Categories: K-dramas

IU and Lee Jun Ki Bring Romance Amidst the Throne Battles in New Stills for K-Bu Bu Jing Xin

It’s hard to really settle into the mere days long wait for the premiere of the K-version of Bu Bu Jing Xin, coming at the end of the month on August 30th, when the production has been in the works for well over a year. Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart: Ryeo (Bobogyungsim: Ryeo) waffles being playing up the sprawling cast of princes and royal ladies, versus focusing on the romance angle of the destined OTP played by leads Lee Jun Ki and IU.

His casting was a brilliant choice to do something totally different with 4th Prince role, while she always felt like a retread to try and capture the leading lady ingenue magic of the C-drama performance. I’ll need to watch the drama to truly assess the chemistry but from the stills his intensity looks jarring with her wide-eyed innocence, especially in two new character posters below. With that said, I continue to keep my hopes up as I gobble the latest and greatest goodies up.


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    • Have never liked Hwang Jung Eum in any of her dramas, her hair styles are just too distracting to enjoy the character or show.

      • Tootally agree..thats why i cannot enjoy hje's drama so i avoid them..Im not a fan of iu as well..but i will enjoy romance drama when lee jun ki's around

    • She will be too old to play for this role. I think IU suitable and hope she will bring the magic that Shi Shi did to Chinese version.

    • I can hardly stand HJE. She's so noisy and over the top. I've never seen IU's acting since Dream High, so I don't know what to expect from her. But the stills and trailer seem promising.

      • +1. She's too old for the role and will look like a noona next to LJK. Someone I wanted was Park Min Young or Park Bo Young. They would have matched well with LJK and the other princes. Now I only hope IU and the writing lives up to the expectations. We know LJK is gonna kill it.

    • Wow... what a response on HJE! I was afraid I would get bashed if I commented... LOL... "Ouch & Yikes" was my response too... I wonder what kind of role will HJE land after Lucky Romance? I am sorry but she is now in the ajumma section for me...

    • I like her, but I think that girl needs a break. She's been in so many dramas these past two years that I (a fan!) actually got annoyed of seeing her everywhere. Lol. She's such a workaholic, but she needs to slow down. Her last two dramas weren't the greatest. She shiuld pick her next drama wisely.

  • I am so looking forward to this drama. LJK yey! I like IU. Never watched the C-version, so this will be a fresh start for me :-)

  • I like the scene where IU is sitting on LJK/KHN(?)'s lap, the combination of her hair and clothes looks very cute.


    I'm so excited about this remake. I'm usually tepid about any remake. But BBJX is different. Perhaps I wasn't satisfied with Nicky Wu version of the 4th prince and hope for a make up from K remake. LJK, don't disappoint me.

    • I think think the right word is actually an adaptation. I think the reporting was wrong right from the beginning since it was reported as a remake when in actual, the K-version only extracting the plot and character and adapt it into korean history.

      • Judging from how the promo materials releasing in Korea, seems the k-version is highly focused on Lee Joongi's 4th prince as the lead character.

      • I certainly hope LJK will be 90% of the scenes in this K-version... too greedy?... I will be happy if he is in 80% :-)

      • Yes, I think y'all might be right re: LJK scenes. I liked that the c-drama was female focused but have my doubts they'll go that route with the k-drama. I actually liked how 8th prince was written in the c-drama so hope they don't change the dynamic of how that relationship went down with the Ruoxi. It wasn't the normal 2nd male lead thing. We'll see in just a few weeks !!

  • Whoa lee jun ki and iu surrounded by smoke, it great picture but he more like vampire slayer and ghost hunter than ambition prince. Honestly all scene more remain me with bride of the water god than bu bu xin ji.

  • Lee Jun Ki and all his holy hotness. I don't know why it took so long for anyone to offer him the role of a prince - either a royal prince or a prince charming. I am so looking forward to this drama though I feel SBS is rather stingy what with still lacking the teasers, trailers and stills. As far as I remember, Dots dropped so many teasers and stills on the month of its premiere.

  • What are they doing in the fourth pic?
    It looks like she's trying to stick her face into his face mask through her sleeves.

  • Except for Lee Jun ki suppose to be a smoking hot poster but it's looking more like a burned picture. Other I'm quite optimistic.

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