front of Park Hoon. She tells Comrade Cha to kill her if he doesn’t trust her to do this.
Comrade Cha hides and watches Hoon’s meeting with Seung Hee and touches his missing finger. Flashback to Comrade Cha getting interrogated in North Korea as he’s accused of letting Park Hoon escape. He gets his finger cut off as he screams in pain and pledges allegiance to North Korea. Okay, that was way gross but a timely reminder that North Korea is one of the Big Bads in this piece and not to be underestimated.
Comrade Cha pulls out his gun and screws on the silencer and says a manse for North Korea before he walks outside and shoots Park Hoon point blank. This turns out to be his imagination and he doesn’t do anything and allows Seung Hee and Hoon to meet.
Hoon walks up to Seung Hee and calls her Jae Hee and asks if she cut her hair. He thinks it looks really good on her and asks why she acting this way right now? Seung Hee asks Soo Hyun who he is and tells Hoon that he’s mistaken. Soo Hyun wonders if perhaps Seung Hee knows Song Jae Hee but that name isn’t familiar to Seung Hee.
Hoon takes out the Jae Hee bracelet that he found on Soo Hyun’s mom and Seung Hee asks how he got that. She claims to have made it for Soo Hyun’s mom but Hoon insists its identical to the bracelet he made for Jae Hee when they first met. Seung Hee goes to grab it back and breaks it in half.
Soo Hyun explains to Seung Hee that Park Hoon is the doctor who operated on her mom. Seung Hee grabs the other half of the bracelet back and gives it to Soo Hyun since it’s something that Soo Hyun’s mom left behind. Hoon keeps asking Seung Hee why she’s acting this way. Seung Hee is called back inside the hospital while Hoon chases after her. Soo Hyun stops Hoon from going to bother Jae Hee but he keeps trying to go after her since he’s certain she’s Song Jae Hee. Soo Hyun says the woman claimed not to be Jae Hee but Hoon wants to ask why she’s claiming not to be Jae Hee because he’s certain that she’s Jae Hee!
Seung Hee meets with Comrade Cha and tells him that he made the right choice. Comrade Cha chose the mission and Seung Hee warns him never to forget the mission. Comrade Cha seethes at Seung Hee to not be so arrogant before stalking away.
Hoon catches up to Seung Hee and asks her to why she’s pretending not to be Jae Hee? Seung Hee tries to placate him to talk later since she’s tending to a patient right now. Hoon starts to cry and says he did so much to try and find her and then starts apologizing that he did wrong. Seung Hee tells him that a patient needs her right now and slaps him because a patient’s care is most important. Seung Hee asks Soo Hyun to take Hoon away before she leaves with the patient.
Hoon is devastated and Soo Hyun tentatively reaches out and pulls him away, reassuring him that they can call Seung Hee out to meet privately later.
Comrade Cha watches them leave and Seung Hee comes by to confirm that Park Hoon won’t believe Song Jae Hee died anymore. Comrade Cha was impressed how the show was so thrilling back there. Seung Hee is sure Park Hoon will go back to the hospital because that’s where Song Jae Hee will be. Comrade Cha says they need to find another way to get Hoon back to the hospital since he’s currently kicked out. Seung Hee suggests finding someone that Chairman Oh will listen to to convince him to change his mind.
PM Jang is in a meeting with legislators who are arguing about needing to get the President’s approval on this matter. One legislator suggests moving to another topic since PM Jang’s health isn’t well these days.
The legislator goes to talk with PM Jang after the meeting to complain about the President and the current investigation into PM Jang’s last election campaign finances. He grouses that the legislators who support PM Jang are being marginalized. PM Jang shushes him but the security guard next to him appears to take particular note of it.
PM Jang goes to the bathroom and Comrade Cha waltzes right up to him. PM Jang snarks that this is a secure government building and must not have good security if they are meeting like this. He further brings up that their plan doesn’t call for them to meet. Comrade Cha asks for PM Jang’s help and he knows it’s about Park Hoon. Comrade Cha wants PM Jang to meet with Chairman Oh and get Park Hoon back working at Myung Woo Hospital. PM Jang is hesitant to do so because if word gets out that he met with Chairman Oh then Myung Woo Hospital may be eliminated from consideration in his upcoming heart surgery. Comrade Cha reminds him that if Park Hoon doesn’t go back to Myung Woo Hospital then their entire plan tanks. PM Jang angrily tosses his tissue in the trash.
