
Suzy in Talks to Join Lee Seung Gi in K-drama Vagabond Setting Up Gu Family Book Reunion

No. Noooooooooo! I like Suzy and I love Lee Seung Gi but I have rarely disliked any of my baes smooshed together like I hated Suzy and Seung Gi in Gu Family Book. It was so much no bueno I still flash back to the particular feeling of agony realizing that drama was going to be crap very early on. It was brought on my Suzy’s worst acting role ever in her career which isn’t saying much to those who think she’s always a bad actress but there are still levels of bad and GFB was nuclear bad. Later on the drama writing also went to pot to no one’s surprise. To think that Suzy is now offered the female lead for upcoming K-drama Vagabond which has confirmed Lee Seung Gi has me shaking my head violently. They can never work together again, unless there is some Twilight Zone shit that happens where Vagabond miraculously works so well as to be the opposite of GFB. Yes, I’ll hope for that.

Ugh, I wish Suzy and GFB weren’t so bad, because visually Suzy and Seung Gi together are sooooooooo cute. *sniffles* Vagabond is from the PD of Giant, You’re All Surrounded, and Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim with the writing team of Giant, History of the Salaryman, and Empress Ki.


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  • oh no no no... What about that offer with Incheon Airport drama? Is JYP not able to "sell" Suzy so he signs her up with Vagabond as well? Oh horrible nightmares... LSG needs a better female lead after that disastrous Hwayugi, he worked with Suzy before so not again please... Can he bail out if Suzy signs on?

    • He has no luck with female leads...
      Suzy > Go Ara > Oh Yeonseo (she's good, but her performance was off during Hwayugi) > Suzy

      • His movie with Moon Chae Won was fun to watch, also she is in Brillant Legacy along with HHJ. HJW is excellent also. But yeah his drama luck recently has been pretty sucky... smh...

  • I finally found a good reason for him to turn this down. I hate to have to miss one of his dramas. I could barely get through GFU because of her. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I will not watch her again.

  • So it's between Incheon Airport People with Park Bo Gum or Vagabond with Lee Seung Gi. I wonder which one she'll choose. She'll be reuniting with either the PD and writer of Gu Family Book, or her lead actor from there.

    There were rumors months ago on DC that Suzy would be the female lead in here, but if she already accepted this drama at that time, I don't think she would still be considering Incheon Airport People, which was offered to her after the fact. Unless she plans to do both dramas.

    Two days ago there was a post that said there'd be an article released about the female lead of Vagabond, and yesterday it was revealed that Suzy is considering the offer.

    At the same time, it seems fishy that Park Bo Gum and Suzy were paired for the Baeksang Awards when Park Bo Gum hasn't had any drama or film appearances this year, and normally there are only two MCs.

    • Suzy and Park Bo Gum's drama news came out less than a week after news of their collaboration for Baeksang Awards. So it leads me to believe everything was already planned out ---> they accepted Incheon Airport People ---> then were paired for Baeksang Awards as a preview.

      And then there's this now with her rumored casting since months ago, and her agency saying she's still considering it as well.

      We'll just have to see what she goes with.

      Incheon Airport People = Romantic Doctor, Teacher Kim screenwriter
      Vagabond = Romantic Doctor, Teacher Kim PD

    • I get the feeling that both she and PBG turned down People of Incheon. This news wouldn't have leaked about her considering this drama if she and Bogum were positively considering the other one. I say this about Bogum as well, because she wouldn't have turned Incheon down if she knew he accepted as lead hahaha

      • Both are solid productions, though this one has potential to have better quality and more buzz due to how much money they're investing in it. Park Bo Gum and Suzy's pairing is expected sooner or later, whether or not they appear in Incheon Airport People.

  • I can't decide if Suzy is the next Jun Ji Hyyun, the next Kim Tae Hee or the next Yoon Eun Hye.

      • PSH has the ratings on her side at least (three hit dramas in a row, the last just two years ago and hitting 20 percent).

        But image-wise, I don't think anyone has that 'bitch I'm fabulous' vibe that's JJH's most distinctive quality.

      • Nah, JJH is JJH, her aura is totally different from any other actress. As Royal We said, she has that mysterious top star ’bitch, I’m fabulous’ aura, critical and commercial hits in dramaland and films. PSH is PSH too, with easy going down to earth type of aura, although she has hits in dramas and films too like JJH.

