
Han Ji Min Cheerfully Tackles the Day in Official Stills From tvN Drama Knowing Wife

I’ve given Han Ji Min so much flack for her last drama that it’s only fitting in the drama karma sense to be feeling so conversely charmed by promos alone for her upcoming drama Knowing Wife (Familiar Wife). She looks so warm and carefree in these stills, I love the greenery in the background to make this drama feel alive. She’s the title of the show but onscreen husband Ji Sung is the catalyst that needs to find the wife he knows after a decision he makes changes the lives of those around him. A wish gone awry so to speak, and it’s going to be sad to learn why this onscreen married couple is so unhappy that he makes a decision with such drastic consequences. But then it’ll be fun to watch their do-over lives end with another bout of falling in love, because we all know drama karma says that he will fix things and emerge an even better person afterwards.


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  • Her previous drama is mostly the writers fault. I dont think other actress can make a difference. Its just sad that most of the blame was directed to her. I hope she bounces back with this drama. Writer and PD is a good combination

    • Totally agree with you! I remembered people gave her so much flack for it. Poor Ji Min. Probably why she stayed away from dramaland for so long. Lol. Excited to see how this drama plays out!

  • I love her! She has such a gorgeous smile! ? I've missed her so much in dramaland. I'm glad she's built up her name in films the past few years. Glad to have her back though! Especially alongside Ji Sung. ???