
Kim Hyun Joong to Return with Fantasy Romance K-drama Three Years After Domestic Violence and Paternity Scandal

In the history of bad K-drama casting decisions this is going to rank as one of top three no bueno ideas. K-ent is reporting that disgraced but planning an entertainment career comeback idol-actor Kim Hyun Joong has been cast in an upcoming cable drama. It’s a 12-episode fantasy story called You Whose Time Has Stopped and will be Kim Hyun Joong’s first drama in 4 years since Inspiring Generation, and since his epic and awful scandal for domestic violence, abuse, and fathering a child with his ex-girlfriend and then involving a paternity fight all played out in court. The drama is about a time traveler with an unknown age and background who lives alone, and when he encounters the female lead he learns the true meaning in life. So it’s not just a K-drama return for Kim Hyun Joong, it’s via a romance K-drama. SO MUCH NO I CAN’T EVEN. The drama is slated to start filming in July with an October 2018 premiere on MBC Dream Net. Please let this be a bad dream….


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  • Oh dear who is going to the female lead? Maybe an idol who wants a shot at acting may try...don't think any decent actress will want to accept.

  • I knew this would happen after they allowed Park Shi Hoo to make a comeback. KHJ still has female fans overseas so it’s not surprising.

  • So you can treat women badly and rest a few years and get away with it with your career and fans intact. I think women should be smarter and come together in not giving these men an out. No one should be able to treat women badly and keep their careers and positions intact.

    • Well if you think about the fact how men in the west get away with such behaviour. I mean Trump didnt even need to go on a hiatus but instead was rewarded with a presidency it isnt at all surprising. At least KJH had to step back for 4 years and who knowd how he will be received back. It might be a gigantic flop.

      • He should be held accountable as well. My post was not meant to specify a country, in my opinion women everywhere should unite against this kind of thing. A hiatus does not make one'd deeds go away no matter how long.

  • Hip hip hooray best news today! Looking forward to seeing him on screen again and please anyone who wants to pour their righteous fairy dust on my comment just move right along! I’m fan of his work and what he does in his personal life is his business and if he’s working to earn a crust and pay for his son’s upkeep then so be it. Yes I am an international fan and have always been. Yayuurrr!!!! ?

    • I like how supportive you are of abusive relationship and domestic violent! Good job...keep it up...that's why our world is so fuck up. Lol...just for your pleasure, you're willing to iqnore the bad thing this disgusting excuse of a human did. Good luck if you should ever meet this type of person in real life

      • Now now Shirley please language dear we’re all adults here and so now breathe in through your nostrils and out through your ears. I wouldn’t want you to bust your windpipe or blood vessel with dem fighting words. Calm thy self and step back and being the fairy that you are do me a favour and sprinkle all that good righteous fairy dust over yourself and enjoy reading my post above once again and inhale what you can from what I wrote. Be nice now and do re read it again and again so that you understand in your simple fairy brain that I ‘support his work and what he does in his personal life is his business’. Sending you warm pink fuzzies so that you don’t ricochet off into your ceiling in the process ?

    • Really?? I used to be a fan of Park Yoochun, but after THE scandal, I still could not see his face. I just hope he lives quietly and righteously and learn from the lesson. So, I hope for the same with Park Shi Hoo, Kim Hyun Joong and anybody else who had similar cases. So, why would someone still want to make these people appear in public, be a role model again? Yes, his personal life is his business, a person is not guilty until proven otherwise, but these people are not proven to be not guilty either, their cases are not finished but dropped or whatever due to insufficient evidences n etc. I am not asking you to hate them, but can you not support them, just be neutral. The world is bad enough, don't use our rights to support something we are unsure whether they are right or wrong. If they are really right, let them prove to us, they are right, don't support them blindly. If they are unable to do that, then I believe they did not take this things seriously. So, why should I or we believe in them.

      • I’m watching his next drama and I’m a fan of his past work. Start a petition; go on his soompi thread and tell them your story. What part of ‘its his life, his business’ and that I’m only interested in him as an actor don’t you comprehend? Is that hard to follow that I watch dramas and I don’t really care what they do after they leave the screen. Yeah sure I read up and comment on it but my life doesn’t resolve around their personal life and making judgement calls to the point of obsession. I’ve been consistent in my comments in previous posts and nothing has changed since then.

      • Yoochun was accused of rape, then they found out it was a conspiracy with the accuser's boyfriend. People went to jail for that and it wasn't Yoochun.
        KHJ was exonerated in the end. I don't know about the other case. I would not speak up for them if so many people weren't so busy convicting them in the court of public opinion. The real court is what matters. The rest of us are just bystanders. If either of them come to your house and ask you out, then I guess that it would be appropriate for you to tell them no, because you think the courts are wrong. I don't want anyone, male or female to be abused, but for us to be negative about their lives when the preponderance of evidence is on their side just ends up as rumor-mongering. If we don't like their performances then we are free to ignore them.

