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Audience Poll Reveals Hallyu Stars the Chinese Fans are Most Looking Forward to in 2016

The top echelons of popularity when it comes to Hallyu stars feels like one of those elite clubs – hard to get in but once in it’s a breezy ride to stay on top. How else to explain the enduring popularity of the current set of It folks, the likes of which is starting to be a cut and paste exercise when writing about them because it’s the same names regardless of what the poll and/or award is.

A just released poll of nearly two hundred thousand Chinese voters asked to pick their most anticipated Korean star for 2016 activities revealed a list that’s basically a carbon copy of the folks who were popular in 2015. Kim Soo Hyun, Lee Min Ho, and Lee Jong Seok were the actors on the list, while Jeon Ji Hyun and Park Shin Hye were the K-actresses Chinese audiences were most looking forward to next year. Yoo Jae Seok and Kim Jong Kook led the way for variety stars, while Big Bang, 2NE1 and Miss A were the K-pop groups that C-fans can’t wait to see in 2016.

I think 2017 will have some movement on this bunch of always popular K-stars, namely Jeon Ji Hyun might drop off after she has her baby and goes on acting hiatus. Or not, she’s perennially popular. I think Lee Min Ho will only lose his top popularity when he enlists in the army for his military service, whereas Kim Soo Hyun and Lee Jong Seok have a few more years before their time is up to serve. I’m a bit surprised Kim Woo Bin isn’t on this list but that might change is his drama Arbitrarily Fond hits it big in China. All in all, China remains one of the top consumer markets for Korean entertainment so being big there is nothing to yawn at, and definitely worth the time spent to continue to grow that fan base.


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    • @OverTheRainbow Come on that is mean spirited.

      Those three actors might not be great actors but at least they are serviceable(they get the job done) for most of their projects.

      To say none of them can act is a little bit harsh nobody is expecting Daniel Day Lewis From them

      • I'm speaking of the actors ,not the actress, I can't deny that jeon ji hYun is a great actress, but the actors on the over hand ,even though their projects are high rating ,due to their popularity, can't act like their acting is great * Kim soo Hyun being the exceptional

      • What even? Hallyu start are Korea celebrities that are popular and can spread Korea waves internationally. It can be actors actresses, idols ect...
        And if they are actors they have to have certain big hit projects to get their name out.

      • Hallyu have selling point is her and his name guarantee popular ,good image by overlooked acting skills.

        I can't say them that actor or actress cause movie or drama is part time jobs

  • How it pains me that the oftentimes puerile taste of the Chinese market dictates so much in the Korean industry... can we go back to Japan having the biggest say???

    Kim So Hyun is a good actor, and he pretty much stole each and every scene he was in even as a rookie in "Will it snow for Christmas?"
    Lee Min Ho is a bias of mine,but tbh he was exceptionally brilliant in only 1 drama "City Hunter". "Heirs" made me cringe.
    Lee Jeong Suk is also a favorite, and he was BRILLIANT in "I can hear your voice".
    Park Shin Hye is pretty much the same, serviceable. None of her performance has ever made me go wow. But I still like her.
    As for Jeon Ji Hyun, well she is the QUEEN!

      • They are only 8 months apart which means enlistment is around the same time. I know it's weird but I think it has something to do with LMH's Longevity his been around for 8-years since he has made already on this survey as the most anticipated actor. Since he was involved in the project that started the second hallyu wave which was the big global one he has been the number 1 poster boy for Hallyu wave. Thats exactly 8-years as hallyu king and the face of korea, so I agree with OP. since I think he will enlist in 2017 and might be the end of an era that year. it would be damn weird not having LMH around in these year 17-18 and I don't think that he would return to Dramaland and move only to movies after enlistment which means his upcoming rumoured drama might be the last dance for LMH on the Dramaland. Its like when you finish highschool and have to go to that last party

  • Its unsurprisingly many of the same people over and over...wonder what Chinese entertainers and celebs the Chinese are looking forward to seeing more of?

  • Kim Woobin hasn't had any drama under his belt as lead yet. I'd be more surprised if he is in the list.

    People can say PSH isn't popular as her fans claim but she is still the most popular young actress outside Korea- China and Japan to be more specific, and one of the top young actresses in Korea. I can't think of another young actress name can compete with her yet.

    And I didn't expect 2ne1 or MissA there either... SNSD, Tara and f(x) are more popular than then in China.

    • The reality is hard for them to believe that shin hye is very popular this word give them heart attack.

      • PSH haters/antis are so pressed lol. The main reason she gets hate from certain portions of i-fans is because she is more popular, relevant, and well-liked by the Korean public than their faves have ever been or will ever be. She's a fine actress, of course there is room for improvement (but I can say this for most Korean actresses I have seen), but she is still a lot better than some of the tragic acting we see from certain other actresses/idol actresses, which their fans try to shield.

      • Exactly leah14 as much as they hate her it won't affect her bcz they called their opinions a facts but they keep denying that her popularity is bcz her Co stars if that true why other actresses who acted with these Co stars getting the same attention .

  • to be honest, i love C-actors more than K-actors, but well... those pretty actors are really popular even in their hometown.. so wont blame this result, predictable, correct?
    bigbang, 2ne1 and missA, nah, this is kinda unpredictable since we didnt see exo and snsd... not to mention suju since some of them in military service...

  • What poll is this? There are many so called polls on weibo, Baidu or some obscure sites that are normally dominated by bots though..what choice did the audience have to choose? Don't read these polls as bible.

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