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Check Out the Remaining Two Episodes of Mini-drama Love LINE with Lee Min Ho and Bea Hayden

Not every commercial feels exploitative though it’s increasingly hard to find one that acknowledges hawking a product while attempting to do so sincerely. That makes Lee Min Ho‘s short but high profile C-webdrama Love LINE co-starring TW-actress Bea Hayden all the more remarkable for coming across as sweet and down-to-earth. It’s not packed with razzle dazzle and lets the two leads just showcase their pretty looks while spending a lot of time with their phone messaging app LINE. Naver makes the app and it’s doing a fantastic job of raising its profile alongside competitors like WeChat or WhatsApp. It was featuring prominently in last year’s buzziest K-drama You From Another Star, and now LINE even has tons of YFAS stickers featuring Chun Song Yi and other characters from the drama. I find PPL in dramas has gotten too intrusive into the story line and one recent drama in particular was Heirs where I felt scenes were staged purposely to showcase a brand endorsement or even a cafe sponsorship.

In this vein the Love LINE mini-drama feels like a breath of fresh air, I know what I’m getting into and the story doesn’t try too hard to promote the product at the expense of the story. There really isn’t a story other than Taiwanese girl meets hot Korean musician and they get connected on LINE and proceed to flirt their way to falling in love despite the language and distance barrier. Who’s to say the liberal use of LINE stickers isn’t the perfect way to convey feelings as a common “language” so to speak. I can’t say if Lee Min Ho and Bea have much chemistry since they spend the majority of the mini-drama communicating via LINE but they are a visually pleasing pair to stare at. Check out the final two parts of this mini-drama complete with English-subs though honestly this whole endeavor is fairly easy to understand in any language. Cute nice boy meets pretty sweet girl and VOILA magic perfect romance ensues complete with cheesy rose petal strewn piano serenade!

Love LINE episode 2 (English-subbed):

Love LINE episode 3 (English-subbed):


View Comments

    • I want the sound track too. They should make more this kind of mini dramas. Adorable and lovely. Brown is mine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • I love the soundtrack and this sweet cute drama made my day! Do anyone have any idea what the songs are called? I particularly love the last one played when he begins walking towards her after playing

  • Korea or Asia in general needs to make more mini-dramas. This reminds me of the Australian one that Show Luo and Rainie did awhile back.

  • I saw BH Entertainment name at the end of each mini-drama (except for the 3rd one). Would that be Lee Byung Hun's company? I was just curious. If it is, I wonder what role they played in making these mini-dramas.

  • I know some LMH fans would probably shoot me to death for this, but Lee Min Ho needs to work on his English. He is eye candy for sure and I love looking at him, but I can't help cringing when he uses some English phrases - they sound so unnatural coming from his lips.

    Accents can be perfectly charming, for instance, I loved Hyun Bin's delivery in Late Autumn and thought he did a bang up job. He was fluent, and it did sound natural though accented, but that's not the case with LMH.

  • LMH looks cute and adorable in this cf-drama. I only love him in this drama. Saranghae LMH.

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