      • Exactly. Have we forgotten the 'to be replaced' TaeHyeJi have all had hit dramas/movies within the last 2-3 years? That's something Suzy hasn't had despite serious efforts (movies with big name costars, dramas with big name writers and Hallyu-popular costars etc).

    • Suzy is shorter & fatter than JJH, uglier than KTH, and cannot act (YEH is way way better as an actress). No comparison at all to these three!

      • Shorter, fatter and uglier. You should check and question your distorted perceptions.

      • @Imzadi - I don't think I need to check anything. This is my opinion. Don't question me even if you disagree coz I don't care what you think. This is my opinion.

      • @Imzadi - in fact, I think you should question the person who brought up JJH, KTH and YEH. I don't see any reason to compare a talentless idol to these three actresses, and that's the "distorted perceptions" you wish to clarify... lol...

      • @Gin - this is all relative... uglier as compared and fatter as compared... just my opinion.

    • It's insulting to Jun Ji Hyun to say that this is her heir-apparent.

      Everyone claims JJH wasn't a good actress back in her early days but she was a fine comic actress even as far back as My Sassy Girl. People bigged up her looks but she also had the talent, this retrospective besmirching of her skills to make Suzy look not as bad at acting, is rubbish.

      I love Yoon Eun Hye but even though she was a much better actress than Suzy at the same age, I can see more similarities there - both hit massive lucky breaks very early in their careers but haven't really had that kind of ratings/ticket sale success in a long time despite getting loads of endorsements (YEH between Coffee Prince and I Miss You, Suzy in the last five years).

    • I don't think they can be compared this way. Each generation has its own set of top actresses. By the next "TaeHyeJi", I think they mean the next set of top actresses. Suzy is one of the top for her age group, whether i-fans like it or not.
      Also, I don't think PSH needs to be the next anyone. She's a huge name by herself, and has been for a long time. I think Knetz has always acknowledged her as the top actress in her 20s, and not as anyone's successor.
      Another name which ifans always forget is Kim Tae-ri. Girl is rising fast. She's pretty and great in acting, and has starred in three acclaimed films th thus far. After Mr. Sunshine, she's going to join the ranks.

      Currently, these three are known as the next TaeHyeJi (in terms of success, not as replacements).

      • There was a recent vote about best idols turned actors and the female category had IU as number 1 and then there was Eunji and some one else. But Suzy wasn’t on that list. She might be Nation’s first love and she may acted in iconic film and drama like Architecture 101 and Dream High but she will be much like Kim Tae Hee, loved for her beauty in her youth (which I don’t get since I find Kim Taeri and Kim Go Eun prettier), but with no acting skills, she will just be a beauty icon…
        It depends if Kim Taeri will take more dramas. If she stays in Chungmuro, which I hope because dramas have badly written characters, then she will be more known as a movie star than a drama actress. TaeHyeJi have all made their biggest impact in dramas.

      • @prettyautumn: I don't trust that vote. It had Hyeri at 3 (who is imo, worse than Suzy). Of course, the other choices are great.
        Yeah Suzy is like Kim Taehee. They'll continue to be relevant until they are married.
        Jun Jihyun has made her name through films before My Love From the Star, so it doesn't matter.

      • @prettyautumn @sierra I wonder if instead of Hyeri, they meant her bandmate Minah, I'd think it was credible if Minah was the one in there since she's a pretty good actress.

        Hyeri was decent in Answer Me 1988 but that was solely down to a role tailored to her. That was her best, and it's still better than Suzy's best performances, but on worst performances, I think they're tied.

  • me to..NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ... they really need to do this with seung gi.. recycle his heroin? please ..so many good actress out there... for reunion better han hyo joo, ha ji won. they perfect to be a spy..

  • Get used to Suzy starring alongside your faves in bigger and bigger production dramas. I'm not even going to bother getting riled up in any way, she's an industry darling so she's not going anywhere.

  • My most objective reason for Suzy not taking this role is that she needs to take a lighter drama. Thus far, she and her agency have been us over the head trying to convince us she's a serious actress. She should try a cute rom-com and show how charming she is.

  • Her acting is what it is, I guess her agency wants to find her another likely hit project and they know the fastest way to do it is to stick her opposite a well-liked It boy/Hallyu star who'll compensate for her acting shortcomings.

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