PM Jang is called out to his car and gets in with Secretary Kim. He knows that the President has an aide that is spying on him. Once his car pulls away, that security guard immediately calls the President to report.
The President gets a report from his secretary that PM Jang just left the government office and will go see him tomorrow morning after a citizen’s group breakfast. The President refuses to wait and wants PM Jang to come see him first thing in the morning.
Hoon and Soo Hyun are out drinking and she doesn’t think Seung Hee is Jae Hee because Hoon said Jae Hee likes to smile but Seung Hee isn’t like that at all. Soo Hyun pulls up Seung Hee’s SNS account and shows Hoon pictures of Seung Hee’s life and she is never smiling in any of her pictures. There is also a picture of Seung Hee posing with her parents and her dad isn’t the guy who begged Hoon to save his Jae Hee. Hoon sighs and hands back the phone.
Soo Hyun sees Seung Hee’s picture with her dad which was taken earlier this year and is envious of the closeness. She asks Hoon about his parents and Hoon says his dad is dead and he doesn’t know where his mom is. Hoon keeps drinking and asking for more soju. Jae Joon is driving and calling Soo Hyun but she doesn’t answer her phone.
Soo Hyun gulps down a glass of soju and tells Hoon to forget Jae Hee. He can’t keep living in the memory of someone who is dead. Hoon smiles and say’s he’ll hold onto Jae Hee until the day he dies. Soo Hyun asks if Hoon likes Jae Hee that much and he says of course with a content grin. Soo Hyun smiles and says she’s envious of Jae Hee to have someone like Park Hoon who loves her that much. Hoon mumbles that Soo Hyun has someone like that as well, that Dr. Han Jae Joon dude. Soo Hyun smiles and wonders if it’s possible for Jae Joon to love like that. Hoon doesn’t think it’s possible for Dr. Han to even like someone.
Soo Hyun wants to keep drinking to the Jae Hee who is in Heaven but Hoon refuses because Jae Hee is still alive! He gets up and starts tottering around and Soo Hyun manages to grab him and seat him back down. Hoon lowers his head sadly while Soo Hyun reaches out to lightly stroke his cheek.
Jae Joon arrives and stares at them together before calling Soo Hyun’s phone. Does he have a tracker on her otherwise how he did randomly find her? She answers and tries to keep her voice casual. He asks where she is right now? She lies that she’s at her mom’s right now and is alone. Jae Joon wonders why it sounds loud and she lies again that she’s watching TV. Jae Joon offers to go see her if she’s alone but she declines saying it’s nice right now like this.
Jae Joon asks her to take care and they end the call. He watches Soo Hyun lean her head wearily against the telephone pole and he turns to walk away looking upset.
Hoon looks up and suddenly sees Seung Hee sitting around from him. He calls her Jae Hee and smiles that drinking is for this sole purpose, to see someone he misses. The person he misses is her, Jae Hee. Hoon reaches out and takes her hand before passing out on the table. Soo Hyun comes back and apologizes to Seung Hee for Hoon’s behavior. Seung Hee says no need for any apology.
Seung Hee takes Hoon and Soo Hyun back to Soo Hyun’s mother place to crash for the night. Soo Hyun helps carry Hoon inside and the two of them tumble on the bedding together as Soo Hyun is trying to put him to bed. She scrambles out of his arms and quickly gets up.
Soo Hyun takes a call from her dad and informs him that she’s spending the night at her mom’s place. Her dad wants her to come back but she refuses. Seung Hee covers Hoon up with a blanket and stares at him for a moment looking inscrutable as usual. Soo Hyun thanks Seung Hee for letting them stay but Seung Hee points out this house is now Soo Hyun’s so it’s nothing. She wonders if Seung Hee is really close to Hoon what with the drinking together and the way Soo Hyun takes care of him. Soo Hyun says that’s not it and explains that Hoon’s beloved is dead and happens to look at like like Seung Hee. She offers to make Soo Hyun coffee and asks to hear more about it.
PM Jang is at a luncheon and discussion upcoming plans for separated North-South families to meet. He encourages everyone to eat more so they have energy to meet their relatives in the future.
