Categories: Fashion

Pictorials Released of Lovebirds Suzy in London and Lee Min Ho in Paris

I see London, I see France, I finally get to see new lovebirds Suzy and Lee Min Ho‘s respective pictorials in those European locales which led to their Dispatch snapped rendezvous. It’s been over a month since the young and insanely popular stars were outed as a couple, since then both have been going about their usual entertainment activities and the general furor seems to have died down. That’s a relief, I just want them to date and be happy and do whatever in love youngsters want to do together without fans breathing down their necks.

Lee Min Ho was in Paris in late Feburary to shoot the just released W Korea pictorial, giving him the perfect short hop over to London to see his sweetie pie Suzy while she was there shooting her own pictorial with Cosmopolitan. I like both picture sets, with Lee Min Ho’s photographer going overboard on the lens flare but making it work with the slate Paris palate while Suzy does her best chic Londoner interpretation. I’m not sure what the dealio is with Min Ho’s neck tattoo but me likes, me likes it very much. It sorta makes him seem like he’s auditioning to be Shin Se Ki, LOL. On a side note, does Lee Min Ho have humongous sized feet or is it just the picture angles?


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    • I noticed that as well. She has actually gotten prettier as she ages. Lucky girl, she looks to be the type that will age well, and be a beauty icon for each age. I wasn't a fan before, but the candid way she handled the dating "scandal" moved her up in my book.

      • mte. everything you said. In youth she has that baby fat chubby cheek that gives her innocence and that whimsical feel. In adulthood she got that defined cheekbone and sophisticate nose. I love her face bone structured, not Ford model-esque but just apparent enough to give her face dimension and support well into old age.

  • he looks so hawt ugh my fav is the one he sits on the ground with jacket (?) and jeans heollll his stare.. im dead

  • I think his feet only look huge in the white shoes, and that's because they are white shoes. Come to think of it, her reddish heeled platform boots look pretty awkward too. Give them better footwear!

  • You know who else seems to have long feet - G Dragon, but it's just so adorable on him with his swagger, these pictures are really well done, I didn't think I would like the ones of her, but they were great!

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