Categories: Films

Roy Qiu is a Dashing Airline Pilot for C-movie Love Falls From the Sky

There was a whole year when there was a Roy Qiu generated post at least once a week here. He had two successive SETTV hit dramas in Office Girls and Miss Rose, and I recapped the former midway until almost the end and recapped the latter from the beginning and dropped it when it dragged. He was the best thing about both dramas IMO and his star couldn’t be any shinier as the undisputed Big Dog 一哥 at SETTV. Then personal life intruded in the form of a super bad, super public break up with rumored girlfriend Tang Yan and Roy pretty much laid low for the last year and a half. He’s now slowly easing back into the limelight. First comes the long-filmed C-drama Wine Beauty (红酒俏佳人) with C-actress Li Sheng (she was the new Little Sparrow Xiao Yan Zi in the Princess Returning Pearl remake a few years ago) and HK-actress Myolie Wu which is gearing up for a July broadcast since I suppose it tangentially fits with the SARFT suggested theme of the Chinese dream. It’s about a country girl who goes to the big city and gets tied up with the lives and loves of a bunch of rich red wine rivals and becomes a sommelier. This was the drama Roy was filming in China when his whole messy break up with Tang Tang happened after the paparazzi caught Tia Li visiting him on set. Sigh. It’s all in the past now and hopefully everyone has moved on. I saw the previews for Wine Beauty and it looks like a horrific hot mess so I’m staying away despite my Roy love. I will have a C-movie to look forward to as new stills have been released of Roy transformed into a much-too-handsome airline pilot for the rom-com movie Love Falls From the Sky. I’ll refrain from making wisecracks like he can land my plane anytime LOL. Oops, did I just say that out loud?

I hope with this movie it means he’s ramping up his acting commitments, and if he does a TW-drama next all the better. I will never have a problem with Roy on my screen once a week even if it likely won’t be with SETTV since he’s fulfilled his three-drama commitment with the network in OG, MR, and even earlier in Easy Fortune Happy Life.


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  • Awww!! How I missed this actor.. One of the brilliant actors in his time.. It's just that he was swept away with his breaking up scandal.. But I'm so happy he is back in the limelight!!

    • Roy has had his share of stinker dramas but more than any other TW-actor I've seen, he's always better than the project like the mud just slides right off him. Ethan gets too into a role, there is only one Mike mode and it works only in the right roles, Joe is sooooo hit-or-miss it freaks me out, Bolin and Joseph can act in anything but they are character actors masquerading as leading men so I don't feel like they have this persona that peeks through from project to project. Roy's acting and onscreen aura is very uniquely him, I really like that.

  • Something something cockpit something something

    Waaaaaaay too handsome is right but I love that he is willing to take a pie to the face for his craft.

    • Puahahaha.

      On the 1st pic his eyes are "cheeky". I know that technically speaking it's impossible, but with his imperceptible smirky trademark, it's like he's challenging the viewer to, you know, go ahead and do what one has got to do.

    • The pictures above exactly capture his turn-on-a-dime duality, smiling and boyish one moment, piercing and intense in another. Very Zi Qi, yes?

  • I know I will offend his fans here. But after Tang Yan's scandal and other Taiwanese actresses he had hurt previously. I cannot watch any drama by a male lead that needs a lesson on how to keep treat women with respect instead of hurting them. Good looks is no reason for bad behaviour. It is not even his first or second time. He has hurt more than two young girls. We only know of the well known actresses, I am certain there are more we do not know. That is only my personal opinion.

    • I agree with you. Fans don't just love an actor just on their looks and works but also their actions. I think the last scandal was a good indication that it bite him back. I don't care that he's a player but the problem is he seems to not know to treat the women correctly knowing he's under the public eye. They were bitter because he cheated with many while still with them. At least break up with them first. I hope someday somebody will do that to him. Serves him right.

      • I agree, There are lots of players around. But being a player, one still needs to have respect for others. But it is how one breakup and move forward in a relationship. For the girls to be so upset and feel so let down, he clearly did not end the relationship well. And to deny they even dated after the breakup. That is just shocking.

    • I agree with you, another reason is that I was never a big fan of his dramas, Office Girl was pretty enjoyable but that's about it and I wasn't that into the pairing so I didn't really understood the rave about it. Didn't watch Miss Rose but most reviews said it dragged midway. Rainie Yang and then Tang Yan... he doesn't leave a good impression on me but I guess he still have fangirls since he's quite a decent actor and a handsome one (not my cup of tea though).

      Similar to Park Shi Hoo case (though PSH's scandal was far worse), I find him a good actor and enjoyed his dramas but I can't watch any of his dramas anymore, it's sad. An actor's image/actions is important.

      • Park Shi Hoo is definitely another actor I will not be watching on my screen. I do understand, no one is prefect. But their behaviour is just too much.

    • I was going to comment on the same. Glad I'm not the only one. We are not being silly, and this is not misplaced self righteousness. We are not harming anyone by not tuning to anything of his. But he has, on many levels. Personally I don't understand how he still have any fans, whom I assume are girls, after knowing how he treats the actresses (and who happen to be really nice decent ones!).
      I detest guys like him, going around playing with clueless girls because he knows he is handsome. I think a proper human needs to know how to treat others correctly on a basic level. I certainly can't care two hoots about him except to come here and speak my mind, after so many years!

      • Ranine and Tang Yan may not be my favourite actress but they are decent girl. Hardworking and sweet. Both really suffered alot from the breakup. But to deny even dating Tang Yan after the scandal. That is just too much.

    • But with his current reputation, any girl who dates him now and believes that he would remain faithful to them should think twice. So any dating scandals from here on, I don't think it is fair for the girl to blame him entirely coz you already know his character

  • If the actor doesn't break the law and be judged, I don't judge him. He's a good actor and what he's doing in his personal life, it's not my business. I just want him to be professional.

  • His image has also been ruined in my eyes, BUT I am also a person who tries to neglect personal life from their work. If they are enjoyable to watch on screen, then I will still watch, no boycotting. However, his reputation in my heart has definitely be tainted and I have no idea if I can ever call him a favourite or fangirl over him like I did before anymore. We'll see I suppose.
    But the scandal was quite big and undeniably true, so it's definitely not possible for people to actually get over it and forget his tainted rep. In many people's eyes, he'll somewhat always be "the actor who broke Tang Yan's heart".

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