After the meeting the spy that the President has on PM Jang suddenly finds him missing. He tries to find PM Jang but Secretary Kim stops him so he doesn’t see that PM Jang has snuck off to meet Chairman Oh secretly. Chairman Oh points out that he and PM Jang haven’t met in person in 20 years and if he needed anything he could have just called. PM Jang says this is urgent and asks Chairman Oh directly to give Park Hoon a chance. Chairman Oh’s face tenses.
Park Hoon wakes up on Soo Hyun’s mother’s home and sees pictures of Jae Hee on the wall. He runs around looking for Jae Hee and hears a noise in another room.
Park Hoon barges into the room where Soo Hyun is currently wrapped in a towel after just getting out of the shower. She screams and starts throwing things at him and takes him out with a bucket to the head.
Hoon wakes up to find Dr. Moon and Soo Hyun looming over him to make sure that he’s already. Soo Hyun blames the incident on Hoon barging into the bathroom on her. Dr. Moon asks if Hoon saw anything and is promptly yelled at.
Dr. Moon reveals he’s here to bring Hoon back at the orders of Chairman Oh. Hoon doesn’t care about going back to the hospital, he just wants to go back to find Seung Hee. Soo Hyun reveals Seung Hee has been transferred to the main hospital so Hoon is willing to go back with Dr. Moon. Soo Hyun declines to catch a ride and claims she wants to spend a bit of time here. Hoon smiles at her and thanks her for the help. Soo Hyun’s hand balls up as Hoon drives off with Dr. Moon.
Soo Hyun calls Jae Joon when her dad walks up and tells her that Dr. Han has surgery this morning. He reveals he’s willing to take Dr. Park back. They go inside and Chairman Oh reveals that he really did like Soo Hyun’s mom but he doesn’t know why she liked him back. But he gave her his real heart back then and if that was fate then so be it. Soo Hyun calls him “dad” and apologizes for her mistake before thanking him. She thanks him for loving her mom and father-daughter embrace awkwardly before Chairman Oh hands her a handkerchief to wipe her tears.
PM Jang is delayed going to meet with the President due to a traffic jam and when he arrives the President doesn’t like the PM bothering him with matters that he could decide on his own. He then warns PM Jang not to be late for any future meetings and PM Jang bows and promises not to.
PM Jang is in his office and laughing maniacally about the President being upset that he was late for a mere 5 minutes! He can’t believe such a person could be the President of South Korea. He brings up Han Seung Hee to Secretary Kim and wants to know what her ability is.
Dr. Moon asks if Hoon saw a girl who looked just like his beloved but Hoon corrects him and says it’s the same girl. Dr. Moon heard the girl claimed not to be the same person but Hoon doesn’t care about that because he knows who he saw.
Hoon calls Chang Yi’s mom who sticks with her story and asks him not to feel bad that his beloved is dead. Chang Yi hears Hoon is coming back and doesn’t think her mom did anything wrong by revealing Jae Hee died. Mom wonders if maybe Chang Yi is happy that Hoon’s beloved is dead. She sends Chang Yi out to get some food and Comrade Cha slips inside after she leaves.
Comrade Cha meets with Seung Hee and explains that PM Jang wants to see her ability. Seung Hee explains she just got transferred today and Comrade Cha explains PM Jang is speeding up his plan. He has a suitable patient in mind, the old woman who told Park Hoon that bunch of useless information. He will arrange everything and wants Seung Hee to be ready to perform.
Hoon and Dr. Moon arrive back at the hospital and runs into Chang Yi freaking out that her mom is suddenly critical and needs surgery. Chang Yi’s mom is rushed into the OR with Jae Joon doing the surgery. But Dr. Eun can’t attend the surgery so they need to find another anesthesiologist. Dr. Han Seung Hee fills in for Dr Eun. Jae Joon checks with Dr. Eun and hears that Seung Hee is good and to go ahead and use her. Jae Joon operates on Chang Yi’s mom with Seung Hee’s assistance.
Jae Joon finishes the surgery which is a success and Chang Yi is very grateful. Hoon wonders why Chang Yi’s mom suddenly developed a heart condition that needed surgery. Chang Yi’s mom is wheeled out by Seung Hee and Jae Joon thanks her for doing well in the surgery. Seung Hee takes off her mask and Hoon’s eyes widen to see her there.
