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Jaejoong Looking Model Sharp in Military Service

I don’t particularly miss Jaejoong being off in the army, nor am I all that happy he’s gone as if his presence was taking acting roles away from more qualified actors. He’s actually improved over the years, albeit inconsistently, but his recent leading man turn in Triangle is definitely a highlight of his acting career to date. Too bad he followed that up with the stinker in Spy right before enlisting. The army will definitely give him new life experiences and who knows whether that’ll translate to a deeper acting range when he gets back.

I came across recent pictures of Jae in the army, sporting the requisite cropped hair, sometimes wearing fatigues, or army whites with a dog tag, and even an official red dress uniform that is like decades out of fashion. Aside from him looking hale and hearty, which is most important, I can’t stop laughing about how he’s so subconsciously vogueing in every single shot. It’s like the man cannot be out without expecting a camera lens trained on him. Don’t get me wrong, I find his 24/7 job dedication as an entertainer quite commendable, and he does it do well so what’s not to love. Keep on rocking the army, Jaejoong!


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  • He can't help but have '24/7 dedication' considering he has been hounded by journalists and stalkers since he was 18. Poor guy, you would think that he would get some semblance of privacy in the army but sadly that's not the case.

  • -With short hair, without makeup and plain clothes he looks good. Pretty boy is pretty boy always.
    -I love the photos with his parents.
    -Red is the military's band uniform. Yes, is horrendous.

    • Can't help it. His sisters and friends Instagram about him. Not to mention, those dongsaeng and their relatives/family talk about him on social media. He really is a social butterfly, no matter how private he tries to be.

  • I miss him so much! His acting is above average for an idol but he has a knack for picking awful projects.

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