Categories: K-dramas

Yoo Yeon Seok and Kang Sora Have a Warm and Cozy Airport Meet Cute

Looks like the leads of the upcoming Hong sisters new drama Warm and Cozy are off to a rom-com perfected first meeting. Nothing wrong with a patented K-drama meet-cute at some public place complete with something having gone awry, in this case leading lady Kang Sora seems to be in a logistics crunch while leading man Yoo Yeon Seok comes to her rescue. Or at least he tries to help her judging by the sequence of events in this first batch of OTP drama stills of the two leads.

They definitely look fantastic side-by-side, the chemistry aspect will have to wait until the drama airs but both have a solid track record at generating sparks with their costars. I was waiting to see who the second leads would be but with the drama already filming, looks like Jinyoung of B1A4 is actually the second male lead rather than just a supporting character. I find him super adorable to watch so more screen time for Jinyoung is fine by me. I’m most looking forward to the first video trailer to get a sense of what the drama vibe will be, until then the drama continues only mildly pique my interest.


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  • Chilbongieeeee <3

    I'm so excited for him to finally lead a drama. Heavens knows he deserves it forever ago. I hope this does well for him. At least if not in ratings then most definitely in buzz.

  • Kang Sora is so beautiful, she and YYS look amazing together and I can't wait for the trailers/drama to begin so I can judge their chemistry in action.

    who knows what the ratings will be like, though. The Hong sisters hardly ever failed to hit 20 percent but Master's Sun came before the big ratings slump, it's a lot to expect any drama to even hit 13 percent these days.

    • Hardly ever failed to hit 20%? That's pushing the facts a little. They didn't reach 20% for YAB, HGD, FC, and for the ones that did hit 20% - it did so in the last episode rather than consistently doing it throughout - like TMS, GL, MGIAG. Point is, they aren't a ratings wonder ~ that would be Kim Eun Sook. Something I'll never understand.

      • True, but in the case of MGIAG... it was up against Baker king which hit around 40%.So, even hitting 20% towards the end was a feat.

      • Yea but it only hit 20% after Baker King ended, so it never really beat it if we are technically speaking.

      • The point she made was that the Hong sisters previous dramas were hits and had high ratings, and MOST of them scored 20 percent in an episode by the end (accepted as the criteria to be a hit weekday drama, it's not only about 'beating' other dramas)

        Those kind of ratings are impossible these days.

      • Although The Heirs only averaged a 16.7% rating.

        In the last 3 - three! - years only 2 - two! - weekday dramas have averaged above 20%: You Who Came From The Stars and Empress Ki. At this point we have to realize that weekday hits like that will be far and few between, if they ever happen again.

  • AAAAAAAAAAAAAH can't wait! This drama comes at the perfect time since none of the currently airing batch is peaking my interest enough to actually watch so just relying on recaps! I have exams coming up but who can resist cholbongie?!

  • I am even more looking forward to this drama than Producers!! Can't wait to see Yoo Yeon Seok and Kang Sora, i am not Kim WooBin fan, so i am glad Yoo Yeon Seok gets to take a lead role in prime time drama.

    • Me too, I am waiting this drama more than producers. I am Hong sisters fan. I think YYK can act better than KWB. I like this choice better. Bravo! Hope YYK and KSR will shine after this

    • Me three! I have no idea why I am looking forward to this more than Producers, even though I love Gong Hyo Jin to bits. :D

  • Wow Yoo Yeon Seok & Kang Sora look so good in those photos. Sora look stunning even in casual outfit & her expressions haha. These stills really got me excited!

    Looking forward to seeing the trailer & drama. Can't wait for May to come.

  • They look good together!! I can already see the Hong Sister's trademark female lead in Kang Sora's expression.. lol..

  • Someone said before that they would make a great brother-sister pairing as well since they look so much alike....and now I can't unsee that image. T_T

    I don't want to ruin my hopes for their chemistry before the drama even starts! Somebody give me a mental scrubbing sponge, pleeeaase!

  • I'm excited for this! Oh and I think the second lead is Kim Sung Oh tho? Because I remember initial reports courting Uhm Ki Joon for second lead but seems like he's replaced probably with Kim Sung Oh. It would make sense. It's weird if they suddenly switch out to someone younger. But anyways, I could totally see Jinyoung as the cute harmless second lead(if he is indeed one) who has a harmless crush on noona but at the same time loyal to his hyung. I would love to see some bromance too. Lol. But I am pretty sure Jinyoung is supporting and Kim Sung Oh is second...Well, maybe. Haha. But either way I'm good.

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