The nominated finalists are out for the 10th annual Seoul International Drama Awards, which doesn’t just fete K-dramas but includes popular or critically acclaimed dramas and shows from around the world. It’s less prestigious but slowly growing in international recognition and the ceremony does bring plenty of popular actors and actresses from within Korea and elsewhere to attend. This year’s K-drama nominees include all the buzzed about mainstream dramas, with Joseon Gunman the surprise leader of the K-drama pack right now with over 243,000 fan likes, while the second closest drama is Pinocchio with over 71,000.
I loved JG but it wasn’t one of the popular dramas last year within the international English-speaking drama community so I’m happy it’s getting plenty of fan love at this particular award even if I’m not sure where all that love is coming from LOL. The fan voted likes have no impact on the final awards handouts so are merely there as a gauge of popularity. Check out the list of nominated K-dramas below as well as a link to keep an eye on the current drama popularity contest at the official award webpage if you’re interested and/or want to show your affection for a particular nominated drama.
Miniseries finalists – List of K-dramas:
You’re All Surrounded
Joseon Gunman
Let’s Eat 2
Kill Me Heal Me
Emergency Couple
Hyde, Jekyll, Me
Dr. Stranger
Secret Door
Discovery of Love
Bad Guys
Marriage Not Dating
Serial finalists – List of K-dramas:
Legendary Witch
Yoona’s Street
What Happens to My Family
Click here for the official award page where you can check on all the nominated dramas and the real time fan like numbers.
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I see either Misaeng or Emergency Couple at the end of the day
get the award
I'm scratching my head, wondering how Hyde, Jekyll, Me (which was neither critically-acclaimed nor popular, and not even sucktastic like Dr. Stranger) made the list, but I Heard It Through The Grapevine (one of the most critically-acclaimed dramas of the year) didn't make the list...
SK awards are perhaps the most corrupt award ceremonies in the world now that being said I see Misaeng winning this award 99% certain
If they want to look more legitimate, it would be a good idea to give Misaeng the most prestigious award. It was just leaps and bounds better than anything this past year.
Yes. Incomprehensible. Ridiculous.
What happened to Healer? Why is Hyde, Jekyll and Me there?
Yes ! Where is Healer ? How can they skip it !
My exact thoughts! Healer was unique in its own way, and should have been on that list. Watched Hyde and Emergency Couple and they were horrible. How'd it get on that list is beyond me...
What about its okay that's love ? In my opinion it's way better then those dramas listed
I'm surprise as well not IOTL there :O
It's one of most inspirited kdrama for me, one of best quality though not typical popular kdrama... it's definitely one of popular drama last year and highly critical acclaimed.
Misaeng or Punch.
-because of Money Money and corruption in Korean awards ceremonies is the answer.
Yeah! Misaeng made the list! *Happy Dance*
Misaeng is the best k-drama I have watched so far!
They shouldn't mix all the categories at once since the storylines, settings and all would be different in every genre.
I would choose Misaeng-melodrama, Punch-action, Discovery of Love-romcom, Joseon Gunman- saeguk.
Healer might be popular overseas, but it doesn't get good review. I was wondering how Temptation and Hyde, Jekyl and Me got in there.
Healer did get critically good reviews actually intenationally and domestically.
You got wrong info Koala~ Hyde Jekyll Me currently got 2nd place not Pinocchio with 82, 000 likes. Obviously people have different tastes and mine and some love Hyde Jekyll And Me.
It was one of the most popular Kdrama in China when it aired. I loved it. The only thing that ruined it for me was NSM. Joon Gi should have been paired with Jeon Hye-Bin instead, we would have seen fireworks and amazing ratings.
Why are you saying this? NSM is one of the very few dames (and not jeunne premieres) in that industry that courteously leave the aproppriate space for their co-stars to shine. It's twice now that she's been acting along LJK's wonderful acting and if she were counting her lines one after another and/or her close-ups shots I'm sure he'd have avoided her like the plague^^