Ji Chang Wook is one of those K-actors I’ve recently grown to like. He was a delight in Healer, dropping a performance perfect for a stellar role. But his recent popularity in Asian as a newer Hallyu star is not credited to Healer and is all thanks instead to Empress Ki. That’s one performance and character which almost turned me off him forever, when initially I was just indifferent to him. Thanks to Healer it turned my opinion all around and now I’m looking forward to him in whatever project he squeezes into his busy schedule before his military enlistment deadline sometime next year.
Ji Chang Wook was in Taiwan this past weekend for his fan meeting, looking mucho adorable and super generous with the fan service. He selected lucky fans to come on stage and re-enact famous Healer OTP moments, and also gave away personal stuff of his such as clothing, accessories, and household items. He also sang and I’ll leave it to his devoted fans on whether he’s a good singer or not. He definitely looks fantastic these days!
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Thanks Koala!! Yes his popularity is because of Empress Ki, not Healer. Healer was only popular on dramabeans, not much in Korea, China or other asian countries.
Hello, it's yet to be shown in our country, but not yet airing now! Super duper Excited! Really love JCW. He's not all about flashes &glitz, he's just really down-to-earth incredibly talented and sincere guy. He deserves to be really famous someday, cant wait for him to get in/out of that military stuffs in S.Korea then get back to action.
lols.. healer was only popular on dramabeans.. :D
but i think, it was popular on myasiantv and other sites too since it was always number one.. but the rating wasnt good, only 8 something..
i read an article, forget where i read but healer was popular in china too.. correct me if im wrong :)
Yeah, it has been shown in other countries yet and already popular everywhere.
Number #1 on dramafever through its run and still popular.
Ridiculously popular in china. He couldn't go to his planned Dolce & Gabbana event because there were fans everywhere that was not safe for them, so he jad to cancel it.
This was an add on to Katie Stone's comment. Sorry.
Actually Healer was internationally popular (agree not so much in SK), not just on drama beans, drama fever too and Healer soompi thread, which has over 1300 pages in span of 6 months and more than 3 million views, soompi has a majority of Asians and international viewers. besides Healer was more popular in China rather that EK (it got more than 400 million views on Sohu channel only, and I'm not comparing with other shows like Pinocchio which got more views)because the Chinese didn't like the liberties made to the show (though its just a TV fiction not historical show IMO, but I think they disagree), its already being broadcasted in Japan, Taiwan and Hong Kong, and to be aired nest in the rest of Asian countries, I heard its airing in Ukraine too.
I saw EK because of Healer, and I like both shows, About what got him popular I say it started with EK but was exploded with Healer, with his IG followers to increase from less than 300K to 800K during Healer and now more than a million after it ended, his Weibo was open on Jan and has more than 2.3 million
wish him all the best in his future projects
What the heck is this dramabeans? What are you referring to? I have no idea of whatever dramabeans is. But I'm definitely smitten by JCW because of Healer. As I went back to watch his old dramas including Empress Ki, I still favor Healer the best. I don't like his character in EK although I think he did a good job playing that complicated role.
Adorable! Hate the pants though. Eeeek... glimpse of his hairy leg.
And those legs are sexy!!!
LOL...I adore this guy but not his fashion style in general. I think he may have to replace his stylist.
Sidebar - what is up with the pants on Korean actors...that fashion has been around for a min and it really needs to leave along with the hot pink and baby blue pants.
Yup. Those pants need to go. I don't know much about fashion. But they need to go. Lol
His voice is great!!! He's a musical theater actor, after all
I couldn't finish Healer and haven't watched Empress Ki (yet) but what really won me over is that beautiful, genuine and disarming smile of his. Geesh, just look at it. And that last picture where he's biting his lip...good lord man...
I agree he seems like a chill, genuine, down to earth guy. I truly wish him luck in his career. He deserves to be a household name in Asia.
I opposed. Honestly, I don't know Ji Chang Wook before Healer..Healer is popular in China. Please read any article if Empress Ki is popular there,too.Bye!!
Omg I can't even being .. How much I adore him
Hi Sumee, I knew you would comment here?
Ha ha ha you found me .. You name JCW and I will be buzzing there like a bee
FYI.......... News from Taipei (United News 2015/09/06)
池昌旭票房剩一半 擺譜展氣焰
LOL...that media is known to be the least credible news source in Taiwan...I mean on political and serious topics. But who cares? This is entertainment. No one take tabloid report seriously.
Very happy for him, he's very hard-working actor. 1st knew him as the youngest son from KBS Drama, The Sons of Sol Pharmacy in 2009. And now he becomes one of the young generation of Halluyu Prince, he deserves it.
I wasnt much of a fan of his earlier projects but Healer turned me in to a fan. Looking forward to his future projects