    • As a woman who has suffered domestic violence (my ex beat me even in the street) I can't understand you. You say you admire his work, and I say to you this kind of shit (he's not a person) must be rotting in hell. My ex is working as a teacher in a famous college, with a Phd in Computer Engineering. He's admired, he publish a lot of articles. He seems normal, a nice guy. I was his first. He also beat his second woman, an his third... Really, I don't care if he wins a Nobel, he's trash, and his work is trash. Maybe if you had experienced this, you'll know how I want to puke evertime I see an abuser. You don't have to answer with sharp and "witty" words to this comment, I only wanted to share my view as a survivor. Really, don't answer me.

      • @Natalee It sad to know that you went through such bad experience. It must be hard for you. I feel really sorry for the real victims of domestic violence.

        However in KHJ case, based on press releases from both sides, looks like they both got physically with each other which involved pushing one another. Sound like in this case, the girl is stronger emotionally than Kim Hyun Joong.

      • @natalee -I’m sorry if you were offended by my comment and in all honesty it’s very brave of you to share your story but KHJ was taken to court; tried and not convicted but still bears the brunt and consequences of his actions.

    • @ Ann
      You are brave to highlight your perspective knowing how certain commentators here can throw in very strong and cutting remarks.

      Let’s see how he performs. I read that his last performance was commendable.

      • @Rei Thank you for your supportive comments.I post regularly using the same user name and I know that commentators will post in response.I’m glad there are still those who are informed and not quick to judge on these posts. There is still some goodness left in the world?

    • Mate that's your opinion but it just feeds into I can't get away with anything and that's disappointing. I wonder if you would draw the line at murder or paedophilia. Definitely not getting my viewing hits.

      • I am sure Ann Joel is not condoning vile acts like pedophiles and murderers. As much as lots of people choose to believe that KHJ beat up the wife according to her claims, he was never convicted of the charges. And as much as people feel that the court is bias, we are not the judge or prosecution team to say otherwise.

        Ann Joel is free to express whom she likes to see in a drama. And in this case, think again, why would his ex GF reconcile with him a few times even after she claimed he hit her? Anyone in the right mind would run away after being abused right?
        So while no one is condoning abuse in any manner, we are not in the position to throw stones at the accused person. I am not a fan of KHJ but I don’t think that it is fair to attack Ann Joel for her views.

      • @thegonggirl- Can you go and read up on the case and enlighten yourself before advocating if I would draw the line at murder and paedophila. Don’t insult my intelligence and show your naivety.

    • I am most agreed with u.. personal life should not mix up with what he is in his jobs ..not everyone knew exactly what is going in out there .. we are just wanting to watch his piece of work not those whom really want to mess up with him with his personal life . i like psh too ...

    • Well that is certainly because life does not stuck on a drama only. Supporting his work means supporting his life as an artist hence him as a person. And as far as i'm concerned you are definitely not living in a drama coz you are an actual human being whom are "all adults that breathe in through your nostrils and out through your ears" but then significantly try to limit thy life to the world of drama as an act of worshipper who idolize his work and asking others to judge you as so. Deym i would think you are consoling yourself with lies here--

      • @Hannasj- Again another take with your one sided view on the case; please go and read up before claiming that I’m ‘consoling myself with lies here’! The only consolation that you have going is your inability to comprehend actual facts of a case that found in KHJ favour.

    • Love this man...can't wait to see him again. Nothing's better than a man who won't give up on himself. It seems to be a fact that Koreans/netizens find it difficult to forgive but the truth is, if we live long enough, all of us, at some point, meet that wrong person or become involved in that wrong 'situation' (the one that we look back on it later and can't believe we let ourselves be 'that' crazy). KHJ has been through hell and probably feels like he's still in it. But if you guys can look at Ajusshi or Am I human too and feel like the woman was 'okay' to betray someone who'd not done a thing to her then I wonder about your sense of right.

      • I am pleased for him and looking forward to this drama. As far as I have read, his EX is fortunate that she is not in prison for manipulating evidence and lying to the court.
        He served his country honorably, he is back on track now. I hope he can continue to succeed. I wish more people would take the advice of Thumper's father in Bambi..."If you can't say something nice,don't say anything at all!" Thank you for the nice things you said. ?

  • Even if you leave the scandal aside which I see his oppalogist "international fans" are doing, he's still a shitty actor who has never had a successful drama as lead - literally all his non-BOF dramas are flops.

    He adds zero value to any project as an actor, unless it's negative publicity, "get this human trash away from state-supported channel" types.

    • How many times did she hit him?

      From where I live woman is not always the victim nor the man is. And certainly, women are not weaker being from over here.