Hoon goes with Chang Yi to put her mom in recovery. He stares at Seung Hee and remembers Jae Hee but doesn’t make a scene. After she walks away, Chang Yi and Hoon stare at her and wonder if she’s Jae Hee or not. Hoon doesn’t know but will talk to Chang Yi’s mom after she regains consciousness.
Jae Joon asks Hoon for a private meeting and he starts off by calling his fate with Hoon an ill fate. He heard Hoon came to work at the hospital because of his girlfriend but then heard that Hoon’s girlfriend is already dead. Hoon doesn’t answer and wants to leave but Jae Joon stops him and warns that since Hoon is done with what he came here to do, then he shouldn’t come back to the hospital anymore. He adds for Hoon to specifically NOT meet with Dr. Oh. Hoon jokes that Soo Hyun is a quack doctor and Jae Joon grabs him by the collar and warns him to never call Dr. Oh a quack doctor again!
Hoon smiles and looks over to the door and asks what the quack doctor herself thinks? Jae Joon looks over and sees Soo Hyun watching this confrontation. He releases Hoon’s jacket and fake apologizes for overreacting. Hoon walks off and Soo Hyun asks Jae Joon what happened?
Jae Joon explains he lost his temper because Hoon called Soo Hyun a quack doctor and she’s part of his team and he can’t stand Hoon insulting her. Soo Hyun says there wasn’t any need to get physical for that and asks Jae Joon to try being nicer to Hoon. Jae Joon asks why and Soo Hyun says there are many reasons but the most important is that both guys are now in the same department. Jae Joon is surprised to hear Chairman Oh took Hoon back.
Jae Joon asks Soo Hyun to go out later but she declines with the reason that she’s busy. He stops her and fixes her hair with a smile, happy to see her energy back up. Soo Hyun leaves and Jae Joon’s face tenses.
Hoon is running around trying to see Chairman Oh who isn’t available. He runs into Dr. Choi and remembers him as the ahjusshi who offered to take Hoon to see his dad. Dr. Moon asks why Chairman Oh wants to see Park Hoon and hears that Chairman Oh is willing to take Park Hoon back. Dr. Choi says Hoon needs to keep working her if he wants to be as good as his dad. Hoon sneers and asks if he has any right to say this. Dr. Choi says he does, if only because this is a way to atone.
Dr. Choi shows Hoon a picture of the Hungarian doctor who helped Hoon escape that day. The doctor reveals that the Hungarian doctor is friends with both Hoon’s dad and himself. Now he wants Hoon to work at this hospital and also find Jae Hee. Hoon smashes his hand on the table and storms out. Dr. Moon follows and asks if Hoon’s girlfriend is now in South Korea and working at this hospital? Hoon sighs that he doesn’t know.
Seung Hee goes to Chang Yi’s mother’s bedside and injects something into her IV.
Secretary Kim meets with Comrade Cha and says the ability they were looking for wasn’t what was shown during the surgery. Comrade Cha says they will see what they want to see soon.
Hoon and Chang Yi rush to her mom’s bedside after hearing that she’s lost consciousness. A bunch of doctors swarm the bedside and no one knows why she’s lost consciousness instead of waking up. Dr. Eun thinks anesthesia is very hard to predict. By the time Chang Yi and Hoon arrive at her mom’s bedside she’s regained consciousness. Hoon wants to ask if she remembers what Jae Hee looks like but she sees Dr. Choi and recognizes him as the man who saved her and took her our of North Korea. Chang Yi’s mom looses consciousness again before she can explain more.
Chang Yi and Hoon go talk with Dr. Choi and confirm that he’s the man who paid the North Korea to release Chang Yi’s mom. Dr Choi explains that Mr. Lim worked for him and he wanted to get Chang Yi’s mom out first to give Hoon hope that he can find Jae Hee again.
Chang Yi’s mom is wheeled to her hospital room now that she’s stabilized by Seung Hee. Chang Yi’s mom stares at Seung Hee and says she looks so much alike. Seung Hee smiles and says she’s been getting that a lot since yesterday. After Seung Hee leaves, Hoon asks Chang Yi’s mom and she says the two girls look alike but it’s not Jae Hee. She saw Jae Hee die before her. Dr. Choi walks in and announces that it’s not true, Jae Hee is still alive.
