Categories: Musings

The Hardworking Cast of It’s Okay, It’s Love Attend Wrap Party to Celebrate the Final Episode

Never have I felt so happy with the decision to stick with It’s Okay, It’s Love. When I hit the cross roads of whether to continue watching or not, right around the time Hae Soo got over her intimacy aversion in whiplash speed after being the most asinine travel partner ever, there was still this kernel of beauty in this drama that captivated me. It wasn’t a glossy still-life the way That Winter, the Wind Blows felt posed, IOIL was messy and off-putting and didn’t always have its ducks in a row. That’s a good thing actually, a great drama doesn’t have to be perfect nor aspire to accurate, it should find ways to convey the purpose even within its limitations. In the end IOIL did that and more, I walked away emotionally enriched and thoroughly satisfied. The acting was top-notch all across the board and I’d be hard pressed to have any disagreement if the leads walked away with acting awards at year end.

Another really comforting takeaway was seeing the cast and crew work hard to deliver a quality product regardless of mainstream appeal or pandering to the ratings. Sure all the PPL was everywhere like it is in all the drama nowadays but the narrative was never dumbed down to incorporate it. Seeing the happy cast at the wrap party which was actually a gathering to watch the final episode live as it aired on television was especially poignant. This drama isn’t perfect but the feeling it left me was as perfect as it gets when it comes to what I look for in dramas and why I continue to watch. I’m sure none of the mental illnesses brought up in this drama could be cured as elegantly and neatly as the drama posited but that’s not the point. The point is that mental illness manifests in all sorts of ways all around us, and maybe even within ourselves, but it’s not an excuse for how we live our lives nor is it a reason to give up. I love this drama and think it’ll withstand the test of time.

LOL, I do not know why Jo In Sung arrived at the party wearing a Kwang Soo mask! Did he lose a bet? Or just cutting lose? I also don’t know why but it’s clear all the cast members came wearing yellow and/or blue. Love the color coordination but wonder if there is a deeper message to it?


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  • Might it be they are alluding to the yellow ribbon project to support giving a second chance to people with a prison? Or additionally, possibly to the inclusion of the much larger group of people with psychiatric related illnesses in our society at large? Spotted a yellow ribbon on JB character.

    I haven't watched this show, just read the recaps at Softy's. This show is good, even just seeing the pictures and recaps! The message rings clear of hope and striving through difficulties in coping with various mental illnesses/traumas and societal problems. Agree that HS's issue seemed to be overcome too easily after she hung out with JY. Small thing though amidst the big picture. In addition to the two leads, seems the rest of the main actors and actresses have done such a great job too. Accolades to the team who selected and put together this talent pool.

    Glad to find this gem. And hope this inspires other good dramas that leave us feeling as Koala says "thoroughly satisfied".

      • Oh yes, I think you are right! How poignant to extend the message of the hope the show carries in a way to support that.

    • I am actually glad her sex issue was overcome quickly though I was surprised too. First off, it wasn't something I wanted to continually be discussed for much longer than it did.

      Plus, he's suppose to be very very very experienced and therefore good! Lol. In the first couple of episodes, she said she was already doing mind control and simulating acts of kissing and making love in her head to help her overcome her sex phobia so that when she met the right guy, she would be able to sleep with him. Therefore, it's not too sudden in my opinion. She's been mentally preparing for probably a decade too (and for that night with Choi Ho before she found out he was a scumbag). Also, she is a psychiatrist after all, so she has more tricks to help herself than the average person with intimacy issues.

      And, he's supposed to be really really good! That act of love and the emotional gain from it helped her relate to why her lonely mother craved the emotional connection with the ceo ajussi. After realizing that, it no longer felt dirty to her I guess.

      • Also, another reoccurring theme in the drama is the act of facing the obstacle head on, and that's what she ultimately decided on before going out to see him at the beach.

  • The colours made me think of Jae Yeol's room with the yellow shelves.

    Whatever, this show isn't flawless, but managed to deliver an uplifting message. It had an unusual topic for a Kdrama, some wonderful acting, a great, likeable cast, and really nice music.

    Loved the last episode. They managed to take the usual tricks (time jump) and still give us an overall satisfied, happy feeling watching it (something FTLY didn't achieve in my opinion as I loathed the last ep of that show).

    I went into IOIL without any expectations due to TWTWB and am glad that they surprised me so much.

  • Yellow ribbons are also used for suicide awareness. South Korea ranks second in the list of countries with the highest suicide rates. A significant percentage of comes from mental illness. Maybe that's the reason why they wore yellow? I'm so happy the drama closed on a high note. Congratulations to the cast and crew! I hope all the actors would go on to win the top acting awards later this year.

    • The colour blue/blue ribbons are associated with with a number of different causes. One cause that the colour is associated with is child abuse awareness/prevention.

      Congratulations to the writers and actors who handled a number of life issues in a caring and understanding manner.

  • Just a solid drama feast all around, loved every minute!! Best acting I've seen in a long time, truly, the entire cast was so good! I hope they do receive the recognition they deserve, but it looks like it was a great experience for all regardless!!
    Jo In Sung. Love it when my drama crack is as talented as he is beautiful!!

  • Truly enjoying watching this drama, there was TEAMWORK, skills in ACTING were totally superb, the storyline meet viewers objective. To all, we will surely miss you and CONGRATULATIONS for the job well done. Honestly we're satisfied watching it from day one till end.

  • Watching this series made me lust after and go buy the LG G3.
    Yep, KDrama subliminal advertising doing its job. ;)

  • Such a refreshing and a warm hearted drama. No perfect but a well done written. Kudos to all the hard working PD's, writer, crew, actor and others too who have completed IOIL. Love.

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