All the naysayers (myself included) around the casting of Ahn Jae Hyun as the male lead of Blood really can’t ask for more substantiating evidence then the just released new teaser for the drama. It’s so funny I was spitting up something that was luckily not blood. I actually thought Ahn Jae Hyun was promising in You From Another Star, playing a high school character suited for his age and acting experience level. He was charming in small doses but stepping up to a bigger supporting role in You’re All Surrounded was when his limitations were laid bare. He is easy to watch but not very impactful. The boy just isn’t ready to be second leading a drama, much less headlining as he’s doing in Blood playing a vampire doctor.
The just released new teaser is all Ahn Jae Hyun, centering on his vampire doctor duality but it ends up looking more like a fashion model shoot for a vampire-themed CF gone wrong. It was supposed to be tense and dramatic but with Ahn Jae Hyun’s model-background preening the whole thing came off like a parody. Even worse are the stylistic similarities to Vampire Prosecutor, which might not be helped since doing a vampire story naturally involves licking blood and glowy eyes and whatnot. The drama also released the first official stills of leading lady Gu Hye Sun playing a doctor in a case of looking like the lesser of two ridiculous things compared to her leading man.
Blood teaser:
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Lmao is he modelling or doing some advertisement?
GHS lack of energy acting is always the same.
I'm sorry but i'll be sticking with MBC and SBS dramas
omigoshhhh!! O_O I hope it turns out better than what the teaser shows us for the cast and crew involved!
AJH is an 87'er so he's the same age as JCW, LSG, LMH, etc. He has a baby face so he was believable as a high-schooler in YFAS... an sure none of the others can play high-schoolers convincingly.
I still can't believe Ji Jin-Hee is in this.
I don't want to be rude (but I will anyway), but AJH whole rise to fame and the roles he's gotten in such a short time is just seriously suspicious. I can imagine the comments he'd get if he were a woman.
Yes,it's so suspicious...what I always remember from him is his poker face, lmao...this kiddo has no expression at all,
i agree with u really is suspicious.i mean,he was like the 3 or 4 lead in Stars.then landed second lead in YAAS,and now,the main lead in come?seems like our boy has a huge sposor backing him up....
i agree with u really is suspicious.i mean,the guy was like 3 or 4 lead in Stars.then he became the second lead in YAAS,and now,he's the lead in this.seems like he has a huge sposor backing him
Poor AJH because this people biases are not the lead in this big production he is getting now all the bashing..
No matter what GHS do ockoala and all her antis would never appreciate her..when GHS did BOF as GJD a very energetic high schooler she got all this bashing as overacting now with just a pic this antis are saying she is always non energetic tsk tsk tsk JEALOUSY IS NOT GOOD FOR YOUR HEALTH AND YOUR MORAL VALUES.THANK YOU GOD, GHS has a lot of supporters BEING JUST A SIMPLE HUMAN.
LOL !!
You sure is a GHS speaker person.
Every article wrote Ghs's negatives, you always there .. Hahaha.
Sorry, can't help but wrote this..
YES I AM and I'm Very Proud Fan of GHS !!!'n
I'll take the time to respond just to stave off the repetitive complaints.
1. Not everyone who dislikes GHS is an anti, and definitely not motivated by jealousy. If you can't accept that there are viewers (and quite a lot to be frank) out there who don't find GHS a good actress then you're going to be wasting your time trying to plug a leak in the dam. There is nothing wrong with liking GHS and acknowledging people think she is NOT a good actress. Period. Just like you can like her and think she is the best actress in the entire universe and the most beautiful woman to ever walk the earth, that is your opinion and who am I or anyone else to force you to think otherwise. This is not an opinion rooted in scientific fact, like I believe the earth is flat and you think it is round. Whether one thinks GHS is a good actress is purely subjective, capiche?
2. I totally agree that too many people still think GHS is as bad of an actress as she was on BOF, when that has been 6 years ago now. She was quite decent in Angel Eyes, too bad not many people watched it to change the common perception she sucks. With that said, it can't be helped because she basically delivered one of the worst over-acting performances ever in BOF, - the popularity of BOF is like the Olympics and GHS a professional skier who gets on her biggest competition stage ever and then promptly crashes down the hill right out of the gate. It's a big stage to wipe out, and even if she wins smaller competitions from there on, most people will still remember that big stage screw up. That's the sad fact of life. It's like a QB going to the Super Bowl and throwing 6 picks, no one will remember that he beat a dozen teams to even get to the SB.
3. Just because you accuse people of jealousy and anti behavior doesn't make that true. It is merely your own unsubstantiated belief in why some people don't like GHS. Yes, it's unsubstantiated because it comes from your own opinion that she's an awesome actress, ergo anyone else who doesn't think so must be suffering from unmitigated jealousy. Does that make sense to you? Really, think hard and don't just retreat into mudslinging. I understand it's hard when your bias gets lots of negative feedback, but the positive reaction is to support her rather than going around attacking anyone who doesn't hold the same opinion as you. You actually make her fandom seem really insecure.