Dr. Choi hands Park Hoon’s white coat back to him and says he has detailed information that Jae Hee is alive. Once he’s done with his matters at hand he’ll go to North Korea. Hoon wants to go with him and Dr. Choi says he’ll meet with Hoon before he goes to give him something.
Seung Hee is eavesdropping on this conversation and calls Comrade Cha to inform him that things are back on track. Park Hoon is now back at the hospital and they let PM Jang see what he wanted to see.
Comrade Cha drives to a field and parks right next to Secretary Kim to hand him a manila envelope. He reveals that the old woman is now in a coma.
Hoon stares at Seung Hee and Dr. Moon calls him outside to talk. He wants to know if Dr. Han is Hoon’s beloved but Hoon doesn’t know. Dr. Moon says if Seung Hee is Hoon’s girlfriend then she’s clearly a spy from North Korea. He doesn’t want her as an anesthesiologist on their team if she could be a spy. Dr. Moon wonders if there is any distinguishing features that Hoon can use to identify Jae Hee. Hoon reveals Jae Hee had a kidney transplant 2 years ago.
Dr. Moon and Hoon goes to the human resources director to get Seung Hee’s medical records from her personnel file. Hoon snatches it and pops it in the computer to view it with Dr. Moon trying to stop him. Hoon succeeds in viewing the file and it shows Seung Hee has two kidneys. Dr. Moon is ecstatic because this means Seung Hee is not Jae Hee and she can’t be a spy from North Korea.
Hoon peeks at Seung Hee chatting with Soo Hyun, just looking at her face makes him smile. He thinks back to riding through Budapest with Jae Hee trying to sprint towards freedom. He walks away with a sigh and then remembers telling Jae Hee back in medical school that everyone has different heartbeats just like no two people can look identical. He pulled Jae Hee close and says their hearts are beating as one.
Hoon rushes to find Seung Hee and sees her being introduced by Jae Joon as a new member of the surgery team. All the doctors greet Seung Hee and she smiles back happy to be part of the team. After everyone files out Hoon asks Seung Hee if he can have a moment of her time. Soo Hyun asks if he wants to apologize and Seung Hee says she doesn’t need an apology because she understands why he behaved that way.
Hoon repeats what he said to Jae Hee many years ago: “There are no two identical heartbeats just like no two people look exactly the same.” The slightest reaction on Seung Hee’s face when he says that clearly shows she’s heard it before.
Hoon asks if he can confirm something, it’ll just take a moment. He walks forward and pulls Seung Hee into his arms for an embrace. Seung Hee clenches her hand into a fist like the time Hoon hugged Jae Hee. Hoon listens to their hearts beating as one until he suddenly opens his eyes wide.
Thoughts of Mine:
I noticed that dear Hoon has had a variety of hair and clothing style changes in the various drama time jumps so why does he need to be saddled with the worst combo for the Seoul scenes? His fried thatch of hair makes me itch to shove him in a vat of conditioner followed by a trip to the barber while his torn jeans and natty jean jackets are such an inexplicable eyesore. I hope he spends the majority of time at the hospital going forward so that he’s in either the doctor’s coat or scrubs because he’s clearly not capable of dressing himself in his down down. Or he can take a cue from both Soo Hyun and Jae Joon, those two sometimes appear to be in their own model zone of gorgeousness and good fashion sense. Poor Seung Hee looks horrible with the poorly cut hair and the dull as beans outfits whereas I’d fall for Soo Hyun myself with just a twirl of her luscious locks and glamorous outfits.
It’s a relief this drama has such a great second female lead like Soo Hyun so as to take some of the edge of Hoon pining for Jae Hee. It would be very difficult to watch a story line where Hoon lives in his own memory love bubble and doesn’t have a life outside of looking for Jae Hee. Soo Hyun and Hoon’s interactions are the fun frosting over a dense cake of pain that is baking in the oven thanks to the collective machinations of PM Jang (with Secretary Kim doing his dirty work), Comrade Cha, and Seung Hee. I wonder what PM Jang is giving to North Korea in exchange for their help in whatever surgical nefarious plot they are cooking up? I hope Secretary Kim turns on them all soon, he seems a decent enough feller and really who can stand working for that asswipe PM Jang. Funnily enough it amuses me to no end to see the equally assy President boss him around and annoy him.
