Categories: Films

Ha Jung Woo and Ha Ji Won Wrap Chronicles of a Blood Merchant

There are stories so profound that it is imprinted in the heart. Such is the novel (and later movie adaptation) of the C-novelist Yu Hua‘s most famous work To Live. I was so awestruck and emotionally devastated after watching the Zhang Yimou directed movie that it took me years later to get up the courage to read the novel itself. It’s both emotionally gutwrenching and uplifting in ways that never feel exploitative. With that said, I’ve been circling the wagons over whether to read Yu Hua’s second novel Chronicles of a Blood Merchant for years now, never getting up the courage to tackle something I know will move me while battering my heart.

The novel has gotten a K-movie adaptation coming out next year starring Ha Jung Woo and Ha Ji Won and the movie recently wrapped filming and will head into post-production. Ha Jung Woo will be taking on two more hats in addition to being the titular leading man, he wrote the screenplay adaptation and is also the director. The A-list movie star power of both leads managed to land a huge supporting cast for the movie with many top stars doing cameo appearances such as Joo Jin Mo and Yoon Eun Hye. The first movie stills are out and this movie has award bait stamped all over it.

In the film wrap pictures above, a lot of the big-name cameo actors and actresses are in the pic so see if you can spot some of them based on the cast list below.

  • Ha Jung Woo as Heo Sam Gwan
  • Ha Ji Won as Heo Ok Ran
  • Jang Gwang
  • Jeon Hye Jin
  • Sung Dong Il
  • Jung Man Sik
  • Cho Jin Woong
  • Joo Jin Mo
  • Lee Geung Young
  • Kim Sung Ryung
  • Kim Young Ae
  • Kim Sung Kyun
  • Kim Ki Cheon
  • Yoon Eun Hye
  • Hwang Bo Ra
  • Kim Byung Ok

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  • Isn't Ha Jung Woo really good friends with Jung Kyung Ho? I was sort of hoping he'd also make a cameo in the movie. It feels like it's been so long since his last drama Cruel City. I miss him so much!

    Anyway, this movie looks like it's going to be good. Can't wait!

    • JKH already starred in Ha Jung Woo's directorial debut Fasten Your Seatbelt. I think it was highly doubtful that he would star in this one too...

      JKH has been in some projects after Cruel City, he was in the suspense/thriller movie MANHOLE opposite Jung Yumi (Discovery of Romance) and Kim Sae Ron (Ahjusshi), also just done with weekend crazy makjang drama ENDLESS LOVE opposite Hwang Jung-Eum and Ryu Soo-Young. and previous to those projects he was in a variety show titled Laws in the City with stars like Lee ChunHee and Baek Jin Hee. He also just wrapped up having a cameo role in a MBC minidrama oposite his CRUEL CITY castmates Yoon HyunMin and Nam Gyuri, the drama was titled HOUSEMATE

    • This Joo Jin Mo is different from the one who played Wang Yoo!
      Their love story in EK was absolutely depressing. I want them to act together again, preferably a film, and get together with lots more skinship!

  • These two novels were my first ventures into chinese lit and they broke me completely ): still remember finishing 活着 and ended up wandering around in a funk for days because i couldnt get over it ah ):

  • The king and queen against each other!!! Wow, HangAh couple!! The sad thing is they won't attend each other's premiere :'( *sad*

  • The Joo Jin Mo in this movie is NOT the Joo Jin Mo from Empress Ki. He is the Joo Jin Mo (1958) from God's Gift-14 days. He is a supporting cast in this movie, not a cameo/special appearance.

  • The wedding photo really had me in stiches. Its rustic and throwback charm is so refreshing. Hope the movie will keep this delighting setting from start till end.

  • Adore Gong Li but To Live is typical Zhang Yimou flashiness. The Blue Kite is X times better. A little underwhelmed by the stills for COABM. Hope movie is good.

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