      • @MistyEyes For god's sake he broke her ribs and she was hospitalized twice because of him and he called it "play around". Do you think someone who is physically stronger than a woman is right to abuse them in that extent? She is not a saint in this story but she surely is not wrong to a point to be beat up for a jerk like him. Have you even checked the messages he sent her? He is awful human being and that's it. No excuse here.

      • Geez...One thing I dislike is when woman project that women as weaker gender.

        Seriously... I am not siding KHJ but based on reports it is not right to condemn him. And definitely the girl is not a weakling as you think she is.

        One thing I can say about KHJ? He is not a smart person.

      • @MistyEyes she was the one who had to go to the hospital after being hit, not him. He admitted himself that he struck her. You still think she wasn't a victim of violence after that?

        Oh and this prince among men was also cheating on her - her discovery of his cheating was what triggered his violence.

      • And one thing I dislike are women who ignore science. We are the weaker gender. Period! That doesn't mean I agree we are inferiour and can't do something better than men. But when it comes to foul play force they are way stronger.

      • You can believe what you want to believe regardless if it’s true or not. Based on my objective reading, KHJ is a fool.

        I think it is just a cultural thing. But really women are not weaker being in my perspective. I’ve witnessed domestic violence involving couples that the man was the being abused and battered. I’ve witnessed couple who get into physical fights but it’s actually the woman who physically hit first. Believe me, woman can physically fight against a man.

      • No point stacking mistyeye. She is not siding him. She is making a point here that there’s two sides to the story.

        Nobody deserves to be beaten up and for goodness sake, which girl wanna keep getting back with the BF who beats them up? Is love an excuse to stay getting abused and to get beaten up? And to purposely get herself knocked up by a guy who is not married to her and then sue him a few times while still dating him after that?
        Which sane person wanna keep doing that?

  • Honestly, in this case, I think the both of them were in a toxic relationship, both are responsible for that. Now, violence should be avoided in all the cases, I mean if you're angry you just leave to calm down.

    Justice had handed down a verdict, so nothing should stop him working if he can. Nobody is forced to watch, listen, etc him. It's like Betrand Cantat in France. We are free to support those people or not but we don't have the right to force people to do the same as us.

    • I do think like you, their relationship ship wasn't sane bit I would like to add that Betrand Catand killed a woman and KHY not,she even had a baby with him and ask for money to heal herself.
      That's the problem ,it looks like money compensate the hurting.

  • Wasn't his ex crazy? And he was cleared of charges?
    Why you all so mad, just don't watch this if you don't like him

    • Wow at your excuse! You decide your lover is crazy, so hitting is a must??!! Can‘t you just leave her/him?

    • So, she was crazy? what is crazy for you? define the kind of mental illness she has. Crazy... of course. You know? when I explained to my friends that my ex was beating and mentally abusing me, initially they supported me, but after he "explained his own version", they desserted me. Why? because I was inmersed in a depression, I was scared to go out because he was stalking me, so I was tagged as "crazy" too. Too bad I didn't report him to police, I was so scared because he told me he would kill me.

    • Nope, the aggressions really happened and he even admitted by himself that he physically assaulted her once but she let the charges go once they came back together and that's the part his fans always forget. How convenient. Plus media shared their exchange of messages and he is awful person. But yeas she is not a good person neither.

      • Yah really why?

        These people throwing judgment clearly read & believe one side of the story. I am not saying KHJ is not guilty nor the ex because I simply don’t know what actually happened. Both parties could be lying all these time. Who knows? All I can say KHJ was a fool for throwing his future for a girl.

        I can’t imagine how judgmental people are and how difficult they are towards others. Why don’t they just chill because life is short. Be kind.

    • Betrand Cantant was convicted of murdering his mistress and was jailed for 8 years. After he got an early release he stayed with his ex-wife who then committed suicide and there is evidence that there was emotional and physical abuse from him. Much as I love Noir Desir I won't buy anything that he has produced subsequently. He has served time and he it is dead set on making money from his music. I would 'maybe' feel more sympathetic if proceeds of his earnings went to abuse victims. I as a consumer don't see the remorse and nor should my money pay for him to have a comfortable. Don't worry he would still be receiving royalties from all the hits of Noir Desir so me withdrawing financial support would not put him in the pit.

  • Actually there is NOTHING WRONG with Kim Hyun Joong... is the MAD WOMAN WHO HARM KHJ so badly.
    KHJ he's too kind !!!

    Please don't harm him anymore!!!

    Thank you ❤
    Aunty from SG

    • Ewww I'm ashamed to be your fellow countrymen. It's a fact that he was abusive to her, even if the abuse was mutual, HE DID HIT HER and sent those cringey messages. I wish your daughter or son will never have to go through an abusive relationship like this.

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