
First Stills of Kim Rae Won and Shin Se Kyung for KBS Wed-Thurs Drama Black Knight

I love beautiful things so when beautiful people were equally beautiful clothes and shot in a beautiful backdrop I can’t help but just sigh over the beauty of the visuals. After overloading on the use of a particular adjective, which only goes so far as K-dramas need more than just prettah to sustain 16-hours or more of narrative substance, the first stills of leads Kim Rae Won and Shin Se Kyung for the melodrama romance Black Knight leaves me still concerned that it’ll be Kim Rae Won emoting his heart out and Shin Se Kyung crying blankly back at him as she’s done in so many dramas. It hurts that her hairstyle is basically the same as her character in Bride of the Water God since I want to forget that drama badly and not make the same connection here. Oh wells, gotta keep the faith up especially if I want to spend countless hours with smexy broody Kim Rae Won, which I definitely do!


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  • feel the same vibe in SSK, same hair, same no-expression look, even similar jacket & purse... she definitely needs a new packaging, a nicer looking box with a bow on top please.

    • Yeah, the same, jaded Yoon So Ah. She should have taken a little longer break from dramas but I guess the temptation of working with Kim Rae Won, an actor who’s got no drama flops to this date, was bigger...

      • KRW’s acting was criticised heavily in ‘A thousand days promise’. It was So Ae who carried that drama so can’t really say KRW hasn’t had any downfalls.

      • @Abc yes, Soo Ae pulled it off excellently and only watched it for her character development. Kim Rae Won earned my respect because of Punch tbh. His dramas before that, although he did well and brought in ratings too, weren’t exactly excellent. But his latest two dramas after military service were hits. And so has been all of his dramas in fact. So that's what I was talking about

  • Honestly, SSK should have never acted in Bride of the Water God. Nam Joo Hyuk’s shitty acting ruined her performance too and brought down the quality of that drama. It’s not easy to forget SSK’s lackluster and soulless performance. But she’s not a bad actress per se. She hasn’t got this ’’cute, angelic, righteous’’ image so it gives a touch of realistic approach in her portrayal of her characters. You can’t blame her for playing it safe and boring when it comes to choosing roles and films.
    To be honest, Punch was the best drama and best acting from Kim Rae Won (in dramas) to this date in his career (his best film being Sunflower). He should have taken something similar instead of something from the writer of When a Man Loves.. but I guess he missed doing melos and rom-coms?

    • Yeah i agree I like KRW in Punch. He did well there as far as dramas are concern.

      With SSK I don't know how he will perform. And SSk should really stay away for awhile...just can't erase her souless acting in that Bride drama with that equally lackluster NJH.

      Should have given the female lead role to Seo Ji Hye who is going to play second lead again!

      • The script was what failed BOTWG and not SSK or even Krystal. The writing was bad and the CGI was even worse. The directing was also uneven in many parts. I don't think SSK had enough to work with in that drama or any of the actors including IJH who was completely wasted.

    • SSK did well enough in my eyes in Bride. I felt that she was shortchanged from the scriptwriter and director not knowing how to carry on and end the story.

      Her character started off as quite interesting with her own backstory, but later devolved into a mere love interest of the Water God with the beautifully blank face.

      • The biggest problem was the script, directing and Nam Joo Hyuk. SSK does well enough if she has some decent material to work with and a strong lead guiding her and reciprocating properly. Her scenes with Shin Hoo Ye were actually the best parts in Bride because Im Joo Hwan is a better actor and SSK could properly work with him

      • No need to defend Shin Se Kyung. She needs to rely on herself not her co-stars but no matter what, SSK is known for bad acting because she IS bad and still gets plenty of criticism.

    • Heol!!!The writer of "when a man loves" plus Shin Se Kyung!!!!!Stay strong Kim Rae Won.
      @Kimster NJH wasnt just lackluster.He was awful in BOTWG.To think he is cast in the movie with Jo In Sung..sigh.He drove one-third of the drama audience away from the drama, with his acting just from the teaser alone.He reduced the remaining 2/3 to half by the first episode.

  • Aesthetically, they both look great. Hopefully, the show turns out okay.

    That being said, I really love SSK's coat in the stills. Anyone know what brand it is?

  • KRW is at an age when he should move away from melo/romance. He did great in Doctors but the role was sometimes crying-worthy. This drama sounds so much like The Man Who Loved, the writer's previous work, with its twisted and frustrating plot so full of makjang and impossible developments. I hope the writer would not make KRW's character do all kinds of humiliating and impossible things, just to stress his undying love for the standoffish female lead.

  • Well i never watch ssk drama or movie, so i'll just sit back and enjoy the beautiful still cuts and hoping that krw won't be the one who had to hard carry the entire 16(?) hours

  • I like Kim Rae Won...would love to try watching this..and Shin Se Kyung is pretty,although I like her with long wavy hair like before..

  • Just saw the first teaser. I can only say good luck KRW!!! It’s on a time slot that is currently at the bottom, the other competitive dramas look quite good. Let’s see what the audiences choose.

    • For ratings ranking based solely on star power it seem it will be:
      - INAR (YSH has a large and dedicated audience base)
      - BK ( KRW has many male fans and older people like him a lot)
      - Nothing to lose (No big stars and YWJ doesn't draw an audience as his last three dramas have shown, even with big female leads like PMY)

      • Maybe you’re correct. However, it also depends on storyline. Look at the Mon-Tue time slot, Witches court overtook TOL because it has a better storyline.

      • Exactly, which is why I am saying this ranking is only on star power and might be correct for 1st week but after that it will depend on plot and acting.

  • Kim Rae Won & Shin Se Kyung look visually breathtaking and the locations look beautiful! Sometimes it's ok to watch a drama for just the visuals like Legend of the Blue Sea and Package.

    I think this is Kim Rae Won's best look till date even though he was gorgeous in Punch but the leather jacket has me sold! I like Shin Se Kyung enough to be able to watch this drama and since my expectations for acting and writing are super low to begin with I think I'll just dive for the pretty and then see how it goes.

  • I like KRW so I feel kinda sorry for him to be stuck with such a lackluster leading lady... sigh!

    Oh dramagods, can u make a reunion of KRW and Jang Na-Ra happen please!!!! They had such explosive chemistry years ago in My love patzzi! Now that’s a charismatic leading lady with acting chops! JNR is totally nailing her current drama Go Back Couple, one of the best Kdrama I’ve seen this year.

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