
Rainy OTP Kiss Poster for While You Were Sleeping and Additional New Drama Stills

I’m feeling a completest mode when it comes to keeping up with the next SBS Wed-Thurs drama While You Were Sleeping, following so intently from the very beginning last year when it was announced that Lee Jong Seok was going for his third go-around with screenwriter Park Hye Ryun. Now it’s T-minus 6 days to go until the premiere and the production has released a romantic and angst-filled drama poster showing the leads in pre-kiss moment under the pouring rain. I love how Lee Jong Seok totally goes for broke in every kiss, he even makes normally dead fish kissers like Park Shin Hye and Han Hyo Joo kiss him back so here’s hoping Suzy got permission from her boyfriend Lee Min Ho to let the lips move during filming. The drama and character posters have been all blue hues, but the drama stills have been conversely cheerful and upbeat, the latest with Suzy and Lee Jong Seok with another Pinocchio alum Shin Jae Ha quite bright and cute.


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  • He's got too much makeup on. He is supposed to be the hyung but he looks like a little kid next to Shin Jae Ha. And why would Suzy need permission from Lee Min Hoe to do drama kiss scenes? If she had to get permission, I'd tell Suzy to dump him, she deserves better. It's just work ffs. And HHJ and PSH dead fish kissers?? LJS is too lucky to ever breathe with these actresses who have made their names long before LJS even dreamed of debuting. These actresses made it on their own in actual legendary dramas with actually great performance. LJS with his overrated mediocre acting, flowerboy looks, model proportions and whiny monotone voice got famous only because of BINSUK ship. How sad is that. And mediaplaying with kiss scene already is a bad move

    • LOL, I know they need to promote this drama but dragging down two previous lead actresses to promote these two mediocre actors??? Is it necessary?

    • I was thinking the same thing. It is not a good relationship if she has to ask for permission. I think it more the regulation from the gov on how much lips can move.

    • wow! FINALLY someone stood up for PSH. that girl gets dragged into ashes in drama sites. she has chosen some mediocre roles but she is fine, actually on a decent actresses side. HHJ too. both can act.

      • I don't know why everytime LJS will link with PSH. I hate she's dragged and bad mouth. She's fine and a decent and Hard working actress, leave her alone please.

      • @always suzy
        LJS fans always drag PSH though. They say things like LJS taught her to kiss and emote and that LJS made PSH act well, like LMFAO. PSH already did all those things at the age of 13 and 16 when LJS was still a high schooler dreaming of debuting lol. LJS fans have dragged Han Hyo Joo and Kim Woo Bin too, so nothing new here. Have some humility, then you wouldn’t be so annoying.

    • good for LJS for being too lucky... I hope his luck will never stop... JJH next probably...he is riding high to the top and laughing all the way to the bank...thank you for his good luck

      • @anon, oh I see, you were a Lee ddochi fan. No wonder you’ve given backhanded compliments and made snide remarks about LJS’s previous co-star. How could you claim that LJS hard carried W, when HHJ and Kim Ui Sung were the ones who made that drama somewhat watchable?

        A mediocrity like Lee Ddochi with his plasticky, caky makeup face paired up with much better and experienced actresses, who have hard carried him, but he ended up getting bigger salary and more fame because stupid fangirls keep raising him up to pedestal.

        Lee Ddochi’s botox lips didn’t change anything. It’s those actresses own hard work and good directors’ wonderful directing and script writers ideas that made them kiss well. But of course you pathetic oppar fangirls always love to credit your average and mediocre oppar for everything. Even if HHJ’s acting depends a lot on her projects, at least she deserved her daesang for Dong Yi. Your Lee ddochi didn’t deserve daesang at all. He isn’t even close to daesang worthy acting. There was a time when his buddy Kim Woo Bin’s name and friendship was used to media play LJS when KWB was more popular than LJS after Heirs and Chingu 2. At least KWB acting is better, unlike LJS overrated acting with whiny voice.

      • say what you want you dummy @prettyautum...you lose anyway. he probably has plastic nose with botox lips bla bla... he is richer and famous than you....and your personality suck and you mentally poisoned.

  • i don't understand with so many spoiler and mediaplay, if this very good drama ( i wish for that),i don't think they need that. and btw i think lee jong seok chemistry with that shin jae ha, better than with suzy. lol

    • Mediaplay for a high profile drama is normal. Not all media play is bad. Even big named K-pop groups go all out on media play before a comeback. So do big budget movies with high profile actors. It's all in a days work.

    • IKR. Thinking about the writer it's actually a guarantee so too much mediaplay and spoiler isn't necessarily needed. Some of recent dramas with too much promotion didn't really end up well (bride of the water and criminal minds). The one who surprisingly being a hit is the one which never been promoted well (Live up to your name) all thanks to great acting skill by the casts and good story.

      • Yes, LUTYN is damn good and LNH is so sexy I can't believe I never heard of him lol @Prettyautumn can you please stop hating on LJS? it's borderline obsessive st this point. Find something better to do than hate beesh..

      • @Lilykoo
        I think u meant KNG = Kim Nam Gil
        He was at the height of his fame during his Bidam days before he got shipped off untimely for MS. It took him this drama to gain attention again post MS.
        Criminal Minds and Bride of Water God both got good production teams behind them based on their past works, sadly, they turned out to be duds. Such a waste esp CM since it boasted high profile seasoned actors and not some newbies who can't act.