4. Blood is a huge KBS production, billed as their big drama for the first half of 2015. Why can't I or anyone else be interested and write about it even if the inclination and first impression is that it looks like a hot mess? Any viewer is allowed to be interested in entertainment productions whether finding it promising or laughable. There is no prohibition in only writing about dramas that I think looks great, because there is always the possibility that dramas I think initially look awful turn out unexpectedly awesome. Heck Blood could be the surprise gem of the year! Who knows? So why can't I or anyone else write along with the production. If the teasers suck I can say it as I see it. Doesn't mean when the drama arrives and it's great I can't then say that the drama is a surprise and much better than the teasers indicate.
You sound pressed.
Dear Ockoala, is there any way you can ban certain individuals from posting comments here? After all, it's your personal blog and you really don't have to tolerate insults from idiots who only come here to spread groundless accusations (while hypocrytically preaching about antis).
Lol Lol FYI the fandom of GHS is not insecure they are one of the most secured fans that I know .. in fact if we are talking about other actress we do it secretly not in social media and if you read in their postings at soompi or tweeter or FB they don't want to stoop down your level but what can I do I'm a lowly fan of GHS so I come and visit your blog..your #1 2 3 explanation is just a longer explanation of what I said "Antis Will
Always be Antis No Matter What"
Oh by the way I support GHS in everything I contribute for the wreaths I buy her artwork her books her records,I watched her movies and dramas and make my family and friends watch them too
If you have your opinion so do I..if you can criticize her I can defend her too .
@ angelica borja
You have not actually responded to the points I raised. Simply repeating ad nauseam about antis hating on GHS without any empirical evidence backing it up doesn't make your assertion true, regardless of how much you want to believe it. You can support GHS but the constructive way is to praise how wonderful you think her acting is, rather than attack those who opine otherwise especially if such differing opinions are just as valid as yours however hard to stomach for you.
I like to keep the discourse in the comment sections intelligent and your commentary is sadly devoid of any thoughtful analysis other than groundless accusations. Your point is made in the various comments left already so leave it at that. Any further repetitive comments shall be deleted and that's me exercising my editorial responsibility to foster a constructive thread.
@ockoala I think you wasted too many eloquent and reasonable words on someone who just wants to call you names because you committed the sin of thinking her bias sucked at acting.
Lmao, ahn jae hyun is just not ready for this,, sure he is handsome, but acting wise?
I always remember geum jandi in goo hye sun, and it totally scares me, lol
KBS, what are you doing nowadays? sigh
GOO HYE SUN drama in KBS were all popular and high rating..
oh gosh im happy GHS is back in KBS..i don't know what scares you but just hide and if GHS as GJD is scary BOF wouldn't have been an all time favorite drama,it's been 6 yrs. already and until now it is still one of the most watch drama..don't tell me it is because of LMH because he has other dramas after BOF..
I empathise with you in that I think the antagonism against GHS is unjustified. Clearly, everyone in BOF sucked (I apologise since you're a fan of GHS) but people say that she ruined the show when the show isn't even good in the first place. People don't mind watching LMH, KHJ, KB after that drama, but bash her for bad acting, when they don't even watch her other dramas because they think she acts horribly. So the only example they give is Geum Jandi from BOF, yup, the drama that aired a thousand years ago.
Personally, I don't find her acting a bother at all, but I haven't watched many of her dramas and I usually drop them after even if I do. My idea is that it's probably just fun to jump on the hate bandwagon. However, I disagree that people watch BOF because of GHS. Let's just be rational here. Most Kdrama fans are fan girls and they watched it for the 4 guys.
It doesn't look that bad of it fits in the context of the drama. Have to give the drama a chance to make its case later.
GHS had always been pretty flat in her roles so my expectations are pretty low for her. Will reserve judgements on AJH until later.
Which of her drama in KBS had high rating apart from BOF?
Her dailies pure 19, but that's all.
She doesn't improve as an actress but i'm willing to give her a chance until she does.
Don't know how many more dramas she needs to be a good one.
Her geum jandi role is a nightmare
For her antis she needs ZERO drama to be recognized because no matter what people like you here would never appreciate her hard work and she does not need to prove anything to you..come on so many great pretenders here.. i can tell now that when the drama starts no matter what antis will be here again bashing them.
The trailer is hilarious! Favorite part: 나는 Pampire. Lol. ;)
The way he says Pampire KILLED ME. Did you get Derek Zoolander vibes because this teaser was ripe for an SNL parody.
Now, now Koala. You should not complain about AJH or this drama because this drama is a gift - I am pretty sure we have another Doctor Jin on our hands (though sadly, I much prefer to look at SSH).
This is going to be such a train wreck! And I can't wait.