Categories: Music

Red Hot in Chinese Entertainment Luhan Releases First Hip Hop Solo Single

Well, at least this is less in-your-face-SM than Tao‘s first solo single was, and by and large it’s catchy enough to not suck outright. With all of Luhan‘s nonstop acting projects announced left and right, one would think he’s an aspiring actor (which he is) and forget that he started out as a boy band singer in EXO. He’s rectifying that now with the release of his first Chinese album called Reloaded, and from that comes the first track “That Good Good”.

From the name I already expected it to be a fast one but was taken aback at Luhan and all that rapping and hip hop going on. Was he EXO-M’s rap guy? I thought his image was all sweet boy one can take home to mom, never thought he would actually look convincing going street. Like him or not, and I found him not bad in the Chinese version of Miss Granny, he’s basically going on a tear in C-ent so it’s best I keep track of his activities since it only looks to keep on growing.

Luhan “That Good Good”:


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