      • @Lilykoo
        Never :)
        The day Lee ddochi fans stop saying stupid things like their precious oppar hard carries dramas and that he taught his co-actresses to kiss and made them emote, when his co-actresses are much better than their monotone oppar who almost entirely relies on his looks, I won’t stop pointing out that truth :)

    • media play??? what the hell you talking about....they are promoting the drama and there is nothing to media play about it.

      • Oh yeah, just like Uncontrollably Fond, Legend of the Blue Sea, Scarlet Heart: Ryeo and other overly hyped dramas, that have been ’’promoting’’ for months before the official airing date and still end up getting annihilated by ’underdog’ dramas that were barely promoted and still end up getting much higher, +20% ratings, like RDTK, Doctors, MDBC etc. LMAO

    • @prettyauntumn For real? Do yoy think you are an objetive person when speaking? I´m sorry, but I do not think so.
      Since when does hate allow a person to have a rational mind? For all I know , hatred is irratinal, aggressive and unpleasant.
      Please review you comments, and your will see that they are full of these bad qualities.
      True, you have the right not to like something. But you do NOT HAVE THE RIGHT to ALWAYS use derogatory and degrading words for what you do not like, especially if you are referring to another human being.
      Sorry, but you comments only reflect hate, not objectivity.
      Please, let this site be a good place to exchange ideas even if we disagree. Please do not make it a battlefield.

    • Compare to other dramas, While You Were Sleeping's promotion only started three weeks before the airing. There are no news about drama until now... Anyway, the more popular the casts, the more hype and media wanting to feature them for click baits.

      • Nope, months of releasing stills and publicity for WYWS and the hype before drama coming out are like promotions, so they’ve been going on for couple months already. Also, three weeks is quite a long promoting time. RDTK didn’t practically get any and neither did Doctors or MDBC. Just sharing my view on this

  • Ask LMH for permission? Really?! Does LMH also have to ask Suzy for permission before he goes around doing the job he's paid for? Massive eye roll for you, miss Koala

  • that kissing just an acting, and lee min ho is professional actor, he will understand. and if he jealous,that good (she doing good job) and lee jung seok win a lot. lol

  • You guys chill. She's just making a fun commentary. She's not serious about Suzy asking lee min ho for permission.

    Mang are you guys jumping into conclusion. I roll my eyes at all of you.

    • Exactly... I think some people didnt understand words-play thing. Lols, it's obviously a joke and some people take it seriously.. Lol.

  • I don't always understand the way they promote a drama. In all they showed us for now, the vibe is very different... Once it's very comic, once romantic, once serious... And in all of that, we don't really see her power that is the most important for me...

    Sometime, they should make less promotion because it's more confusing.

  • I hope this drama lives up to its hype. It's being heavily promoted which means that expectations are high. If it doesn't live up to its hype, there'll be a huge hue and cry than if the drama were more modestly promoted.

    • Have to agree... Unfortunately the more it is hyped, the bigger the expectation. I don't know if it's just Koala, but when every other update is about this drama, all the promos are a bit overkill and I get tired of hearing about this before it even begins. In addition, I kind of find it ironic Koala calls PSH and HHJ dead fish kissers as Suzy is way below in acting skill in comaparasion to them.

  • Dead fish kissers seriously koala I think you are bigger than that but actually you are the same as those who keep bad mouthing and dragging of others??

    • please remember heirs, will you...I hope you do, as that drama forever tainted my image of her as a bad kisser. I don't deny that she has a nice personality though.

      • Heirs is passed. I don't know why the kissing scene keep implanted in everyone's mind. Be fair to psh, she work hard and improve, she's a decent actress.

      • @LL
        It’s a known fact that @anon with brown icon dislikes PSH no matter how much she improved. You know why? Because she is a jealous LJS fangirl and for whatever reasons hate her but she is sly about it. Anon with brown icon calls HHJ and PSH dead fish but considers LJS oppar as an acting virtuose. The biggest irony we have here.

      • hehe prettyautumn know the differences of the icon first time hearing it. she sure stay at the comment box for a living.

      • Really heirs 2013 and we now in 2017 and you are still in heirs era actually you don't know nothing except to hate her so still talking about heirs but you know what happened to heirs although which isn't ethical of course beside the kisses scene doesn't add to the story if you skip it you will find the story will be going kissing isn't affect or measure your acting ability it is emotions so who talk about kissing seriously don't know nothing about the acting .

      • @anon - be fair to the girl, that Heirs was an awful role and at least one of those kisses was effectively an assault since she wasn't told about the kiss by the PD. And kissing scenes are done by PD's instructions anyway, not by the actress's choice.

        @prettyautumn - knock it off. I disagree with both you and anon, I think they are good actors and there's no need to drag either LJS face or PSH kissing. He's not my type but I thought they had good chemistry in Pinocchio, that was evident even from their clothing cf pictures.

  • at least dramabeans deleting unnecessary comments prettyautum is completely hopeless, throw her dignity and talk shit everywhere.

    • I notice that too, she is monitoring every LJS article she must be a very dedicated fan before. She sounded pitiful I guess she just like to be notice.

      • Freedom of speech is not insulting someone's physical look are you out of your mind or you are stupid. You should be ashame of yourself. You can call him week overrated actor. If your parents read your comment I know they will slap your face. Hypocrite.

      • At least the website has enough decency to remove poisonous and unnecessary comments like yours. Seriously, go create a LJS anti-fan website if you hate him so much. Don't make a fool of yourself here where everyone dislikes you.

      • ....freedom of speech means the GOVERNMENT can't persecute you for saying your opinion. It doesn't mean some website can't delete your comments.

        Unless dramabeans suddenly became the government without us knowing, you sound very childish and silly.

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