
Park Shin Hye Shares Spain Updates on SNS Prior to Overseas Filming for K-drama Memories of Alhambra

I know where Park Shin Hye is! And even better I know where filming will be for upcoming K-drama Memories of Alhambra! She’s in Barcelona thanks to her SNS updates this weekend sharing pictures of the famous Park Guell and Sagrada Familia, goodness I need to hie myself back to Barcelona soon as it brought back so many perfect trip memories. It’s spine tingling to know that Memories of Alhambra is really coming true, pairing Park Shin Hye with Hyun Bin for the highest profile star casting of the year. I hope the Korean media manages to get pictures of Binnie as he heads to Spain for filming and for those Spain drama fans keep your eyes peeled and shares filming snaps if you chance upon the shooting.


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    • Yeah she booked this vacation in Jan before signing up for the drama. I would say casting for this drama is fate! Now fingers crossed that this will be a big hit.

  • Spain is a beautiful country with interesting architecture. Looking forward to this drama ?

  • Yeah, I'm going to Barcelona in few weeks !

    French can suck sometimes, I wondered during a long time why I never heard about Alhambra until the news of this drama when it describes like a beautiful city. In French, it is called Grenade and I really want to see it too.

    So she's in Barcelona and her boyfriend in a sauna with his friends :p

    • I wonder why people have to mention about her bf in all her article?
      He get his name out there a lot thank to her.

      This article, her trip or the drama has nothing to do with him.
      It's hard to search for her and not seeing a lot of his name these days.

      • Isn't that expected? Pretend he is non-existent after he was the first one to admit they are dating? Come one, be real! That's life of a celebrity... People won't search for her if she is not popular, and that's the price to pay for being with her. If he is more famous, then the case will be reversed. Just accept it.

  • I was in Barcelona just last November and the memory is a painful one, with my mom being pick-pocketed just one day after we arrived. I heard great things about Barcelona especially the architectures, but I prefer Bohemian cities like Prague and Budapest more.

    Anyway, how I wish I looked as chic as PSH.

    • Big touristy cities unfortunately have all the same problem in Europe. The best way to minimize the risks is to travel outside the tourist season, and of course be vigilant. And visit France, Italy, Spain, Greece in the autumn-winter time. We made a roadtrip in Italy, Milano-Verona-Venezia-Roma, and it was better than I expected. I tend not to have high expectations.. But I must say I enjoyed Stockholm-Gothenburg-Copenhagen-Oslo car trip more. And wandering in the wild in Lapland. Tallin was cozy too.

      • Exactly. But is November even a tourist season?
        I was dabbling between visiting Madrid or Barcelona but reading so many positive comments, I chose Barcelona in the end.
        It would be easy to go to less touristy cities but I travel everywhere with my mom who has problem with her knees and walking, so transportation and all that become my main concern. And coming from a very small city in South East Asia, I am not the adventurous kind to actually drive in Europe. LOL. So far, I enjoyed Budapest-Vienna-Prague and Edinburgh. So many places yet to explore and Europe is simply stunning. When comes to safety, Japan and Korea are the best.

      • Yay fellow South East Asian! It’s terrible that your mom had to go through that.. November is indeedoutside the season but it’s known that pickpocketers target a little older and Asian people because they have a reputation of carrying around a lot of cash or jewellery. It’s true that in big European cities, you’ve got to be careful. Wasn’t it around the time Park Shin hye went in London that her iPhone got stolen too? Asians seem to be a target to these thieves.
        I must say Zurich- Geneve trip by train is an amazing experience. When I was younger, we made a trip with friends in Amsterdam. We also traveled through Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg in two days. Czech, Austria and Hungary are worth visiting too. Good old back packing is simply the best, the transportation is amazing, especially in Switzerland.

    • Yeah, in Europe you have to be very careful with your stuff but I never had problems and I go on trip several times by year.

      Prague and Budapest are beautiful but personaly I like far more the food in Spain or any country in the south of Europe. In the north/East countries I can't eat their own food, I always eat food from other countries...

      • Whenever I go with my family in a foreign country, we always find ourselves in Singaporean, Indonesian, Chinese or Indian restaurants for familiar flavours. But I’m kind of adventurous and I tried the traditional fermented herring in Sweden, and in Finland some reindeer meat with mash potatoes and lingonberry puree and it was actually quite an experience. In Poland, Bigos was actually tasty.

      • Lol. I dont know why my family happened to encounter such bad experience. I was pickpocketed in London (but London is still my fave city in the world and I come back every year) few years ago and my mom got her purse stolen in Barcelona. She swears to never visit Spain ever again. Haha.

        I am not adventerous with food and like @prettyautumn family, I will visit those SEA restaurants. I still prefer eastern europe though. The scenery are breathtaking and I kinda love the laid back feel about it.

        Alas I can only travel once a year otherwise my boss would whack me for enjoying too much.

      • It's the chance to live in Switzerland, it's pretty much in the middle so I'm not far from the big cities like London, Paris, Madrid, etc. I don't need a full week to go on trip.

        For the food, I can try the food of the country but if I don't like it I won't force myself. In Korea, the food was so good with my sister we remember pretty much all the restaurants we did :D

      • Tourists from East Asia are easy targets to pickpocket. You have the latest phone models and branded handbags. The petty thieves can recognise you easily. Even locals get their wallets stolen in packed buses.

    • November is not touristy season, I would pick October as it is a bit less cold and hords of tourists are dying down a bit.

  • I haven't been to Catalonia, I've only seen Madrid and that was years ago when I went there with my dad because he had a seminarium in Madrid. But these pictures are so beautiful. She's smart for combining work and leisure. Also, why does her fans mention his bf, is he sectetly there too? Hopefully the script is good.. both PSH and HB should have preferably signed into more movies but tvn drama is okay too. Hope the drama is challenging for them too and not the same old chaebol stuff..

    • This trip was purely leisure. She booked the football ticket since January and will be back again this month for the filming.
      I'd say it's fate for her to work in this drama.
      Let's hope SJJ will do better than W this time.

  • Spain is beautiful , but i visited Portugal and i was amazed by how great this country is . I'm french so sorry for writting the names in french ( Porto, Coimbra, nazare , Guimarães, ...) and people was amazing , ...Give it a try if you have the opportunity.

  • Heey!! PSH is here already! I live close to Granada so I'm keeping an eye on this. Hopefully I will be able to know when they start filming and drop by. I'd like to see her or Hyun Bin in person. :)

  • I am looking forward to this drama in this exotic place , with these two talent actors. I am sure they are going to amaze us. Shin Hye enjoy your stay and build beautiful memories! I am sure the local fans will shower her with love! Fighting !!

  • I guess she accepted this drama way back in January since she planned her going to Spain to coincide with the filming at the end of the month. Wise girl! I wonder what Miss Koala thinks of her Little House In The Forest show. This girl can do just about anything! Is not afraid to look silly, going really bare faced... and most of all not shy about her love for food. SJS and her compliment each other for being polar opposites.

    • No...
      This trip was for the football match and she booked the ticket in January.
      She was still considering the SBS drama at that time.
      So she will be back again later for filming.

    • Best of luck!
      Hope you do find them filming!
      Good for you and for us too if you share the experience..?

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