Categories: K-dramas

SBS Reportedly Courts Lee Bo Young for Upcoming Drama By Mask and Heirs PD Boo Sung Chul

I believe in this latest casting rumor but am I’m not sure if it’ll actually happen on timing alone. New mommy Lee Bo Young is reportedly being courted for the leading lady role in a new 2016 SBS drama by the PD Boo Sung Chul of this year’s doppleganger makjang drama Mask. He’s a dedicated SBS veteran who directed tons of popular dramas over the years including Heirs, You’re Beautiful, Jang Ok Jung, Live in Love, and My Girlfriend is a Gumiho.

Lee Bo Young’s last two dramas before having her first child with husband Ji Sung were SBS dramas I Hear Your Voice and God’s Gift: 14 Days, so it’s no surprise the network wants to be the network for her post-maternity return project.  I’m just not sure she’s in any hurry to accept a grueling three month long K-drama shoot, especially when her name recognition and positive popularity factor remains solidly high in Korea. She’s not lacking for CFs either, as evidenced by this supplemental pictorial for clothing brand Daniel Hechter. It would be great to have her back onscreen but I’d rather she take things at her own pace and pick a suitable project.


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  • Ewww. Love Lee Bo Young, but that director has a pretty terrible drama record (at least in my opinion). After many years of watching dramas I have finally realised that good directing is far, far more important than good casting. Look at Shin Won Ho from Reply series for example, he somehow magically brings out acting talent from idols/actors who have none of it. Also, Lee Yeon Hee comes to mind. She was consistently terrible throughout decade-long acting career, but her performance in Miss Korea was absolutely captivating. I assume it was PD's guidance that made her act so good, otherwise she wouldn't revert back to being awful in Hwajung.

    • So true !good writing and a good director brings out the good acting in some actors and actresses, if they just continue to tell the cast " that was a good scene or etc "

    • I don't think that there is anything wrong with that PD tbh and his record is pretty solid. there are still some narrow minded opinions in this time and age we are living in. example reply 88 is a different genre to compare with example heirs. One is about life values, family and korean history going back in memory which will bring feels to many people who lived in that era and the other one is about teenage love story and the PD chose to go deep with even some unnecessary bitch conflicts happening in the school but nevertheless they are completely different genres and even cover different audiences. you can't really make a high school teenage love story into a political and highly intelligent dialogues you have to make it as silly as possible for it to come off realistic.

      The older generations and the mature audience have to realize that the youth also need there own tv-shows since they probably won't dig the same thing as the mature audiences mostly. heirs fans were mostly young teenages and young adults who found the show really appealing to there taste. ¨

      there is different genres, audiences and areans and there should be produced enough entertainment for them all

      • There are good teenage dramas out there - Heirs is just not one of them. You can't justify a mediocre drama by saying that it is made for a different audience.

      • @Sour grapes

        Idk why some people are blinded by assumptions but there is difference in reality and fiction. Heirs being the most watched drama of all times is not coincidence and boosting most fans was never fiction but reality. so we have to separate fiction from reality. there is nothing to justify about a youth phenonomen it's there to be seen

      • The heirs popular cause hallyu star and lots of idol star
        Although plot very terrible sameness Doctors stranger

      • Just because it's popular doesn't mean it's good. That's like saying Justin Bieber is better than the Beatles because he's surpassed their Billboard record. Which, no. Just no.

      • @Mugwump

        There can't be realistic comparison from the music world into the Movie/drama land in any country because both worlds are completely different and has different set of appeal. you can't really compare to something you listen to for 3-4mins or 3-4MV to 2-3hours long movie or 24-25 hours tv-shows. You can't compare something that you see and listen to its different example Nicki Minaj's Anaconda has become sensation because of the Booty-use and alot of sexuality involved nothing with skills or voice whatsoever. You can draw comparison from TV/Movies to TV/Movies but not from the music world thats entirely different world and I would even say that drawing comparison from Soccer is closer then Music world to acting world.

        A fair comparison would be Twilight wasen't the best critically but had viewers, large shippers and fans overall.

      • @Yoanna. All righty then. That's like saying Greece 2004 was better than Germany 2008 because they won the Euro and Germany didn't. Which again, just no. Greece barely made it through the competition playing shitastic anti-football, while Germany played in style but lost the final to Spain, which at the time was arguably the best international side the history of football.

        We could play this game all day. The bottom line is that popularity doesn't mean anything about the quality of a work. Occasionally good shows are blessed with popularity; Heirs was a godawful show that didn't deserve an audience, much less such a large one.

      • @Yoanna. I do agree with you that it's best comparison is Twilight and not long ago my friend told me the exact same thing. The funny thing about Heirs is that it has developed a hater cult which is something rare in Kdramaland and much like Twilight which is also something rare amongst H-movie. Twilight still gets dragged by its obsessed and dedicated hater cult the same with heirs. while both overacheived in bringing in audience and fans.

        The heirs hater cult actully formed before it aired there was clashs allover the internet until it aired where the hater cult got ran over by a flood which only has made them carry more grudge against Heirs. The heirs hater cult is real and they never let the opportunity of dissing it miss.

        IMHO heirs has overachieved for the production team and I don't think they could have ever imagined such polarizing show

  • Wouldn't it be great if her returning drama was the remake of bu bu jing xin? She looks alot like the other actress and has the atitude to play the role e.I. I Hear Your Voice.

    • She's too old for that role. Ruoxi time-traveled to her past self which is a teenager at first and then her whole story in that era spanned at least two decades which showed how she changed as she learned to accept and to make the best out of living during that time.
      If Lee Bo Young is courted in BBJX remake, she won't be suited to play as a teenager anymore unless they will already make the past self into her thirties which won't have that much time for a good and believable character development.

      • Park bo young would be perfect but I want her to stay faaaaaaaaaaar away from that drama due to the fact there's more then 50 percent chance of it failing

  • I love her but i think it's too soon for her to return, at least if the baby will grow a little. maybe another year or so but i'll be glad if she'll be back anyway and in a good drama like her previous dramas.

  • She should wait for an offer from the Korean Remake of "Bu Bu Jing Xin" or as I call it the "Bu bu" drama. She has the looks and acting chops to to act mischievous when roux was young and mature when roux gers older ( but really rouxI had a 30 year old sold in a 13 year old body @ the beginning) and she has chemistry with young actors and old actors.

    • Darn spellcheck. Meant to say Rouxi had a 30 year old soul in a 13 year old body when she went back in time at the beginning.

  • Love this actress and also her husband (hahahaha). Love her OTP with Jung Soek in IHYV. Hopefully she will land a nice project after maternity leave.

  • We would be very glad if SHE will be paired with Ji Jin Hee and the story is likely similar to I HAVE A LOVER? Looking forward to her next project