I’m still so underwhelmed by Jae Joon as a character and Park Hae Jin is stealing a page from Shin Sung Rok’s handbook in playing the character with a shade of deceptiveness but not enough anything else underneath. I like to think his whole castle allegory with Dr. Kim was to show us that he intended to play Soo Hyun to win the hospital but has unwittingly fallen for her. Except I don’t see enough of that and it’s because the drama hasn’t shown us enough of their interactions. The story needs to give Soo Hyun-Jae Joon more substantive scenes together beyond him tracking her down or being jealous that she’s getting closer to Park Hoon. Similarly Seung Hee needs to be more than just shady and lying through her teeth around Hoon. Even if Hoon confirms their heartbeats are the same she’s still going to insist she’s not Jae Hee for the time being. Whatever is motivating her to play her part it has to be big and very compelling a reason.
I can see in the little tiny giveaway gestures that she’s clearly Jae Hee, like when she looked sad at the pojangmacha when faced with a drunken Hoon who was so happy to see her, or the way her face twinged when he started the no same heartbeat speech. Her facade can remain in front of Hoon but the viewer needs to be privy to her situation otherwise it’s impossible to root for her even if she is Jae Hee. I’m really worried about Hoon considering he really is being massively manipulated by people around him that he can see and can’t see, which goes to show that even if one escaped North Korea it’s not really a true freedom from the oppressive regime. I also think the South Koreans like PM Jang and maybe even Chairman Oh are not much better, which makes me wonder if there is any true out for Hoon in the end even if he gets his Jae Hee back?
Click here to watch Dr. Stranger.
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View Comments
wow, that was fast. thank you!!!
I'm sure they are going to use hoon intention to save her by killing her father to their advantage.
I'm shipping Hoon and Dr. Oh!!! I think they will make a great couple. :)
I don't what others say OTP is Hoon and Jae Hee/Seung Hee!!!! GREAT recap as always Koala!
thanks for the recap koala sis!
as much as i want Hoon to end with Jae Hee, i am currently loving the interaction between him and Soo Hyun.
i like hoon with jae hee/seung hee...my mind cant accept dr. Oh and hoon as a couple...i dont know why..
Anyway thank you Koala-unni for the recap...
I can't believe that Seung Hee injected Chang Yi's mum to make her unconscious (pure evil).
Loving Soo Hyun with Hoon, I can really see them as OTP, because of their interaction with each other (she doesn't feel that Jae Joo actually really loves her, I'm glad that she can sense this).
Thanks Koala for this recap.
I adore Soo Hyun and think she deserves someone much better than Jae Joo. At best he is a weak fool that cant show her his feelings and at worst he never had real feelings for her and is using her as a meal ticket to become the king of the hospital.
I like her and Hoon together and i hope she gets his love if Jae Hee is really dead. A doppleganger and Hoon falling in love is not romantic at all.
Mohammad On
I totally agree with you, please let Hoon and Soo Hyun be together, if Jae Hee is truly dead, because this Seung Hee is awful, no chemistry between them, apart from Hoon wishing that she was Jae Hee.
Jae Hoo needs to change before I can ship him with anyone.
I do feel that Seung Hee is slightly jealous of Soo Hyun, especially when she saw Hoon and Soo Hyun fall and clinging together on the duvet!!!
Looking on the bright side, Seung Hee is not pure evil. She could have killed Chang Yi's mother, but instead chose to leave her alive. I'm thankful for small blessings.
I get it why Hoon and Jae-hee are the OTP, but their story is so tragic is simply doesn't appeal to me. It is too tragic, too draining, too unreal for me. I like simple loves. And I love Kang Sora, so I think I'm going down with that ship.
Being totally unreal is the killer for me. It is not just complicated, it pretty much makes no sense.
Sigh... at this rate Jae Joon is written in the drama, the drama will a waste of PHJ's talent. Writer-nim, please do more for JJ!
While I'm not really rooting for Hoon and Soo Hyun, I can see how Soo Hyun will fall in love with Hoon and wouldn't be surprise if the PH-SH ship starts sailing!
already fell for hoon - soo hyun since their first scene. not liking the idea soo hyun only the 2nd female lead. either hoon will end up with jae hee or hoon ended up with no one. noooooooo........
well here hoping for kdrama miracle.i want hoon with soo hyun.