Categories: K-dramas

Ratings Rise to Past 18% for This Week’s Episodes of Legend of the Blue Sea

I definitely have a soft spot for Legend of the Blue Sea, putting up with so much poor plotting and character development for the little bits that work. Right now I care about Joon Jae reuniting with his poor mom, and thank god the end of episode 15 got us right to that brink as long as there isn’t a truck of doom barreling towards them in that intersection. This week’s episodes 14 and 15 rose in ratings to break past 18% in episode 15, a positive sign as the drama heads into it’s final arc and things start to get revealed and hopefully resolved. I’m annoyed the baddies like the stepmother and now the stepbrother are so selfishly vile, but the cuties like puppy Tae Oh with his wordless crush on Shim Chung are just so endearing to watch even in limited quantities. Oh, and the OTP romance is still decent enough, even if I’m more convinced they love each other when they are alone and thinking of one another moreso than being together and generating chemistry.


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  • Idk what to say about LOTBS and Idk why I stay with this drama until now. The plot is on crawling mode. Running around in circle and back and forth over the same thing that it's tiring. And Chi Hyun suddenly has a counterpart in Joseon when there was never any hints that he ever existed for the entire 14 episodes, just to hint that he is the real bad guy? And Ma Dae Young as the reincarnation of Lord Yang actually has very little motive on Joon Jae, so what's the unfinished business here? And the dance face-off, is it really necessary?

    • Not sure why you bother to comment either.. Didn't meant it to be mean.. But really.. If u dislike it so much.. Why bother? ?

      • Not trying to sound mean but why am I not allowed to comment and express how I feel about the drama as a viewer? Do you think everyone out there need to love the drama in order to comment? If I am feeling frustrated, I have no rights to comment when this topic is open for discussion? Where democracy is concerned, everyone is free to expresss how they feel and I never even sounded vulgar, just frustrated. Unless you are living in North Korea, then maybe I can understand why you feel the needs to oppress others from speaking out.

      • Just realized my earlier comment did not successfully appeared here. You are replying to @Cathz. But then, I agree with her.

      • @mischa well.. U are mistaking my reply to Cathz.. I genuinely want to understand why she still stay on with the show since she seem to dislike it so much.. Perhaps there's certain draw to it.. As for you, I understand your need to voice out your displeasure.. Nobody says u can't do it.. I just asking the qn to Cathz out of curiosity.. Well.. But if u wan to get all work up over it.. Ok.. Blame it on my language skill then. Lol!

    • Thats why its called a drama. While everyone has been reincarnated it was sure that CH would also be reincarnated. And why you keep watching the drama if you hate it. Are your here just to talk bad then????

      • So just because I feel the plot development is poor and pacing is off, you are branding me of thrashing this drama? Tired of reasoning....pls read my reply to your friend @Yumz above.

    • Chi hyun was not hinted in the joseon timeline because he was not in dam ryeungs flashbacks. He never saw the 2nd harpoon being thrown at him. thats why a lot a people were surprised that it was hinted in lord yangs flashbacks that another person killed dam ryeung. Then we cut to chi hyun. From the start, his character was already questionable so the writer did hint at him being shady.

      This actually makes the story interesting coz it was so unexpected. And most probably more will be revealed in the coming episodes for sure.

      The pace of This show is light hearted and laid back as this is a romcom and more focused on the romantic and comedic aspects so if you're looking for chills and thrills then this is not the right genre for you.

  • I think they have a good chance to break 20 soon- the drama has shown consistent pacing. Maybe some don't like it but the stable audience shows that most do.
    I'm also forgiving towards the show because I care a lot abt the OTP happy ending esp Joon Jae who is a shining example of good acting and a male lead who doesn't do noble idiocracy (I keep my fingers crossed but at this point, it is clear the drama doesn't twiddle its thumbs at those "expected" areas)

    And I love the comedic moments that keep the drama light hearted. If some dance face off show SWAG Cheong "sweating out" and a jealous joon Jae pouting - aw why not! I enjoy their cute banter and him rejecting her advances in fear of memory erasure is GOLD.
    I think their chemistry (which is ok to start with) is good and getting better each episode. So this drama is on an uptrail which to me is great since we all burn our fingers on some who start strong and end weak (yes that's me pointing at you cheese in the trap)

  • Lee min ho's acting is superb.. His acting was very appreciated. He finally shuts his hater about acting .

  • JJH got rob by LMH. she should have won the best award. if i were her i would never work with LMH&this pd again.

      • It's the station. And LMH won for the best male award in a fantasy and they also won best couple. Both of them were nominated for the Daesang, but the Romantic Doctor dude won. So I have know idea what the first comment is talking about

  • I personally like the pace of this drama it's almost like an American show where nothing extremely ridiculous happens in every 18 episode only to be resolved in the end. It does have its flaws in not giving enough background or plot lines to secondary characters and it also didn't give the female lead a strong background story but regardless it funny and light hearted and refreshing. I give it an A-.

  • I think the OST is good - esp the instrumentals and it's not getting enough love!

    The last part where mom and son are about to meet - music and scene went very well. very warm and uplifting- that's just how this drama is- I don't think it was written to be some epic thriller or drama - it just that the 2 leads were top stars and people expected some crazy numbers (which of course is due to the investment made) and sometimes such stories and such cast just give phenomenal numbers, sometimes they don't.

    if u strip away the excess from this drama, the story is light, comedic and warm and I believe it will stay that way - hype or no hype. And it works for me, pace, OTP and side characters. There's enough to make me continue and like the drama.

    Btw Any one have the instrumental of that piece? Love it!

  • Although I'm enjoying this show (especially for its unique concept and the quality of the actors) I have found to my surprise that given a choice of whether to watch this or weightlifting fairy first, I go for WF! It's definitely a lightweight(sorry for the bad pun) drama, but the cuteness factor is high and it has a kiss scene that will leave you smiling from ear-to-ear. Both are good in their own way, but LOTBS seems to have spots that lag too much. It's still a not to be missed drama but will not be high on my "must watch again"list

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