Categories: K-dramas

First Stills of Gong Yoo as the Melancholy Goblin in tvN Drama

I totally bust a chuckle when I saw the first drama stills of Gong Yoo from the set of upcoming tvN fantasy romance drama Goblin. How can I not when nothing about these three drama stills remotely convey anything about the drama other than (1) Gong Yoo is gorgeous, (2) Gong Yoo looks melancholy and contemplative, and (3) Gong Yoo’s goblin character takes long walks in the countryside. In a Kim Eun Sook flourish, the drama has been given a wordier Korean title of The Lonely and Shining God: Goblin which brings back lulz feels from He Who Wears the Crown Must Bear its Weight: Heirs. I’m happy to see these first pictures from Goblin even if it can come from any drama, movie or CF set, Gong Yoo filming a drama is itself a sight for sore eyes.


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  • Typical KES, always go for the beauty rather than have male characters looking like the roles they play. It will be a big hit anyway because this goblin will be blurting out cheesy lines women want to hear.

  • That's totally not ghostly,LOL.. pictorially fitting romance of Kdrama style. I know ppl said she's cheesy. But I don't care. I always look forward to KES's drama. This one is no exception.

  • The second pic is so cheesy stagey ha. But he is a hottie!! How come K actor has never been linked to any actress or had an affair that was known ? I don't follow k ent closely but if he had it might be known to even novices like moi. Has he?

    • I thought he had been linked to Im Soo Jung a while ago. I think they were caught at an airport coming or going. Take this with a grain of salt. It was dropped very quickly and never saw or read another thing about it.

      • Who is Im so jung?. Googling her
        Now. Maann it's like I've nothing to do. Will get to work n forget about this guy. Sigh.

  • KES and her cheesiness. Until today, I couldn't get passed any of her drama but she is a consistent hit maker which left me to conclude that there must be something wrong with me that I couldn't warm up with her writing. Expecting alpha-male cheesy one liner and all gals get swoony over the goblin.

  • I'll take KES' cheesiness any day tbh at least it makes my life a bit happier for an hour. If you don't want it, don't watch her dramas simple.

    Looking forward to the Lee Dong Wook and Gong Yoo bromance.

  • I really really dislike KES's dramas, even DOTS/Secret Garden/Gentleman's Dignity. But the things keeping me hoping for this one: Gong Yoo looking handsome, Gong Yoo looking hot, Gong Yoo making me swoon, Kim Go Eun -I love this girl-, the fact that it's TvN and not SBS/KBS/MBC.

  • the idea of him filming a drama and that we'll have him soon in our small screan and seeg him in these stills are making me so happy and grin from ear to ear!! he's so handsome!! can't wait for december to come!! :D

  • I am gonna give the drama a go, but these are just nice pics that say nothing about the drama. I guess if you have this particular actor, it's all u need.

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