Categories: Awards

Lee Min Ho and Park Shin Hye Lead the Baeksang Popularity Award Votes After the First Weekend

The 51st Baeksang Art Awards nominations came out last Friday and was by and large pretty decent on the selection of quality performances and works. A few questionable selections snuck in but nothing so egregious as to offend sensibilities. Aside from the nominees selected by the voting committee, there are four popularity awards up for grabs in each of the lead acting categories. It’s called “Favorite ______ Award” and doesn’t mince around – the winner is selected 100% by popular vote.

There are two ways to vote this year, a Chinese weibo account and a Baeksang app for Android devices, both of which are tallied together and the current stats can be viewed on either platform. In the first two days of voting, the leading vote getters in each of the four categories are as follows (by a wide margin lead): Lee Min Ho – Favorite Film Actor for Gangnam Blues, Park Shin Hye – Favorite Film Actress for The Royal Tailor, Lee Jong Seok – Favorite Television Actor for Pinocchio, and Krystal Jung – Favorite Television Actress for My Lovely Girl.

It’s pretty darn entertaining to behold the power of the popularity award at work in full force, for example the current second place vote getters are: Park Yoochun – Favorite Film Actor for Sea Fog, Choi Sulli – Favorite Film Actress for Fashion King, Ji Sung – Favorite Television Actor for Kill Me Heal Me, and Gu Hye Sun – Favorite Television Actress for Blood. In third place after two days voting are: Kwang Soo – Favorite Film Actor for Confession, Kim So Eun – Favorite Film Actress for Entangled, Do Kyung Soo – Favorite Television Actor for It’s Okay, It’s Love, and Jung Yumi – Favorite Television Actress for Discovery of Love. I honestly have no comment on any of the leading vote getters, this is after all an award that goes to the actor or actress with the most itchy fingered voting fans. If I cared then I would be voting, as should anyone who wants to see his/her bias win this award if not nominated in the substantive categories. I’m just rubbernecking to see if any of the runner ups can top the current leads in the next few weeks.

Click here to go to the live weibo account with voting and stats.


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  • These popularity awards are always so predictable. It`s always either Yoochun ,LMH or KSH and on female side PSH or one of SNSD girls.

    • Yoochun's fans are not pushing hard this time. For a few years, the Korean fans have been boycotting the Baeksang popularity voting, and this year, neither are the international fans. People are upset with the committee, for the obvious money grab, increasing fees and method for voting.

  • it s not about who is the most popular star, but who has the most "generous" fans who are willing to spend $$$ to vote for their idols

  • I would feel better about these awards and others if they weren't huge money sinks for fans. I know a lot of fandoms boycott them because of that. Only a few fandoms will actually try and those are the ones who always win. No point trying to go against them when you are losing real money if you don't win.

  • The best parameter to show fans of Lee Min Ho and Park Shin Ye are below 16 years old. Above that age rarely are interested to join this kind of buzz and show off.

    • Where does a 16 year get that money?

      Actually how much does it cost to vote? Just curious since I don't participate in
      This kind of thing

      • This year is 4 dollars/day. So around 120 dollars total each fan maximum . No kid has that of money. They have strong and supportive fan bases

      • don't underestimate the kid, they can afford it even it cost 100 usd/day. Chinese kids are very rich now-especially those who are on kpop or young trendy high school drama. LMH and PSY totally catered for their taste.

      • @ moneymo I know a lot of them on twitter and I can tell they aren't kids. They are successful business men and women that willing to spend money on their biases. Because they can afford it
        Some go to every FM possible to see them.
        What's about don't stereotype and underestimate their fans?

      • Ok - thanks for the replies.

        Well, the smartest ones in this are the producers behind the Baeksang awards who are making out big in $$$ just from voting. :)

      • @lovedramas yes they are and they try to make more every year. Before only Kfans can vote. Last year international fans were able to vote through android app ( but not Cfans). This year they made a different poll for weibo and Cfans have to vote everyday because the poll starts afresh everyday...

        Poor fans but they will do anything for their biases

  • I stopped scrolling down reading "Krystal Jung – Favorite Television Actress for My Lovely Girl"....It's the biggest joke ever!

  • You say Lee Jong suk is in first place. Why do you show D.O picture along side with other leading ones?

  • Some people love to bash heirs but boy was that show a gold mine.. All the 3 run away leads are from Heirs.. Krystal Jung is not getting these votes from the chinese because of my lovely girl but because people loved her pairing with Kang Min-hyuk which actully was a very cute pairing.. the aggressive chick vs the tolerant boyfriend who always takes care of her no matter what.. As far LMH goes that show might have not been anything noteworthy for his acting since it didn't demand that much to begin with but it was a smart choice for him since the show just keeps giving and staying on top in DF for 2 years now.. On the other hand Park shin hye is the classical gold digger who always gets the best pairings but her obvious biggest gold mine was Heirs without a doubt just because of the amount of aggressive fangirls she gained because of that as well for LMH who gained tons of fans because of it.. Its save to say that Heirs after all have catched up with Boys over flowers in terms of popularity and going global..

    • She is a gold digger when all she does is charity and please! She has won this 4 years already. Heirs only gave her hate and bad reputation
      Thanks god Pinocchio help her to gain back her reputation as an actress

      • @M13

        I was one of the people who was a faith fan but not heirs and called him out for it.. But LMH very very smart IMHO.. why would he go back to school when his 26??? He himself said that he would have never taken heirs if he was looking for acting praise but he all a long came for the fame.. ahahah which he pretty much got and suprisingly more then he came after.. during 3 months he gained like 10mio followers weibo alone because of heirs... His also the type who waits and waits for the right trendy show then boom takes it. He also openly says he loves to be loved.. He thinks differently then the rest and absolutely interesting fella.. So after all he was chasing trendy or big hit shows all the time!

    • I use to think the same why would he go from faith to heirs.. it was more like him making time-travelling back to the past.. But it definitely makes sense which means he knew all this time that people wanted a trendy high-school concept which appeals for the younger people I guess and he basically forced himself back to school but whatever he came after it absolutely worked for.. His genius he deserves credit for coming with that idea

  • In popularity awards, one or two idols always get like SNSD. LMH or yoochun and PSH are surely to win. I heard that D.O was leading yesterday. Exo has strong fanbase and Krystal is so famous especially in China. Hope both SM idols (untalented in acting) won't get these awards.

    • C'mon, guys...D.O is not Krystal! I'm NOT a teenager EXO fan but I can clearly see the different acting level here. The kid had an outstanding debut in IOIL while Krystal was absolutely awful in MLG especially next to Rain, who got bored and tired ( and no one can blame the man!)... I can see the point made on idols and how this one is NOT an acting award but fair is fair. Not every idol-actor is talented enough but then again not every idol-actor should be considered untalented just bcoz he/she comes from a popular band. Since we are all beyond the age of just being groupies I guess we can be a bit more objective than that. Just my two cents' worth!

      • this is popularity poll though... It has nothing to do with acting. It's for most popular stars who have the biggest and more generous fanbases

  • I also don't want to win idols. If they will win, their fans are more arrogant and they will keep doing more dramas. I couldn't stand Krystal acting in MLG. D.O acting is also not that good. I really hope LJS will win it. I'm not his fan either.

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