
Prince Turns into Frog Leads Ming Dao and Chen Qiao En Reunite in New TW-movie

I love reunions and this one is a long ways out, thirteen years later to be exact. Upcoming Taiwan movie Let’s Cheat Together (Chinese title The Mayor’s Wife’s Secret) headlines Chen Qiao En as the titular mayor’s wife and Ming Dao has a role as the mayor’s fixer who gets brought in to clean up the mess when scandalous pictures of the mayor’s wife supposedly cheating with a TV show host. I have zero interest in the movie but loved hearing the script snuck in classic lines from Frog Prince into their dialogue, and hearing interviews where both shared fond memories of working well on the drama that rocketed them to stardom over a decade ago. Ah the good old days, and frankly both Ming Dao and Chen Qiao En are looking exactly the same if not aging better over the years.


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  • Ahhh Prince Turns Into Frog. Brings back such sweet memories. This was my very first and all time favourite TW drama. My second favourite being Autumn's Concerto with Vaness Wu and Ady An. What a classic!

    I absolutely loved the pairing of Ming Dao & Chen Qiao En. Ming Dao was gorgeous in PTIF as well as being a member of Club 183.

    It was such a shame they were unable to achieve the same success with their subsequent drama/s together. Would love to see them again, even if it's just to reminisce....

    • Wow! We have the exact same thoughts! Those 2 are my favourite TW dramas too and The Prince Who Turns Into A Frog being my first TW drama as well! Agreed, loved the Ming Dao and Qiao En couple ^^

      • ?????? too totally different dramas but both with amazing feels.

        Both pairings were great, actually would LOVE to see Vaness Wu and Ady An reunite for a drama too. Remember that scene where Vaness finds out the truth about his dad and confronts his mother about it in her room. So many tears and very emotional scene. Vaness Wu was very underrated.

        I might go back and re watch Frog turns into Prince. It's been a long time.

  • OMMMG ‘Autumn Concerto’ is my all time #1 favourite Taiwanese drama with Vanness Wu and Ady An. Watched it 3 times over the past 2 years and loved seeing them in his music vid ‘Aiya’. I found AC on Netflix by coincidence because a K drama brassed me off so much I started watching AC and ended up bingeing all 34 episodes in one hit. Oh yeah I pulled a sickie for a day. Oh fun times. Yep started watching more Chinese and Taiwanese dramas from then on and branched out to Japanese dramas too. ?

    • Totally with you on Autumn' s Concerto, the best drama and they had amazing on screen chemistry. Happy to re watch it any time.

      I find the older Tw dramas more enjoyable, haven't seen or heard any recent popular Tw dramas. Maybe you can recommend one you've seen recently which you enjoyed as much as A.C.?

      I find C dramas too long. I read so many positive reviews on Eternal Love with Mark Chao and Yang Mi but the thought of having to go through 58 episodes scared me. I maybe watched 2 episodes and dropped it because of the number of episodes.

      I have never watched J dramas, but tried to watch the J version of Rich man, poor woman recently. Because the K version is coming out soon. Couldn't get past the 2nd episode. I found it really slow and it didn't pique my interest.

      Maybe im just used to watching K dramas, but found the J drama very different and slow. i really couldn't get into it.

      If you can recommend any standout ones which are 10-20 episodes long. Doesn't matter from which country. It would be appreciated.

      • @Dramafan Sorry for the delay and thank you for the request. I feel kinda chuffed that you’ve asked for some recommendations as I’ve only been in Asian drama land for 2 1/2 years. I’m just a newbie and I haven’t watched a lot of the popular classics. However I would recommend ‘Go single lady’ with Ady An and Mike He as my follow up after AC. Then I went on to ‘Love Around’ and ‘Inborn Pair’ but that is 84 eps and you’ll need the patience of Job to get through it. I like Annie Chen so kinda watched a few of her dramas as well. I tend to watch actresses that I like and take my lead from watching all their work. If I chance upon another actress then I’ll watch their dramas. For J dramas I would recommend Boko no ito Jikan. That is a gem of a story in 11 eps. Then I went on to Satomi Ishihara’s ‘Jimi ni Sugoi! Kōetsu Girl Kuono Etsuko’ Pretty Proofreader. And yes I got as far as ep 2 for the J drama ‘Rich man’ and parked it too. So above are the dramas I’ve remembered and I will check out @ilikehim recommendations below too -Thank you for your post. Now back to hunting out my English subs for Lawless Lawyer on Viki. ?

      • If we are talking about Taiwan dramas, the newer (within the past 5 years range) ones that stand out are "Refresh Man" and "Marry me or not".

        Can go check them out :)

    • Have you seen, "Apple in Your Eye" with Blue Lan and Amber An? If not, I recommend this. It's one of the best "recent" Taiwanese dramas that I watched (as in, the past five years).
      More recent ones that I've liked were: The Teenage Physic with Yao-yao and newbee, Kent Tsai, as well as, the Q-Series, Love of Sandstorm. The latter has a wonderful ensemble cast but I personally watched it for the side story line of Greg Han Hsu (Chris Wu is actually the lead).

      • Thank you so much for your recommendations @Ann Joel & @ilikehim. I will check out your recommendations. I like Mike He,love Blue Lan and Chris Wu.

        I also like Lee Joon Gi, but will wait till LL has finished airing and then will marathon through.

        Scarlett Heart Rryeo was another all time favourite drama. Cannot believe the drama did not get high ratings. I struggled to move on when it ended and desperately wanted a season 2 for closure. I also went to see LJG in concert in Hong Kong.

        @Ann Joel re: your comments about Vaness Wu and Ady An being your favourite TW drama OTP. So totally with you there. Would love to see them re unite for a drama. I might catch Vaness Wu's new drama with Cecilia Cheung. If memory serves me correctly I don't think Vaness plays a good character/good man
        In this new one.

  • They've continuously worked together in so many projects after PTF. I always thought they'd end up together in real life too, I still think that... maybe just gut feeling but let's see lol.

    • Ady An got married last year to a Hong Kong business tycoon who is based in Macau and Vanness Wu married a Singaporean heiress. Unsure if they are still together or not. But I want AA & VW to reunite in a drama some day soon hopefully within the next decade. They are and will always be my all time favourite #1 Taiwanese OTP drama couple ever. Game over. ?

    • Oops sorry Deedee totally misread your post. I made the assumption you were referring to Ady An and Vanness Wu. My apologies.

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